Some of the WC forum discussions are a bit "car crash", in that you know you shouldn't keep looking but you just can't help it.
I guess these Internet-argumentative types have always existed, it just gives them an outlet for their social difficulties. It would probably be healthier if they dealt with it rather than just finding a place where they can be considered normal, though.
Kinda reminds me of a party I was at about eight years ago, before the Internet was ubiquitous for the UK public. It was a nice housewarming with a bunch of pretty trendy liberal types, totally unlike ol' Right-wing me. They were fine except for one misfit who was a full-on card carrying communist in the truest sense of the word. He spent the evening insulting everyone and talking about "the workers". Suffice it to say the guy actually lived on welfare and never intended to actually get a job. I'm guessing he's one of those Internet people right now, ranting while using his access that my taxes paid for.

On the positive side, I've noticed that many of the politest and most reasonable people out there are the ones building things or offering tech support advice; i.e. the productive people.