It's not that hard.. you just copy/paste the whole directory...
I'm aware, however, the average user is going to be very afraid that they will lose:
a) their saved games
b) FreeSpace
c) their OS (what if I mess something up...)
d) the Pentagon's OS (what if I mess something up and my computer goes crazy and tries to take over the world?!)
Seriously. Many people know as little about their computers as they do about their cars, { user -->

<-- user } and yet somehow they are more afraid of their computer (instead of their 1-3
ton vehicle capable of traveling 100+ MPH

EDIT: I would also like to point out, that if Windows stores a virtual copy of any files that are modified in \Program Files\, cut + pasting could
possibly break a) and b) from the above list.
as well, the launcher6.ini likes to point to absolute paths, and will throw an error if FS isn't in the directory that it was in when launcher6.ini was created (solution is to delete launcher6.ini or manually edit it to point to the new path).