You know the response you're going to get from V. Best to let them handle stuff because they are apparently busy people with maintenance stuff for the fs series on the back burner. Best to be a little a bother as possible, and maybe they'll get to it.
Then again some people around here aren't afraid to let loose with messages back to V, so as long as we have those few courageous, we should take advantage of them in a responsible manner.
Really in the forums somebody should put up a stickied thread with all the messages sent to V and all of the replies, so we make sure we don't ask them the same questions a million times over again. I know many on this forum have done so without even thinking about it, and i don't mean one person. One person will send in a question to V, and a new member will join the hlpbb and send in the same question to V. This is just an example, there's other ways this has happened before too, mainly just from normal members with a curiousity not researching the forums to see whether or not that question they have was answered by V or not. Yet again, searching the forums is good.
Speaking of that picture, that's one high detail ulysses, and that's one averagely fs1 non-htl ursa

Wierd combination, high not in-game detail, along with average in-game detail (the original non-htl ursa of course).