Played your mission and i have to say it's really interesting.

some comments from me:
first: why is there a test.vp in the vp file?

It has the same content as the EvsN.vp, and it increases the filesize, you should remove it.
I don't want to spoil things from the mission, so i use Spoilertags.
The background is cool, reminds me of a Sci-fi artwork i had on my wall years back.
The way the nebula overlays the planets is really a cool looking effect ( reminds me of New Caprica in BSG ), but
some people may find, the planet bitmaps should be placed on the nebula ( thus overlay it ), not vice versa.
It's not very B5-ish, but i like it.
My only REAL complaint is the the fact that you used Micro$oft's Sam.
It isn't the best choice for voice acted missions, it would have been way better to do it yourself or to ask a friend.
[/end nitpicking]
Besides the point i mentioned above, a really entertaining mission, hope to see more from ya in the future.