Author Topic: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)  (Read 27418 times)

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Offline Vidmaster

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RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
"When empires rise and fall, alliances are forged and broken, wars are won and lost, the universe gives birth to its greatest heroes. Some become legend, others are forgotten, buried in the sands of time. But all of them shaped our destiny..."

I tried to come up with some new ideas concerning briefings (->recommendations!) and story development, at least I hope so.
Have fun, people.


- what is this about ? - download, play, find out!
- this is the worst campaign I've ever seen! - I like it. Go away! EDIT: A lot of other people liked it too. Conclusion: You suck!
- I noticed that bug/logical error - please mail or pm me so I can fix it. Don't be afraid, I don't bite.
- who to blame for the bugs - me. I made changes after the testers finished their work, which resulted in most of the bugs in the campaign. Next time, I know better.
- that name sounds familiar to me... - the campaign is filled with little homages to other video games and their characters. But don't be fooled: This is a serious attempt to tell a serious story in the B5 universe and chances are high that you won't identify a single one of them.
- system/planet whatever doesn't look like in the show - do it better!
- I hate the Zephyr. I don't want to fly it! - who doesn't? Be strong and survive the first missions. I gave you 300% hitpoints to prevent getting stuck because of that terrible fighter.
- I am truly masochistic and want to fly the Zephyr all the time! I just love it sssooo much - no comment
- who to flatter and thank for this ? - The ranking goes as following: 1.) JMS 2.) Volition Software 3.) The TBP team 4.)The HLP community, especially FUBAR-BHDR 5.) myself. But better ignore me and woreship the others! EDIT: On the other hand, I could use a few servants.
- will there be a sequel? -  :nod:    EDIT: DONE!
- how to install ? - download the file, unpack it and place it in your TBP folder.
- it's very hard, even on medium! - Yes, TBP isn't as easy as good old FS2. Change to easy. Some scripted events don't take place then.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 08:46:24 am by Vidmaster »
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.

Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)

Looks good downloading


Offline DiabloRojo

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
Aside from a few quibbles with typos/writing and one odd mission problem, having good fun with this so far!  :yes:

On the mission problem:
The first time through the mission to take the Brakiri cruiser, I disabled it first, then the mission ended as a failure with no debriefing.  The second time, I disarmed first and it continued properly.  I haven't looked at the mission yet, but I imagine it'll be an easy fix.


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
I'm looking forward to playing this. :D
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
yes, mission 2 is buggy, since it's not the final version. By accident, I included the wrong one in the vp. The newer version has a little bit more dialog, not that extreme purple ambient light, fewer enemies, a weaker capship, stronger wingman and a different failing script. You see, lot of stuff is missing in M2.

STILL: I wasn't able to reproduce the bug, even if the version in the vp. You say it just "ended" right away ??? Maybe you disabled it exactly when it tried to depart, I couldn't think of another explanation.
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.

Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
i can confirm what diablo said about the "ending" bug in mission 2
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Offline Vidmaster

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
strange. I approach the Rising Star, fire some Venoms at the engine, disable it and the mission continues properly. I help my wingmates to disarm it, and then ---cut because of spoiler---. After the area is secure, the mission ends, I get the correct debriefing and I continue to Mission 3.
Tried it the other way, disarmed first. Still no problems...   
« Last Edit: October 29, 2007, 02:27:06 pm by Vidmaster »
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.

Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
it only happend to me once and i also cannot reproduce it until now
Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way!!


Offline maje

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
From what happens in Mission 2, I'll just use the Kobiyashi Maru solution.  Hey, if it worked for James T. Kirk at Starfleet Academy, I see no reason why it can't work here. :D
Deuternomy 22:11 explained:

Well there are many different speculations going on about this law about not mixing fibers and at least one explanation claims that it was a symbolic gesture designed to keep a pure sense of culture, people, and religion.  Seperation of crop  in the vinyard, mentioned in Dt. 22:9 and 22:10 seem to reaffirm this idea, though there may be other reasons as well.

And now, an excerpt from the Prayer of Mordecai, the Book of Esther Chapter C (New American Bible Official Catholic version).

Est C:5  You know all things.  You know, O Lord, that it was not out of insolence or pride or desire for fame that I acted thus in not bowing down to the proud Haman.  6  Gladly would I have kissed the soles of his feet for the salvation of Israel.  7  But I acted as I did so as not to place the honor of man above that of God.  I will not bow down to anyone but you, my Lord.  It is not out of pride that I am acting thus.

Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
Kobayashi rulez :-D

the mission with the tanker in the asteroid field seems to be buggy, when all the Drazi are finally destroyed and the two ships leave the asteroid field in formation with my fighter wing, they jump away without us, I cant manually engage the jumpdrive and the "approach the carrier" tactic doesnt work either

any ideas?


