Author Topic: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7  (Read 109291 times)

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Offline taylor

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3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
Builds for:
 - Windows
 - Mac OS X (Universal Binary)
 - Linux - x86, x86_64 (just needs a quick install test)

 - Source tarball

Current 3_6_9 branch, with many fixes and a few optimizations.
(NOTE: If you had a problem requiring -disable_fbo previously, please try without it now and see if the problem has been fixed).

If there are any new, or old, bugs then please report them now.  There isn't much holding up the official release at this point so get your bugs addressed now, or forever hold your peace. :)

And if for some reason you still don't have them, the MediaVP patches to fixes various graphics issues:
« Last Edit: August 29, 2006, 11:57:55 pm by taylor »


Offline CP5670

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
It's not really major (at least I have been able to somewhat work around it), but it would be nice to have this bug fixed before the final release:

Unfortunately, this only happens on one of my computers, which rather complicates the issue.

[edit] Actually, I just noticed another problem. The game apparently is not using the new warpmap02 Knossos warpout effect in mv_effects.vp, but is reverting to the original low resolution one. Although I'm not sure whether this is a code problem or something in the media VPs. This only happens with the Knossos warpout, not the normal warpmap01 one.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 02:35:15 am by CP5670 »


Offline Zacam

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
(NOTE: If you had a problem requiring -disable_fbo previously, please try without it now and see if the problem has been fixed).

Rodger dodger, I'm on that like white on rice.

*Resume* Well, an hour later and success! I can run without having to add -disable_fbo without a single problem in both FS2 and FSPort. I ran several campaign missions in succession (as a new campaign and as single missions from tech room) and restarted every single one of them a minimum of 3 times apiece......and it worked flawlessly. (Ran both an existing pilot and a new pilot)

I also like the lighting. I think this one even has improvements on how lights shade and shadow (even though I know there is no shader or shadow code involved). I also like that engine glows don't bisect the ship model any more, or if they do, it's practically imperceptible. Ships changing thier orientation now properly occlude (obscure) thier own engine glows FAR more appropriately.

Code: [Select]
exe_filepath = C:\Games\FreeSpace2\fs2_open_r.exe;
game_flags = -ambient_factor 18.3 -spec_exp 16.7 -spec_point 0.6 -spec_static 0.9 -spec_tube 1.0 -spec -glow -env -jpgtga -mipmap -2d_poof -no_vsync -cache_bitmaps -dualscanlines -targetinfo -orbradar -ship_choice_3d -3dwarp -snd_preload -alpha_env -fps ;
active_mod = mediavps;

I also tested with and without -d3d_bad_tsys. I noted a slightly smoother over all apperance and performance with it on. No surprise there, since many of the textures likely are as inefficient as all get out. I also noted that setting AA in the driver seems to have more of an effect. I previously could not discern wether or not AA was actually enabled or not or be able to differentiate any of the various levels (other than when it was Off, of course.)

I still need to test the FSPort mission Red Alert involving the Zenith. I'm pretty sure the solution can be found in the campaign file and the two related mission files, but I recall someone saying it was an SCP problem, so I'll report back later on that unless someone beats me to it.

Right now, I'm going to now run debug and compare it's output to previous builds. (I'm that bored right now!)
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline PotzUK

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
Things I've noticed:

Starting the game doesn't play the intro movie (previous versions do)
The -mod tag doesn't seem to work??  I select my mod in the launcher but the campaign does not appear in the campaign selector (previous versions are fine)  The missions do show in the tech room  campaign mission selector though

Sorry  :sigh:


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
[edit] Actually, I just noticed another problem. The game apparently is not using the new warpmap02 Knossos warpout effect in mv_effects.vp, but is reverting to the original low resolution one. Although I'm not sure whether this is a code problem or something in the media VPs. This only happens with the Knossos warpout, not the normal warpmap01 one.

So that's why the Shivans used the old warpin effect in the first Knossos mission (the one where you destroy bunch of Mara's, a Rakshasa, a Cain and are introduced to Astaroth class fighters..).

I was wondering about this myself. It happens with RC6 also, though I haven't tested the missions with other builds.
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Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
If there are any new, or old, bugs then please report them now.  There isn't much holding up the official release at this point so get your bugs addressed now, or forever hold your peace. :)
Would it be possible to get THIS bug fixed or given a selective disable/enable feature?  It would be most beneficial to TBP, which relies heavily on swarming primary weaponry, on single-part turrets.

Furthermore, has your extension to the multi-species code made it into this build?
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Offline Tolwyn

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
Starting the game doesn't play the intro movie (previous versions do)

RC7 isn't playing avi movies (not just intro.avi)
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

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Offline taylor

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
It's not really major (at least I have been able to somewhat work around it), but it would be nice to have this bug fixed before the final release:
Unfortunately I can't reproduce this, which makes it nearly impossible for me to fix.  I've tried to two test missions that you had made many, many times but it has always worked properly for me.

[edit] Actually, I just noticed another problem. The game apparently is not using the new warpmap02 Knossos warpout effect in mv_effects.vp, but is reverting to the original low resolution one. Although I'm not sure whether this is a code problem or something in the media VPs. This only happens with the Knossos warpout, not the normal warpmap01 one.
Hmm, works fine for me.  I'll just assume that it's a MediaVP issue for now, but I'll keep this in mind and see what comes of it later.

The -mod tag doesn't seem to work??  I select my mod in the launcher but the campaign does not appear in the campaign selector (previous versions are fine)  The missions do show in the tech room  campaign mission selector though
A lot of work was done to how it handles campaigns, mostly to fix bugs.  Which mod is it?  Are you getting any messages from the game about it not finding the campaign?

