Author Topic: HUD Overhaul Test Build  (Read 95748 times)

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Offline The E

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Here's a tbl for the standard HUD:
Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Base: (1024, 768)
$Required Aspect: Full Screen
;$Min: (640, 480)
Position: (5, 5)
+Training Messages:
Position: (379, 125)
+Multiplayer Messages:
Position: (8, 240)
Position: (459, 534)
Position: (440, 61)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (932, 144)
+Auto Speed:
Position: (960, 672)
+Auto Target:
Position: (960, 648)
Position: (880, 602)
+Talking Head:
Position: (5, 56)
Position: (5, 278)
Position: (880, 525)
+Objective Notify:
Position: (436, 184)
+Squad Message:
Position: (827, 5)
+Player Shields:
Position: (634, 670)
+Target Shields:
Position: (292, 670)
+Escort View:
Position: (865, 330)
+ETS Weapons:
Position: (880, 648)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (898, 648)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (916, 648)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (5, 590)
+Extra Target Data:
Position: (5, 552)
Position: (411, 590)
; If you want different types of radar running, be my guest
;+Radar Orb: 
; Position: (411, 590)
+Afterburner Energy:
Position: (274, 424)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (512, 275)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (493, 376)
+Mini Target Shields:
Position: (497, 470)
Position: (347, 390)
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (386, 219)
+Voice Status:
position: (5, 165)
Position: (896, 5)
Position: (627, 529)
Position: (170, 170)

+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Lead Indicator:
+Lock Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle:
Position: (512, 387)
+Target Triangle:
Position: (512, 387)
+Missile Triangles:
Position: (512, 387)
+Orientation Tee:
Position: (512, 387)
+Weapon Energy:
Position: (666, 424)
+Mission Time:
Position: (969, 716)
Position: (880, 624)
; FS1 specific gauge
;+Weapon Linking:
; Position: (598, 387)
; Komet's lead sight. Looks for "leadsight.ani"
;+Lead Sight: default
$End Gauges

Note: This just has the "default" replaced with the coordinates the engine uses by default (Ahem). It'll still be stretchy on non 1024x768 resolutions.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 02:19:57 pm by The E »
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Offline chief1983

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Is that what's used in the code itself as a default table?
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Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Swifty

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Is that what's used in the code itself as a default table?
Yup, those are the defaults hudparse.cpp uses.


Offline The E

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Here's the standard layout, adapted for 1440x900:

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Base: (1440, 900)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ; Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 720) ; These Min and Max fields are Inclusive
$Max: (1920, 1080)
Position: (7, 6)
+Training Messages:
Position: (533, 146)
+Multiplayer Messages:
Position: (11, 281)
Position: (645, 625)
Position: (619, 71)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (1311, 169)
+Auto Speed:
Position: (1350, 788)
+Auto Target:
Position: (1350, 759)
Position: (1238, 705)
+Talking Head:
Position: (7, 66)
Position: (7, 326)
Position: (1238, 615)
+Objective Notify:
Position: (613, 216)
+Squad Message:
Position: (1163, 6)
+Escort View:
Position: (1238, 326)
+ETS Weapons:
Position: (1238, 759)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (1263, 759)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (1288, 759)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (7, 691)
+Extra Target Data:
Position: (7, 647)
+Target Shields:
Position: (503, 785)
Position: (617, 691)
+Player Shields:
Position: (827, 785)
; If you want different types of radar running, be my guest
;+Radar Orb: 
; Position: (615, 691)
+Afterburner Energy:
Position: (428, 439)
+Weapon Energy:
Position: (924, 439)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (720, 322)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (700, 438)
+Mini Target Shields:
Position: (705, 552)
Position: (490, 317)
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (847, 317)
+Voice Status:
position: (7, 193)
Position: (1260, 6)
Position: (881, 620)
Position: (239, 199)

+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Lead Indicator:
+Lock Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle:
Position: (720, 450)
+Target Triangle:
Position: (720, 450)
+Missile Triangles:
Position: (720, 450)
+Orientation Tee:
Position: (720, 450)
+Mission Time:
Position: (1363, 839)
Position: (1238, 731)
; FS1 specific gauge
;+Weapon Linking:
; Position: (841, 453)
; Komet's lead sight. Looks for "leadsight.ani"
;+Lead Sight: default
$End Gauges
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline chief1983

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
I forgot how sexy the HUD looks when it's not all ****ed up.
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Snail

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
The fading effect doesn't appear to be present on the grey message brackets.


Offline Galemp

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline chief1983

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
I wouldn't mind if a lot of standard configs became hardcoded defaults.
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Axem

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
By the approval of The_E, I come here with a request.

disable-hud and disable-hud-except-messages work a little differently ingame (and in code too I hear). You can reverse the effects of disable-hud by just going Shift-o. However with disable-hud-except-messages, that doesn't work. It basically locks your hud off.

