Author Topic: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta [CLOSED - 1/1/14]  (Read 67038 times)

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Offline The E

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The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta [CLOSED - 1/1/14]
UPDATE: The Beta has ended and the files removed. You can download the MediaVPs 2014 Final here

Yes, this is actually a thing that is happening right now.

After a long long wait, we've finally decided to release a beta version of the current MediaVPs as they exist in our svn. There's a lot of stuff in here, and I am not going to list everything that went in here, but suffice it to say that at a whopping 4GB for the whole thing, this is the largest MediaVPs release yet.

Things included in here

A lot of new models for the Shivans and Vasudans, as well as long-awaited updates for the Colossus and Arcadia for the Terrans. We've also corrected most of those pesky LOD warnings recent FSO builds have been giving out.

How to use this new goodness

First, you will have to do a whole lot of downloading. The first package you absolutely have to get, since it contains a lot of data that is simply used to set the groundwork for the rest. All of the other packages are optional; However I do recommend getting at least MV_Assets, MV_Effects, MV_CBANI and MV_Music, as these represent the bulk of the changes.

Also provided is an additional package called mv_beta. This contains assets that are not fully tested yet, and which we'll need your feedback on.

UPDATE: Beta 2 has been released on 12/7/13. The only files updated are the ones marked by **. If you previously downloaded Beta 1, those are the only files you need to update.

NOTE: MV_Beta is no longer supported in Beta 2. Please delete it.

**MV_Root - This includes all of the necessary housekeeping the mediavps do. Included are updated mission files for the FS2 main campaign, and a few table files that ensure an optimal MediaVPs experience.

**MV_Effects - This package includes updated effects for weapons, particles and a lot of other stuff.

**MV_Assets - This package consists of all the marvellous new models

MV_Music - This pacvkage contains remastered music tracks for your enjoyment.

MV_CBANI - This is actually 2 vps, both containing redone Command Brief animations, using higher resolutions and the new models

MV_Animglows - This package contains animated glowmaps for a few ships (mostly shivan ones)

**MV_Advanced - This package contains high resolution textures for a few select ships.

MV_Beta - The central piece of this public Beta. This contains assets that still need some testing before they can be integrated properly; If you encounter issues with this release, you will need to take note of any errors, then test if these errors persist if you remove this file. REMOVED IN BETA 2.


Once you've downloaded everything you want, unpack all of the 7z archives. You should now find a folder called "mediavps_2014_beta", containing several .vp files, a mod.ini and a launcher graphic. Copy this folder to your FreeSpace directory, select it as the active mod in your launcher of choice, and start playing. Please tell us if anything breaks.

Technical requirements

For the basic package (MV_Root, MV_Assets, MV_Effects, MV_CBANI, MV_Music) any reasonably recent PC with a midrange GPU will be more than sufficient. MV_Animglows and MV_Advanced can cause drastically lowered performance on weak hardware (Laptops without dedicated GPU, integrated graphics chips).

Miscellaneous remarks

How can I use these with a custom campaign?
You will need to open that campaign's mod.ini, look for the mediavps or mediavps_3612 entry, and change it to mediavps_2014_beta.

Why didn't you provide a .torrent download for this?
Two reasons. One, this is a beta, and so updates may happen. Two, it already took me a couple hours to upload these to the fsmods FTP; A torrent upload would take longer.

This post does not seem very professional. There are no colours in it.
I am not Zacam. Deal with it.

Your install instructions are hard to understand
I am sorry about that, but as this is a beta, I chose to forego the ultra-detailed approach to those instructions a full release will get.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 11:53:39 pm by mjn.mixael »
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline Rodo

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
aww yisssss, downloading right away!
el hombre vicio...


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Yes, this is actually a thing that is happening right now.
Oh, sweet. Downloadin'.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline CKid

Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Damn you Internet! Download faster!
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong

Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Great news indeed, I've been literally waiting for this release for at least half a year, my WIP mod files were full of old-and-new models numering too many for the F3 Lab to display. Time to completely rework said mod files, all the better though.
I'm all about getting the most out of games, so whenever I discover something very strange or push the limits, I upload them here:


The End of History has come and gone.


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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
sweet, not downloading as it will probably melt my relic of a computer but suffice to say congrats to the FSU on hitting this major milestone
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quote General Battuta - "FRED is canon!"
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Offline Rodo

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Does it require a specific fso build?
I'm getting errors right after trying to start it.
el hombre vicio...


Offline The Dagger

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
I'm using the latest nightly with no problems. Using 3.7.0 gives some medals and countermessures table errors.
Though I think I've found a bit of a bug on the Alastor's upper turret uvec or fvec value:

EDIT: THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS! I'm loving it, specially the Colossus, Charybdis and Nephtys. :)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 03:18:39 pm by The Dagger »


Offline Rodo

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Might be that, I'm using 3.7.0 release. Will playtest with nightly then.
el hombre vicio...


