Author Topic: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release + Extended Version Release  (Read 94397 times)

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Offline IceyJones

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Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release + Extended Version Release

here is the final-final release. sound is mp3 now and the video is XVid, both with high rates and no difference visible to original rendering. filesize approx. 50 MB.......enjoy.

Link to old version removed

EXTENDED VERSION AVI (77 mb):;9332734;/fileinfo.html

EXTENDED VERSION OGG (68 mb):;9333129;/fileinfo.html

- DL and copy the file of your choice to your fsport/data/movies folder

- then modify the "freespace.fc2"-campaign-file this way:
  add  the filename under mission options of mission "sm2-10a" into "briefing cutscene"

- save the campaign

during the campaign it will play then

« Last Edit: February 01, 2008, 06:55:59 am by IceyJones »


Offline Cobra

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Did you try converting it to .ogg?

Also, I bow to your cutscene prowess. :D

[EDIT] Damn, that's good stuff. FPS remains a bit low in some places, and you didn't take Goober5000's suggestion about the beam firing sequence. :( (You know, the one about firing the beam, then transitioning into the beam impact scene. Would shave about three seconds off)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 07:13:14 pm by Cobra »
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Offline IceyJones

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
not yet...everyone feel free to do that 4 me ;)

but just rename avi to ogg and it will work i think.....its xvid and mp3


Offline Vasudan Admiral

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Very nice! :D
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Offline CKid

Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
@#%!ing great! Nice to see cains with the Super Destroyer. :yes:

not yet...everyone feel free to do that 4 me ;)

but just rename avi to ogg and it will work i think.....its xvid and mp3

renaming avi to ogg does not work.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 08:31:49 pm by CKid »
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Enjoy your highlight and title. :)

(I still say you should have changed the beam firing sequence though. :()


Offline Flipside

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Extremely nice work! I'm impressed.


Offline phreak

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Offically approved by Ebola Virus Man :wtf:
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Offline Hippo

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
i have no words.
VBB Survivor -- 387 Posts -- July 3 2001 - April 12 2002
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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Phreak pretty much captured my train of thought.

Great work and impressive subspace exit for the lucifer. (the cains must have either already been there or . . . ya what's up with that?)

I would have liked many beam shots as well. Perhaps the luci can beam the camera as it looks up at the lucifer from the point of view of vasuda?


Offline Nuclear1

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release

I love you.
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!


Offline CP5670

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Excellent work on this. I love the initial warp-in effect and camera angles.

One minor suggestion: you may want to change the planet image, as Vasuda Prime is darker and more grayish (the planet looks more like Io right now). There is one command briefing animation in FS1 where you can see what Vasuda Prime looks like.


Offline BlackDove

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Maybe it's the one that shows the planet being beamed to death. -_-

Great job man, perfect, couldn't have been done better.


Offline azile0

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Wow, that was simply astounding! The great models, the exellent camera (Very nice job with the camera!) And, where can I get the beam, lolgosh? That was awsome!
You get one chocolate chip.

. <--- There it is.

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
You, sir, are amazing. :yes:
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Offline IceyJones

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
hello everyone,

thanks for the flowers  :pimp:

i know that there are still some things that could have been improoved, but sometimes you have to declare something finished or it never will be....but as we have a release now most people can "work" with, maybe i find the time to extend it piece 4 piece.....

regarding the cains. someone said it would be nice to see, that lucy is not alone. they represent the fleet. but my intension was not to show the arrival of them, but lucy´s. so i declare that they jumped in a few minutes before and met lucy on their way to the planet  ;)

sorry for not changing the sequence. i sat there last night and thought about it but found no simple solution for changing this, as this would have changed the whole music-cut and the way it is actually fits perfectly imho. furthermore i would have had to re-render the complete sequence as the timings would be wrong then  :( sorry....:warp:

but many thanks for the highlight....didnt expected that and i´m very surprised and happy about it  :eek2:

how do you like the hell-scream when lucy is moving into the camera?

btw 2:
the lucy model i got from VA. the others are just extracted from the VP´s and converted to cinema. only thing i had to do in all cases is reconstructing the materials as the ex- and import does not work. only the uva-coordinates as well as the poly-selections come with the obj-files i created out from 3d-explorer....

sounds are original except the music. its from B5-narn-bomobardment. a m8 from the board here sent it to me. and finally the hell-scream is from doom3.

btw3 @ azile0
the beam is a mixture of 4 different, visible lights with a well tweaked wavy-noise....i´ve done an xpresso-coding for it. so i only need to animate two parameters for all (length and visibility) and not both for all four lights.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2007, 02:44:19 am by IceyJones »


Offline gevatter Lars

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Looks very pretty. I like it.

The scream when the Luci passes by is good. Gives it even more a feeling of beeing evil ^_^

Little things would be that I don't like the engine glows on the Shivan ships and that the Luci seams to be very shine/reflective. You could see the starts beeing reflected on it. First I thought it was a rendering problem.
As said this are very little things.
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Offline IceyJones

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
Quote from: Cobra
[EDIT] Damn, that's good stuff. FPS remains a bit low in some places, and you didn't take Goober5000's suggestion about the beam firing sequence. :( (You know, the one about firing the beam, then transitioning into the beam impact scene. Would shave about three seconds off)

result would be a complete re-render as some scenes need to run slower then in order to fit the music again  :doubt: three seconds are a lot....

Quote from: CP5670
One minor suggestion: you may want to change the planet image, as Vasuda Prime is darker and more grayish (the planet looks more like Io right now). There is one command briefing animation in FS1 where you can see what Vasuda Prime looks like.

i know the animation and it is not consistent. the view on the city shows a VERY orange-brown-colour of the sky and the orbit-escape scene shows this gray....i liked the orange more ;)

Quote from: jediben20
Great work and impressive subspace exit for the lucifer. (the cains must have either already been there or . . . ya what's up with that?)

see my explanation above ;)

Quote from: jediben20
I would have liked many beam shots as well. Perhaps the luci can beam the camera as it looks up at the lucifer from the point of view of vasuda?

had such a scene included but had to cut it out. somehow it does not fit to the music unfortunately. on some battlefields you have to calculate with casualties  :lol:

Quote from: gevatter Lars
Little things would be that I don't like the engine glows on the Shivan ships and that the Luci seams to be very shine/reflective. You could see the starts beeing reflected on it. First I thought it was a rendering problem.

i know. i have only a little fresnel-reflection on the material. i thought it is a good compromise to the original and media-VP-lucifer which is like a mirror! only problem is, that due to the low-poly-mesh you get some hard edges in the surface the phong-shading cannot compensate.

and the enginge-glows are original media-VP ones....
« Last Edit: December 17, 2007, 03:07:12 am by IceyJones »


Offline Snail

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
****ing FileFront won't let me download it... :(


Offline IceyJones

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Re: Vasuda-Toasting-Cutscene / FINAL-Release
thats it works perfectly