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
okay people, I got the problem. I couldn't reproduce the bug because I had the working version in the missions folder, which overrides the Mission in the vp.
In that version, there is a failing script based on "has departed" but the vp mission is based on a "waypoints are done" with a delay. The waypoint idea proofed to be buggy so I changed it, but like I said, by accident, there is the wrong version in the vp.

mission 5:
actually, it is intended that you cannot jump, but the mission should end 3 seconds after the capships open the jumppoint.
I am deeply ashamed to admit, that apparently, during the addition of an new dialog line after Macfie and Orph tested, I used copy and paste over the "finish" event, therefore that mission cannot be finished at the moment :mad: :mad: :mad:    :sigh:
I upload a working version right away.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 09:58:49 am by Vidmaster »
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
okay, fixed version online. Use the link in the first post, it leads to the new vp now. Just delete the old one. I am not an expert, but it might be necessary to restart the campaign, I am not sure.
I took out all the files not needed for this first installment , therefore minimizing the filesize.

I hope there are no more bugs of that magnitude :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: and I hope I haven't created new ones in my hurry now  :shaking:
I received a question about "not being able to hit the engines of the BI Rising Star":
This is a problem with the model itself. To hit it properly, you must actually hit the middle of that engine thing from above, so you will have to enter the ship's structure. And by the way, you are better of if you send you wingman to disarm the Star, since they are not smart enough to really damage the engine subsystem.

EDIT: Hey, over 100 downloads!  :D
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 11:51:02 am by Vidmaster »
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
Well done Vidmaster. 101 tomorrow evening. :) Anyone else want to make campaigns for The Babylon Project? Over 120 ships to play with.
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
Just a little hint: Already got 40% of the sequel finished and I used a lot of ships previously unseen in campaigns  ;7 ;7 ;7
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 11:50:21 am by Vidmaster »
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.

Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
im having trouble in one of the missions where you have to disable the pandora but after you finish the mission the big cash tell you to get within 300 meters for it to jump well i do that and i dont go in the jumppoint and im stuck in dead space how do i fix this is it a glitch or is it someting that was not complete? Hints would be nice


Offline boewolf

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
Just something i have noticed with the capture the Pandora in the asteroid field...  Does the Pandora always self destruc when you destroy the fighter escort first with other people or is that just me...

Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
 :cool: :cool:Let me say, in front of all those witnesses, you are a capable man and deserve some paid holiday!  :cool: :cool:
Ladies and gentlemen, let's put it together for VIDMASTER!!! Yeey! Woohoo! :wakka:

That was an awesome campaign, interesting storyline and convincing missions. I even loved the hyperspace mission where you run into the Shadow vessel, sends chills down my spine.

I have only one complaint...
[well-meaning sarcasm follows] WHY ARE YOU STILL NOT DONE WITH THE SECOND AND THIRD AND FOURTH CAMPAIGN PARTS!?!? I WANT MOOOORE. Promise me you will do... at least... 120 missions or so. [sarcasm ends, user returns to reality with a lingering sense of adrenaline and electrical excitement in the air]

I even dreamt about Mission 5 last night (NO no joke, and YES this time my ship DID jump) :D


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
Just something i have noticed with the capture the Pandora in the asteroid field...  Does the Pandora always self destruc when you destroy the fighter escort first with other people or is that just me...

That's just you or more likely your wingman: The pandora explodes if you destroy one of the tanks ( FULL OF QUANTIUM 40!  :shaking: ) or destroy the tankers engines (they overheat->melting process reaches tanks->boom).

There is one rare bug left in the mission, if you take out the pandora first and THEN destroy the escort, the cash jumps in WHILE launching the Adventure and blockades its way.  I will do something about that when I get the chance, but like I said it's an unlikely bug.

I even loved the hyperspace mission where you run into the Shadow vessel, sends chills down my spine.

ever tried doing "a keffer" ?    ;)   if you know B5, you will know what I am talking about...

im having trouble in one of the missions where you have to disable the pandora but after you finish the mission the big cash tell you to get within 300 meters for it to jump well i do that and i dont go in the jumppoint and im stuck in dead space how do i fix this is it a glitch or is it someting that was not complete? Hints would be nice

That's a bug which is fixed by now. Please redownload. Again, I apologise for that silly mistake. Both testers had a working version, but it appears that I removed the possibility to complete the mission afterwars, so blame me. :nervous:

and YES this time my ship DID jump

see above. :wtf:
« Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 03:49:52 pm by Vidmaster »
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline boewolf

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Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
Vidmaster I really must thank you for you efforts in this camp.  It was fun, challenging and something quite different.  Great work.

Re: RELEASE: Fortune Hunters - 2259 (TBP)
I have a bit of a dilemma in the mission where you have to destroy 6 centauri transports is there a way not to fail the mission because Ive tried 3 diffrent approaches and i still failed the mission, or are you supposed to fail the mission and escape thought he jumpgate any question or tips someone can give me? :hopping: