Author Topic: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone  (Read 19828 times)

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Offline Grunt

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RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone

The Centaur Project

This release includes two chapters of the story in one VP file:

Chapter One: The Duke and the Emperor (released 2005)
Chapter Two: The Zone (released now)

It was created primarily for retail FS2, but can be played with FSO release 3.6.10 final, using the patch below.


- 18 missions with voices, in a branching structure (the player's actions will affect the next missions).
- 8 new ships (4 capital ships, 3 fighters, 1 installation)
- Several ship models from the original game, with corrected dock points and path data
- 5 new weapons (both fighter and capship weapons)
- Squad Logos
- Command briefing animations
- Missions of Chapter One have been updated based on player feedback

My voice ! :D
The second best bonus mission ever.


Latest FSO patch:


And yes, it is old ...  :)
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 12:32:39 pm by Grunt »
Just fly on !


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
Whoah. Intriguing...

I haven't played TCP 1 yet, but I may go play it later, this looks interesting.


Offline Grunt

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
It has always been an interesting feature of the site, that I could receive critics even before I posted something...   :nervous:
Just fly on !


Offline Mobius

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
Incredible...where have you been?!?

I particurarly liked your command briefing anis... ;7
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Offline colecampbell666

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
I always thought that TCP died years ago. Cool.
Gettin' back to dodgin' lasers.


Offline shiv

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
Cool. Downloading ;7
The Apocalypse Vega - Join the battle! A campaign for FreeSpace 2 Open
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Offline Grunt

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
Incredible...where have you been?!?

In front of a PC ... FREDding and making anis.
Also devoted some time to life and family...  ;)
Just fly on !


Offline Snail

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
I always thought that TCP died years ago. Cool.
Me too, but I do seem to remember some discussion about it a while ago. Though I forgot what brought it up.

Also devoted some time to life and family...  ;)
You did what now? :wtf:


Offline ShadowGorrath

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
Doesn't work on SCP. And Retail doesn't work to me. . .


Offline BloodEagle

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
I can't get it to run in retail or open.


Offline Spicious

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
A debug build is nice enough to point out what it's unhappy about.
weapons.tbl, line 1165: move the damage entry to above the blast force entry.

It also whines about explode1 only having one LOD. You can get rid of that by adding
Code: [Select]
$Name: Explode1
$LOD: 1
to the weapons_expl.tbl


Offline Spicious

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
It's likely that the issue with the weapons.tbl is causing the game to give up after that entry, causing it to skip all the secondary weapons.


Offline Grunt

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
You have secondaries in all missions (in retail).
If it does not work on retail then it is something with the installation.
Make sure you have cleaned your data subfolders and you have no other modded vp files in the FS2 main directory.
It is always good to start with a new pilot (as the readme says).

It is retail only because I had no time to follow the changes in SCP builds and to make the artwork for the advanced features either.
The previous release (Chapter One that is the first 7 missions of this release) used to work on FSO, only mission2 (tcp02.fs2) needed a patch.
I did not enclose the patch now, because I have changed / updated Chapter One missions as well (for retail), and it may not work with the old patch now.
Just fly on !


Offline achtung

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
So, you're not going to patch them for SCP use? | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz

Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
maybe you could ask someone to patch it to SCP =)
then you continue modding with SCP use.

I'll try that campaign. there must be a way to add those secondaries with modding  :p


Offline Droid803

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
I can't play this even though I want to, due to the fact it doesn't work on SCP...


Offline Grunt

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
So, you're not going to patch them for SCP use?
I can't do, I've never used SCP actually.
It was PhReAk who made the patch for Chapter One.
It was only one SEXP that had to be changed in the 2nd mission, all the rest worked well with that build.
I released mission 2 with that SCP-friendly SEXP now.
The secondary / capship issue is something new, that's a good example why it is difficult to follow SCP with user campaigns.
If someone takes the time to patch I'll greet him and give credits. That's all I can promise.
TCP has always been a retail campaign, even then it took quite a long time to get here.
Just fly on !

Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
Just fixed the two things Spicious found and changed my tables according to it... haven't played many missions of the campaign but these worked without a problem. Attached the two changed files to my post so that everyone can test them.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Here goes scripting and copy paste coding
Freespace RTS Mod
Checkpoint/Shipsaveload script


Offline Grunt

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
I also uploaded it here:

Will update the file if necessary.

Thanks to Spicious for the hint and to Admiral MS for the files !
Just fly on !


Offline achtung

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Re: RELEASE - TCP - Chapter Two: The Zone
Uploaded to  Everything look ok? | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

Formerly known as Swantz