Offline est1895

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Request:  MediaVPs 2014 final by Christmas?  :lol:

No really, I'm very thankful that this beta is out.  :nod:


Offline Ulala

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Does it require a specific fso build?
I'm getting errors right after trying to start it.

Does it look like this? I'm also getting an error immediately after launch:

Code: [Select]
species_CM-sdf.tbm(line 5):
Error: Required token = [#END] or [$Species_Name:], found [$Countermeasure Type: Vasudan CM] .

KERNELBASE.dll! IsNLSDefinedString + 3234 bytes
KERNELBASE.dll! WaitForSingleObjectEx + 139 bytes
KERNEL32.dll! WaitForSingleObjectEx + 67 bytes
KERNEL32.dll! WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
fs2_open_3_7_0.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_7_0.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_7_0.exe! <no symbol>

I even tried a fresh install of FS2 from GOG with FSO 3.7.0, and I get the same error with my FSO 3.6.18 install (except of course the 3_7_0  shows as 3_6_18 in the error). Tried two launchers to be sure.

I tried some searching on the SCP forum, but I'm not sure I found the latest nightly 3.7.0 build (I downloaded this If there's something else I need, perhaps someone could help me out with a link? Thanks, excited to try this out. :)
I am a revolutionary.


Offline Rodo

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Use this one:
No errors using that one for me.
el hombre vicio...


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Yes, it should have been mentioned that some of the stuff in the MV_Beta require the latest nightly.
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Between the Ashes is looking for committed testers, PM me for details.
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Offline Rodo

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Place of the Charriots:

-Missing red flash beep (iceni radar lead).
-Asteroids seem to be missing a lod perhaps?, switch between lods when approaching one is just too noticeable.
el hombre vicio...


Offline Ulala

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Thank you, it's working now. Cheers!
I am a revolutionary.


Offline est1895

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Just curious E, how many hours do you think went into this grand project?


Offline Yarn

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
I had a look at the files. Here's what I have to say so far:
  • Do you guys still monitor the FSU Mantis? It doesn't seem like it, because most of the issues there haven't been fixed yet.
  • Your fixed version of SM2-10_Re_01.wav is needlessly saved in a higher-resolution format (stereo, 44 kHz, 16-bit; the original is mono, 11 kHz, 8-bit), making it much larger than it should be. Here's the same file saved in the correct format: You also need to change the message text in SM2-10.fs2, CoOpSM2-10.fs2, and tstrings.tbl (entry 1448) so they match the voice file (you haven't done that yet).
  • Since you're including tstrings.tbl, you should have it include the extra strings from the German Dimension Pack. If you don't, then users of that version can experience crashes. Here's a version of that file that contains your changes and those extra strings:
"Your fighter is running out of oil.  Please check under the hood and add more if necessary"
--strings.tbl, entry 177

"Freespace is very tired.  It is shutting down to get some rest."
--strings.tbl, entry 178


Offline fightermedic

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
finally all those reworked shivan ships are going to be used
thanks for all the work!
>>Fully functional cockpits for Freespace<<
>>Ships created by me<<
Campaigns revised/voice-acted by me:
Lightning Marshal 1-4, The Regulus Campaign, Operation: Savior, Operation: Crucible, Titan Rebellion, Fall of Epsilon Pegasi 1.1Aftermath 2.1,
Pandora's Box 2.2, Deep Blood

Other Campaigns I have participated in:
The Antagonist, Warzone, Phantoms & Echo-Gate

All the stuff I release is free to use or change in any way for everybody who likes to do so; take whatever you need


Offline DahBlount

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
Since everyone else is posting glitches and bugs I thought I might point this out.
The new Colossus is great. However there are these little... things I keep seeing on the hull at odd angles (In game closer than 1500 meters).

Example 1 (Normal?):

Example 2 (Strangeness):

The little popups in example 2 appear to be in 3 dimensions. I'm assuming they are part of the model but it just weirds me out that they do this.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 08:27:04 pm by DahBlount »
<Axem> yet still more insightful than #hard-light

<Axem> jad2.23 will just be cat videos

<DahBlount> So
<DahBlount> JAD2.2 is like that
<Axem> maybe
<Axem> it can be whatever you like!
<DahBlount> A Chocolate Sundae?
<Axem> sure

My models: GTF Gilgamesh - GTD Nuadha [Redesigning] - Ningirama [WIP] - GTG Zephyrus


Offline Hellzed

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Re: The MediaVPs 2014 Open Beta
I confirm the issue with the Colossus...

Do the mediavps_2014_beta work with Blue Planet yet ?

EDIT : I played a bit with different lighting settings, and the colossus issue does not appear with standard recommended lighting... Only with really dark settings (--no-emissive-light).
Oh, and these hi res anis... WTF with Bosh war crimes and other crimes ?!
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 01:44:39 am by Hellzed »