Author Topic: Something that's nearing completion ... is released  (Read 28973 times)

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Offline Col. Fishguts

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Something that's nearing completion ... is released
Well, work on this literally started years back (2004 if the file info is correct) and I've been working on it on and off whenever nothing else needed to be done for TBP. In the meantime I had to learn how to make decent textures from scratch among other little things. But now I'm happy with the texture job, LODs and debris are done, most of the POF data is also finished. It just needs some final touches on the table and a specmap, but that will be done some time next week.

So here's a preview of my first model created for FS2 (and not TBP). The GTB Rhea, a light strike bomber designed to be a true successor to the Athena.

Tech entry fluff:

The Rhea is Han-Ronald's next generation strike bomber. Basically it is a fighter airframe with a large enough bomb bay to carry 4 Cyclops torpedoes. Additional armament consists of a triple-barreled primary bank under the port wing and a small missile bank on top of the fuselage.

Its primary role as a strike bomber is to conduct precisions strikes against targets without the need for a dedicated escort wing. A typical tactic used by its pilots is to punch a hole in the defending fighter screen of their target before the bombs are delivered. Additionally, the Rhea can be deployed in larger fleet engagements to disable and disarm enemy capital ships with Stiletto II missiles and then support the space superiority wings.

The Rhea has powerful engines and a large afterburner capacity, making it the fastest ship in the GTVA fleet to carry the Cyclops torpedo. Together with the strong armor and shields for a ship its size, this gives it the ability to survive bombing runs on heavily defended targets. However, that ability comes with the price of reduced maneuverability due to its relatively high mass and asymmetrical layout.

UPDATE: It's finished, download HERE
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 02:05:37 pm by Col. Fishguts »
"I don't think that people accept the fact that life doesn't make sense. I think it makes people terribly uncomfortable. It seems like religion and myth were invented against that, trying to make sense out of it." - D. Lynch

Visit The Babylon Project, now also with HTL flavour  ¦ GTB Rhea


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
Bleh, i had a fighter i wanted to name the GTF Rhea.. oh well, the ship itself is ownage  :nod:


Offline blowfish

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
Very cool bomber, but I hate offset gun banks.


Offline Hellstryker

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
I love em, for the look anyway

Re: Something that's nearing completion
I love the texturing. Simple yet attractive. Could maybe use a bit more detail (like some smudges or scratches and stuff) but otherwise it's great! Mind if I blatantly imitate it? :p

Oh and I personally think the gigantic triple turret is awesome.
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Offline blowfish

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
I love em, for the look anyway

They look ok, but they are a b*tch to use.


Offline Getter Robo G

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
Awesome job!  :yes:

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
Bah. Myrmidon is all I say. Two Heliai (Helios plural? Sounds crappy though) missiles on that, probably superior speed and SIX banks.

Sorry, the Myrmi owned the Rhea :p
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Offline Woolie Wool

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
I consider the Myrmidon's use of Helios cheating, and it seems utterly ridiculous that the Myrmidon could carry bombs (where would they come out?), so therefore the Myrmidon is still the worst new fighter in FS2. Thank you, come again.

Could you add a couple more guns in the nose?
16:46   Quanto   ****, a mosquito somehow managed to bite the side of my palm
16:46   Quanto   it itches like hell
16:46   Woolie   !8ball does Quanto have malaria
16:46   BotenAnna   Woolie: The outlook is good.
16:47   Quanto   D:

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Offline Cobra

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
Interesting design. I like it. :) :yes:
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I wept. Mysterious forces beyond my ken had reached into my beautiful mission and energized its pilots with inhuman bomb-firing abilities. I could only imagine the GTVA warriors giving a mighty KIAAIIIIIII shout as they worked their triggers, their biceps bulging with sinew after years of Ivan Drago-esque steroid therapy and weight training. - General Battuta


Offline Col. Fishguts

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
I love the texturing. Simple yet attractive. Could maybe use a bit more detail (like some smudges or scratches and stuff) but otherwise it's great!. Mind if I blatantly imitate it? :p

Go ahead, I was trying to imitate the FS1 look anyway. This is what I consider a factory new look with some light weathering and dirt.  I think at one point I'm gonna do a heavily weathered and battle-scarred version with some fancy shark decal on the nose. But drawing convincing scratches and damage is harder than I hoped.

About the offset gun bank, well I wanted to do an asymmetrical ship from the beginning. Plus its also supposed to be a slight penalty, since I didn't wan to create another uber-ship-of-doom. And I know that the Myrmidon can carry the Helios, but I consider that a glitch or easter egg of :v: since its never used in the main campaign. Also, the Myrmidon is ugly as hell and can go and die in a fire.
"I don't think that people accept the fact that life doesn't make sense. I think it makes people terribly uncomfortable. It seems like religion and myth were invented against that, trying to make sense out of it." - D. Lynch

Visit The Babylon Project, now also with HTL flavour  ¦ GTB Rhea


Offline Mad Bomber

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
Looks great! My only complaint is that 3 guns is slightly too light an armament IMO, and perhaps adding a pair of noseguns might be in order.

*totally not complaining about offset gunbanks whatsoever*
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 06:48:11 pm by Mad Bomber »
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Re: Something that's nearing completion
I love it, I really love it! I'd be flying this in dogfights all the time, loaded up with Piranhas.

While I adore the offset gun mounts, I do really think it could afford to have another gun in the nose. Have the tech fluff (or even the table entry) note that the triple gun mounts are meant for Maxims, Akhetons, or tactical weapons. Like the Ursa, it would be useless for dogfighting without them. Compensate with low weapons energy capacity if you must.
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Offline S-99

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
The athena had the best firing points of any fighter or bomber in the game. They were dead on accurate, the penalty for them was that the most powerful weapon you could equip on the athena was the avenger cannon. Dead on firing points while not being able to equip the most powerful laser and being able to carry actual bombs would truly be a successor to the athena.

On the other hand cool ship :yes: It doesn't seem very fs'ish right now, but that's bound to change since the textures are going to be worked on more as it is for battle scars. The cockpit is very reminiscent of the apollo fighter which is great. For the color scheme of the rhea i would make it more colored like the apollo than what it is now. Right now it seems like the ship is a cross between an fs apollo and a bsg mark 2 vyper. Different coloring on it, and weathering and battle scars, then you'll have something that'll be a nice advancement with the unkowns of post capella fs.
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Offline Vasudan Admiral

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
That looks superb. Well done. :yes:
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
no pic :(
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Offline Hellstryker

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
You obviously are quite blind then :p Theres a big old pic right there and if i can read it with all my ****ty anti viruses/spyware/popup blockers you should be able to too

Re: Something that's nearing completion
The athena had the best firing points of any fighter or bomber in the game. They were dead on accurate, the penalty for them was that the most powerful weapon you could equip on the athena was the avenger cannon. Dead on firing points while not being able to equip the most powerful laser and being able to carry actual bombs would truly be a successor to the athena.

On the other hand cool ship :yes: It doesn't seem very fs'ish right now, but that's bound to change since the textures are going to be worked on more as it is for battle scars. The cockpit is very reminiscent of the apollo fighter which is great. For the color scheme of the rhea i would make it more colored like the apollo than what it is now. Right now it seems like the ship is a cross between an fs apollo and a bsg mark 2 vyper. Different coloring on it, and weathering and battle scars, then you'll have something that'll be a nice advancement with the unkowns of post capella fs.

Hm. I think it IS freespacy, somekind of Zeus clone (Which gets my reward as 'the fighter-bomber almost never seen in the campaign and never used by players).
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
I see em now.. Very purdy.  :nod: Strikes me more as a fighter tough.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

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Re: Something that's nearing completion
Purty is right... *coyote whistles*

I think you should go with the ursa setup; An offset group of gatlings of DOOM, and a pair of chin mounted guns for fighter killin. If you're going to use those big ones against cap ships, how accurate do you have to stinkin be?
Sig nuked! New one coming soon!