Would it be possible to get THIS bug fixed or given a selective disable/enable feature?  It would be most beneficial to TBP, which relies heavily on swarming primary weaponry, on single-part turrets.
I keep assuming that Goober or WMC will take that one on, but I just don't know when it will be fixed.  I might take a look at it this week (I assume that there is an easy way to reproduce this for testing?  Post in TBP internal if there is something specific that I need to know), but I've already got several other issues to work out for 3.6.9.

Furthermore, has your extension to the multi-species code made it into this build?
Yes, you can now have 13,726 species, or how ever many it was that you wanted. :D

RC7 isn't playing avi movies (not just intro.avi)
Crap.  And after all of that work I had done to fix the file finding issues.  Ok, I'll try and fix this shortly and update the builds.


Offline Freespace Freak

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
Awesome!  I'll download it!


Offline 666maslo666

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
-Isnt this bug supposed to be fixed in RC7, Taylor? I still have this blurry explosions, they looks ugly compared to TBP.
-I also cannot login to mantis through this link is it down?
-And one noobish questioon: How u make hyperlink with other word than link adress? :confused:
btw I like new beam lightning great work :yes:
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Offline karajorma

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
The -mod tag doesn't seem to work??  I select my mod in the launcher but the campaign does not appear in the campaign selector (previous versions are fine)  The missions do show in the tech room  campaign mission selector though
A lot of work was done to how it handles campaigns, mostly to fix bugs.  Which mod is it?  Are you getting any messages from the game about it not finding the campaign?

That's not an error with the -mod option. The mod is loading fine but it's not loading in the campaign names correctly so you can't see them in the campaign room. I've sent Taylor an email about it already.
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Offline Freespace Freak

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
-And one noobish questioon: How u make hyperlink with other word than link adress? :confused:
btw I like new beam lightning great work :yes:

I've been hardcoring it.  Pretend the following are brackets (that look like this [ and this ])  isntead of parenthesis.  When you press the hyperlink button, you get this: (url)(/url)

What you do is after the where it say "url" in the first bracket, you put "=" an then place the http there.  Then in between the brackets you put the text, so it should look like this:  (url= and it'll come out like this: yahoo.


Offline karajorma

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
Whenever you see a forum trick you want to replicate the best thing to do is to simply quote the message. You'll instantly see how it was done then :)
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline taylor

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
The missing campaign issue is fixed (caused by a stupid code bug well deserving of a: :snipe:).  Once I figure out the AVI issue I'll update the binaries.

-Isnt this bug supposed to be fixed in RC7, Taylor? I still have this blurry explosions, they looks ugly compared to TBP.
Yeah, it's fixed.  There is more than one issue which causes it though.  The latest one was a code issue, the usual cause is just issues with the MediaVPs.  I have custom MediaVPs, and don't have any problems with it now, so if there is still an issue then it's probably related to the official MediaVPs.


Offline CP5670

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
Unfortunately I can't reproduce this, which makes it nearly impossible for me to fix.  I've tried to two test missions that you had made many, many times but it has always worked properly for me.

Well, it's good to know that you've taken a look at it. It seems to be something specific to certain computer configurations. I have just removed that explosion from the mission where it was causing a problem, so it's not really getting in the way right now.


Offline Tolwyn

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
debug build does not even start for me. Error log is attached

[attachment deleted by admin]
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

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Offline Zacam

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
Erm. Not to be an arse-hat here, but I have no problems with either MVE's or AVI's playing. ??? *shrug*
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline taylor

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
Erm. Not to be an arse-hat here, but I have no problems with either MVE's or AVI's playing. ??? *shrug*
I updated the build with the fixes just before HLP went down.  Never got the chance to update the post to mention that though.

I also managed to break multi-play a little bit (my 3rd totally dumb-ass bug in one commit), so I might update the build again tonight.  Not a big deal unless you play multi though.  So, lets keep a running tally:

Dumb-ass bugs:
 - missing campaign bug: when looking for campaigns I never changed the count, so each name overwrote the last, and it would only show one
 - broken AVI/MPG movies: new CFILE code to properly handle load order, got the file path but forgot to copy it out for the AVI movie player to use
 - can't play multi due to missing campaign: a campaign check for missing/no campaign file for single player was also used for multi player and prevented you from getting into the multi readyroom

All minor and stupid things.  It's so bad that Goober even laughed at me in an e-mail.  But, I blame Backslash for the code failures.  No particular reason, just that I can push the blame his way, since it's all his fault.  :D


Offline Backslash

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
:lol: Good to see I have some effect on the development process ;) no such thing as bad publicity, right? heh heh

I did figure out the CR / LF issue, so my commits won't be messy any more.

Very nice build so far.  Hey, what's the story with the long-standing different-FOV-with-2D-lines-vs-3D-models bug?  (...and what is the proper NAME for that bug, for one thing ::))  Do you think it is a hidden math error (somewhat similar to the floating point problem) that I might have a hope of helping track down (save you time/trouble), or is it just eldritch render code needed that I have no chance to survive?


Offline PotzUK

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Re: 3.6.9 Release Candidate 7
This probably isn't related to RC7 per say, but if I play a campaign with Pilot A, then quit, load a different mod, reload the game and go into the barracks it won't let me back out because it can't find the pilots active campaign. 

I mention it because I can't remember which campaign I last used with this pilot, so now it won't let me play with it!  :(