I humbly ask for a way to lock disable-hud like except-messages does (now I know with the way except-messages works, its more unintentional, but the end result is the same).


Offline Galemp

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
I wouldn't mind if a lot of standard configs became hardcoded defaults.

I agree. It would be QUITE nice if widescreen and nonstandard resolutions defaulted to these configurations without additional input from the user (e.g. installing or configuring extra tables.)
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline sigtau

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build

Can someone rearrange it for 1600x900?
Who uses forum signatures anymore?


Offline The E

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Here's an update to my previous custom layout. Note that again, you need to use  my custom reticle or adjust the reticle coordinates for the retail one ( that is, (700, 438) ). Also note that due to some bugs and missing features in Swifty's released build, the escort list won't work as planned.

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Base: (1440, 900) ; The scale in which FSO will render these gauges in. Everything in $Gauges should be between 1 and 1440 for the X val and between 1 and 900 for the Y val
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen ; Can be "Wide Screen" or "Full Screen" ATM
$Min: (1280, 720) ; These Min and Max fields are Inclusive
$Max: (1920, 1080)

Position: (265, 20)
+Training Messages:
Position: (265, 90)
+Multiplayer Messages:
Position: (265, 120)
+Talking Head:
Position: (10, 10)

;Comm Menu
+Squad Message:
Position: (1000, 770)

+Escort View:
Position: (10, 440)
Position: (10, 518)
+Objective Notify:
Position: (645, 660)

+Afterburner Energy:
Position: (428, 439)
Position: (490, 317)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (710, 440)
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (847, 317)
+Weapon Energy:
Position: (924, 439)
+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Lock Indicator:
+Lead Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle:
Position: (720, 450)
+Target Triangle:
Position: (720, 450)
+Missile Triangles:
Position: (720, 450)
+Orientation Tee:
Position: (720, 450)

+Target Monitor:
Position: (10, 710)
+Extra Target Data:
Position: (10, 866)
+Target Shields:
Position: (470, 780)
+Mini Target Shields:
Position: (704, 500)

;Player Status
Position: (646, 200)
+Player Shields:
Position: (840, 780)
Position: (800, 660)

+ETS Weapons:
Position: (386, 450)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (398, 450)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (410, 450)

;Wingmen & Support
+Wingman Status:
Position: (10, 380)
;Expansion Mode: Right
Position: (666, 630)

;Radar & Targeting
Position: (615, 730)
;+Radar Orb:
; Position: (615, 730)
+Auto Target:
Position: (800, 630)
+Auto Speed:
Position: (580, 630)

Position: (580, 660)
Position: (955, 355)

+Text Warnings:
Position: (720, 500)
Position: (720, 500)

;Mission Info
+Mission Time:
Position: (930, 550)

+Voice Status:
Position: (10, 160)
Position: (10, 180)
Position: (10, 200)

$End Gauges

With these, you can uncomment the "Expansion Mode:" option for the wingman display.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 11:09:19 am by The E »
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline chief1983

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Either that, or instead of having a bunch of hardcoded tables, we just release a separate configs pack that could exist in the root directory without being a problem, kinda like the multiplayer mission pack or the cutscenes. Or could that end up being a headache?

Also, is this table modular?
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Kolgena

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
I remember that the vanilla layout had the misaligned aiming reticle. Is that already fixed in the above table?


Offline The E

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
That's an issue with the retail data. However, you can now create more accurate reticles. Also, since the error is exaggerated by the standard scaling, using the adapted tbls makes it less of an issue.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline sigtau

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Perhaps adding these custom gauge layouts for higher-resolutions to the Media VPs (provided they never change from the normal FS2 layout) would be acceptable?
Who uses forum signatures anymore?

Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Hm mm I'm lost with mathematics i guess, any help would be great :
here is what i m trying to do :
Having the HUD centered in the center screen in a triplehead resolution (3840*1024 in my case)wich is basically 3* 1280*1024
i've worked with the default position given in the topic for the default hud so i started with that :
3840/1024= 3.75 (ratio between my x resolution and the default one)
Now i ve multiply all x position in the hud_gauge.tbl by the value, but it's not centered at all, i guess my method is really wrong.

to be clear here is what i m looking to do :  [ ] [X] [ ]
(where brackets are screens and x the hud)

