Author Topic: New(er) flash deaths script  (Read 10374 times)

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Offline Wanderer

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New(er) flash deaths script
Ok... so a slightly improved version of the ye olde script...

Old one...,45089.0.html



New one... See Script - Flashy Deaths (new) - thanks to Mobius and Zacam

Parsing order of the entries was changed so please make sure you use compatible data (new entries in wiki have data which is compatible with the lua script on the wikipage).


Recommendations, requests, feedback... anything...

EDIT: fixed couple of issues with the effects loading.. now if it hits an invalid effect it should just toss out a warning and only omit drawing the bugged effect instead of having fits and crashing
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 03:52:03 am by Wanderer »
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Offline Dilmah G

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
So I copy those files, place in appropriate location and paste the relevant data into them?


Offline Wanderer

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Pretty much so
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Offline Dilmah G

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Hmmm, I played ST:R with those files in their correct locations, what was meant to happen? I didn't notice a lot


Offline Wanderer

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Well... hmm...

Can you post what build you were using?

Can you post the contents of the two cfg files you were using?
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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Well... hmm...

Can you post what build you were using?

Can you post the contents of the two cfg files you were using?

Currently using 5090

Code: (exp_ani_flashes.cfg) [Select]
Filename:      EXP_flash.eff
Filename:      exp04.ani
Filename:      exp05.ani

Code: (expl_flashes.cfg) [Select]
Name:                   GTF Ulysses
Width:                  20
Height:                 10
Length:                 20
Detonation Radius:      10.0
Flash Radius:           500.0
Detonation Effects:     1, 1, 1, 2
Flash Effect:           2
Detonation Multiplier:  0.2

Name:                   GTF Hercules
Width:                  20
Height:                 10
Length:                 200
Detonation Radius:      20.0
Flash Radius:           500.0
Detonation Effects:     2, 1, 3, 2, 1
Flash Effect:           3

Name:                   GTFR TRITON
Width:                  500
Height:                 100
Length:                 2000
Detonation Radius:      200.0
Flash Radius:           5000.0
Detonation Effects:     1, 1, 1, 2, 1
Flash Effect:           1


Offline Wanderer

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Well... you probably lack the EXP_flash effect. Try defining only effects (as animations) you actually have

Also the script affects only the listed ships
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Offline Dilmah G

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Well... you probably lack the EXP_flash effect. Try defining only effects (as animations) you actually have

Also the script affects only the listed ships

Ahh I see, I knew it only affected the Ulysses, Herc and the freighter. I just copied your sample text and pasted basically so I must've missed that. Is there a retail/mvp flash .eff file I can replace that with or is there somewhere I can dl it. Apologies for being a n00b at code, if it's not FRED I'm really out of my depth.

EDIT: Oh wait, found the link to it in your old post, I had a feeling it would be there somewhere, I'll dl it and report back tomorrow. It's getting late here.


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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
as far as i can tell it works
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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Can someone please an expl_flashes.cgf including all ships? :)

EDIT: Where do I get a standard .cfg file?  :confused:
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 01:54:07 pm by Mobius »
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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
By writing it with text editor
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Re: New(er) flash deaths script

**Edit: No longer any missing values, but still needs testing for moar variations. Also: Remove the Filename extensions from exp_ani_flashes.cfg and it will use MediaVP/FSO hierarchy properly.

Please see the Wiki link for information.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 03:29:34 am by Zacam »
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Please note that "GTSc Faustus" ---> "GTSC Faustus" and "GTI Ganyamede" ---> "GTI Ganymede". :)

EDIT: Script Wikified!   :cool:
« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 12:59:58 pm by Mobius »
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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
The "c" in "GTSC" (or GTSc) is not case sensitive.

I've just always done GTSc and GTCv,  GT(V)Fr/PVFr/SFr and GTDr.

Good catch on the Ganymede though.

(Note: I don't do the same on things like the GTVA, GTNB, GT(V)SG or GT(V)EP because each letter is a separate word.)

Just edited post above. Further edits still pending to Wiki. Corrections to script pending Wanderer.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2009, 01:29:02 am by Zacam »
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline Wanderer

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Removed the script from the initial post as it is now available in fs wiki in slightly improved version. Just make sure you use the files provided with the script in wiki when using the table currently in wiki. That is there has been some small changes to the parsing order so old data might not be compatible.
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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Removed the script from the initial post as it is now available in fs wiki in slightly improved version. Just make sure you use the files provided with the script in wiki when using the table currently in wiki. That is there has been some small changes to the parsing order so old data might not be compatible.

the link in the first post is missing a ")"  :p


Offline Mobius

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Fix it yourself? :p
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
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Offline Zacam

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
So, I don't know if it's RC 2, or what, but I heard from VA (and experienced it myself) that the explosion effects are not taking place. The flash is though.

In some cases, the flash is being done _well_ after the ship explosion. I've been using it to place the flash in the last sequence of detonation effects list so that you get "Flash, Shockwave" but I cannot think of anything to really do for the timing of the actual flash parameter itself.
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[08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
[08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
[08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys


Offline Wanderer

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Re: New(er) flash deaths script
Ok... Fixed issue with happened when detonation multiplier had not been defined. Now effects should work again. See FSwiki page

As for the timing of the flash... There is not much that can be done. That is the effect occurs at the moment when the ship is 'truly lost' from the game. As the 'deathroll time' varies greatly depending on order set, damage caused etc etc it is very difficult to get a good estimation of the proper timing for the flash
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