Author Topic: RELEASE: Aeos Affair  (Read 24937 times)

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Offline Admiral Nelson

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The FSCRP team is proud to bring you this updated release of the Aeos Affair.

   Aeos research base is located on a frozen planet in the Altair system. As
   you know, Altair is about as far away from the front lines of the war as
   you can get. We have no significant military presence here. All of our
   fighting ships are on the front or elsewhere where they are needed more.
   We have only a token force of patrol fighters and various civilian support
   ships. But that's alright with us. Nothing ever happens out here.

   Elsewhere, the war is going well. The NTF has been defeated. The Shivans
   are threatening Capella, but the Colossus is on station there. There are
   rumors of a massive Shivan invasion force looming beyond GTVA system, but
   rumors are a dime a dozen in this place. We expect to continue our work
   here in peace.

   Aeos seems to be an abandoned Ancient outpost. The Ancients must have
   left this planet in a hurry. There are miles of tunnels and chambers here.
   There are many artifacts here. They all seem to be in disarray. Some are
   damaged. Others look as if they were simply dropped and left where they
   fell. We have a goldmine here, but it will take years to discover what
   secrets are held by this frozen rubble. But time is one thing we have lots

This campaign is a cosmetic rerelease including the latest in graphics upgrades and compatible with the new 3.6.10 MediaVPs.

Sectorgame Mirror.

FSMods Mirror.

FSNebula Mirror.

EDIT by ngld: Fixed download links
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 06:27:56 am by ngld »
If a man consults whether he is to fight, when he has the power in his own hands, it is certain that his opinion is against fighting.


Offline IceFire

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Excellent! Its been years since I played this but I remember it being a very good ...short but sharp sort of campaign.
- IceFire
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Offline Rodo

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And a difficult one indeed... I read that somewhere and I finished this campaign a couple of days back and I must say some parts can get a little annoying, but I love those challenging missions :D

PS: would be nice for you to check the arrival and departure of ships... fighters from destroyers arrive from subspace and not from the destroyer itself... I know this was a cosmetic update, but arriving from the ship is as cosmetic as making the nameplate for it.
el hombre vicio...


Offline Admiral Nelson

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That is much more than cosmetic, actually.  That can cause mission progress problems if the carrier ship is destroyed or out of place.
If a man consults whether he is to fight, when he has the power in his own hands, it is certain that his opinion is against fighting.


Offline SypheDMar

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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
What about turning off warp effect? That way, it'll look like it came out of the fighterbay without really altering the mission.


Offline utops

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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
I want to see how you all wise man beat this campaign....
 youtube clip will be ok :>
who take the glove?
i mean that particual campaign is the hardest thing i ever be able to play around HLP community.
it is develop my complexes  :sigh:

have a nice day
What if ?


Offline Dilmah G

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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
I want to see how you all wise man beat this campaign....
 youtube clip will be ok :>
who take the glove?
i mean that particual campaign is the hardest thing i ever be able to play around HLP community.
it is develop my complexes  :sigh:

have a nice day

Yeah, this is one of the hardest campaigns you'll ever find. My recommendation is to turn the difficulty down to very-easy if you need to.

Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
What a blast form the past.  I haven't played FS in years. (Hell, my joystick isn't even USB).
But I see that I should start up again, after seeing what the community was up to.

Thanks for putting in the effort for upgrading my campaign.  I really enjoyed writing it and I'm pretty stoked to see that it is still a favorite.

As for completing it, it can be done, with all bonus objectives, on the very easy setting.  I know.  I wrote it and had to play test the bugger.  :pimp:

I guess I'll need to buy a new joystick.

Icefire: There's a name I haven't seen in years.  Good to see ya again!


Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
Oh, I forgot.

I have a Walkthrough written by another player for the campaign.  It's been archived for years, but I could pass it on to HLP to get it posted.  Let me know.



Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
PickleHead!  You showed up again - welcome back!  Are you going to stick around, or are you going to vanish like you did in 2005? :p

I have been, and always will be...
your lurker.  :cool:


Offline Goober5000

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Hehehehehe.  So it's the latter. :drevil:

While you're here, we'd love it if you posted that walkthrough you mentioned a few posts up. :)


Offline Yasuo

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Sorry, I could not find a more recent related thread.
AA 1.0.0, Mission 4 "Hide and Sneak" is currently broken (3.8 stable): the escaping recaptured warships collide at the jump node, so both explode and the mission is failed.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
I'll take a look.  The waypoints may need to be adjusted; if so I will upload a new version.

Where did you download the mod from?


Offline Yasuo

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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
Thanks for looking into it and sorry for the late reply, I downloaded it from Knossos.


Offline Goober5000

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My turn to apologize for the late reply. :nervous:

The warship waypoints are the same as in the original release.  Historically, many mission designers often ordered multiple ships to head to the same waypoint.  This works most of the time, but every now and then the ships collide as you noticed.  I've taken the liberty of spacing out the jump coordinates, though, so they should no longer collide, and I've updated Knossos.  Try again.


Offline Mobius

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I played it again after a decade, what a classic. The first missions in particular are quite challenging even at the lowest difficulty levels and many key assets survived with their hull integrities well below the 5% threshold.

I don't know what kind of edits have been made in the past few years, but I found the second half of the campaign way easier than it used to be. Either that or my switch in strategies during combat is much more effective now.  :)
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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
3 words to describe this mod would be "Difficult, but awesome!"


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
I loved this campaign, but TBH I felt its difficulty was overstated. I played it through on Hard and had virtually no problems with it.

This might be due to having played several campaigns that use Fury AI on Hard - such as BP WiH. I have also played the insanely difficult (i.e. great) Bem Cavalgar with its 'Shivans on roids and brain food AI' on medium - which is harder than vanilla FS1 on Insane. After those, most campaigns feel pretty easy in comparison so long as they are designed well and thus not horribly unbalanced.

But then I am Maso-Player (i.e.masochistic) so I'm a bit odd  :p :lol:
« Last Edit: May 05, 2021, 05:38:26 am by Iain Baker »
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Re: RELEASE: Aeos Affair
Just finished this baby on Insane - wow what a rush! It was an incredible feeling to waste the last wave of aeshmas and watch the GTA Death plow into the Medusa!

Awesome awesome campaign - when it was over ended up just playing through the whole thing over again :D