anyway here is my hud_gague tbl

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Base: (3840, 1024)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen
;$Min: (3840, 1024)
Position: (19, 5)
+Training Messages:
Position: (1422, 125)
+Multiplayer Messages:
Position: (30, 240)
Position: (1688, 534)
Position: (1650, 61)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (3495, 144)
+Auto Speed:
Position: (3600, 672)
+Auto Target:
Position: (3600, 648)
Position: (3300, 602)
+Talking Head:
Position: (19, 56)
Position: (19, 278)
Position: (3300, 525)
+Objective Notify:
Position: (1635, 184)
+Squad Message:
Position: (3102, 5)
+Player Shields:
Position: (2378, 670)
+Target Shields:
Position: (1095, 670)
+Escort View:
Position: (3244, 330)
+ETS Weapons:
Position: (3300, 648)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (3709, 648)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (344, 648)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (19, 590)
+Extra Target Data:
Position: (19, 552)
Position: (1541, 590)
; If you want different types of radar running, be my guest
;+Radar Orb:  
; Position: (1541, 590)
+Afterburner Energy:
Position: (1027, 424)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (1920, 275)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (1849, 376)
+Mini Target Shields:
Position: (1864, 470)
Position: (1301, 390)
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (1447, 219)
+Voice Status:
position: (19, 165)
Position: (3360, 5)
Position: (2352, 529)
Position: (637, 170)

+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Lead Indicator:
+Lock Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle:
Position: (1920, 387)
+Target Triangle:
Position: (1920, 387)
+Missile Triangles:
Position: (1920, 387)
+Orientation Tee:
Position: (1920, 387)
+Weapon Energy:
Position: (2497, 424)
+Mission Time:
Position: (3634, 716)
Position: (3300, 624)
; FS1 specific gauge
;+Weapon Linking:
; Position: (598, 387)
; Komet's lead sight. Looks for "leadsight.ani"
;+Lead Sight: default
$End Gauges

About the reticles and the rest of the table, adding a value ( i know it was commented as not necessary) does not affect its position, i've try many value and it doesn't move, and it's not centered at all.

ah and hurrah for swifty that was the last annoying thing when playing triplehead with fs2open (now it just lack the main hall non stretch support to be full support! )

« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 08:42:12 am by Reprobator »
$Formula: ( every-time
   ( has-time-elapsed "0" )
   ( Do-Nothing
   ( send-message
+Name: Procratination
+Repeat Count: 99999999999
+Interval: 1


Offline chief1983

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Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
If it's a (left, top) positioning system, I would just add 1280 to the left value for each location.  That should move them all from the left monitor to the middle one.
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays

Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
so i've done it (+1280 on x axis)

here is the table :

Code: [Select]
#Gauge Config
$Base: (3840, 1024)
$Required Aspect: Wide Screen
;$Min: (3840, 1024)
Position: (1285, 5)
+Training Messages:
Position: (1659, 125)
+Multiplayer Messages:
Position: (1288, 240)
Position: (1739, 534)
Position: (1720, 61)
+Wingman Status:
Position: (2212, 144)
+Auto Speed:
Position: (2240, 672)
+Auto Target:
Position: (2240, 648)
Position: (2160, 602)
+Talking Head:
Position: (1285, 56)
Position: (1285, 278)
Position: (2160, 525)
+Objective Notify:
Position: (1716, 184)
+Squad Message:
Position: (2107, 5)
+Player Shields:
Position: (1914, 670)
+Target Shields:
Position: (1572, 670)
+Escort View:
Position: (2145, 330)
+ETS Weapons:
Position: (2160, 648)
+ETS Shields:
Position: (2178, 648)
+ETS Engines:
Position: (2196, 648)
+Target Monitor:
Position: (1285, 590)
+Extra Target Data:
Position: (1285, 552)
Position: (1691, 590)
; If you want different types of radar running, be my guest
;+Radar Orb: 
; Position: (1691, 590)
+Afterburner Energy:
Position: (1554, 424)
+Text Warnings:
Position: (1792, 275)
+Center Reticle:
Position: (1773, 376)
+Mini Target Shields:
Position: (1777, 470)
Position: (1627, 390)
+Threat Indicator:
Position: (1666, 219)
+Voice Status:
position: (1285, 165)
Position: (2176, 5)
Position: (1907, 529)
Position: (1450, 170)

+Target Brackets: ; Target Brackets, Lock Indicator, Lead Indicator, and Offscreen Indicator don't need a "Position:" field.
+Lead Indicator:
+Lock Indicator:
+Offscreen Indicator:
+Hostile Triangle:
Position: (1792, 387)
+Target Triangle:
Position: (1792, 387)
+Missile Triangles:
Position: (1792, 387)
+Orientation Tee:
Position: (1792, 387)
+Weapon Energy:
Position: (1946, 424)
+Mission Time:
Position: (2249, 716)
Position: (2160, 624)
; FS1 specific gauge
;+Weapon Linking:
; Position: (598, 387)
; Komet's lead sight. Looks for "leadsight.ani"
;+Lead Sight: default
$End Gauges

And here is the result :

« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 06:43:23 am by Reprobator »
$Formula: ( every-time
   ( has-time-elapsed "0" )
   ( Do-Nothing
   ( send-message
+Name: Procratination
+Repeat Count: 99999999999
+Interval: 1

Re: HUD Overhaul Test Build
Well, by the looks of it only those big white gauges are off, Reprobator, the rest is fine. Is that "Center Reticle" in the table?