Author Topic: Issue on Fallen Angel?  (Read 2845 times)

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Issue on Fallen Angel?
Hey all, I'm playing through blue planet (awesome campaign so far) and ran into an issue with fallen Angel. I've watched the playthrough for how the mission is supposed to go down, and it isn't what I'm experiencing at all. For some reason the arbiters are doing insane amounts of damage in the early part of the mission, damaging the Lucifer enough that it retreats before I'm even able to get within 5000m of it (using the fastest fighter and putting all power in engines). I did a search through the forums to see if there was a previous instance of this and found this thread: , which sounds like a similar problem on the same mission. I followed the instructions listed there (downloaded the campaign without FSO installer and manually extracted the components into the Blup Planet folder), but it has not resolved the issue.

Any ideas for how I can fix this?


Offline General Battuta

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Huh! That's weird and frustrating.

For now, try turning on cheats and making the Lucifer invincible for a while.


Target the Lucifer. Press shift-~-I (I think)

Press shift-~-I again with the Lucy targeted to turn invincibility off.


Offline m!m

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AFAIK the arbiters are using beam weapons. If that's right then it sounds a lot like this bug.
What OS are you on?


Offline Talon 1024

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Also, are you using a 32-bit build, or a custom 64-bit build that you compiled yourself?
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FS2 Mods I'm waiting on: Inferno 10th Anniversary
Current Project: Contestant Android app, Learn4Life iOS app, Blender Commander (importer).
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I am running windows 7 with a 32 bit build, using the fadd4e6 3_7_3 build for the launcher.


Offline m!m

  • 211
We found the bug and a fix has been merged into the source code. The next nightly build should make the mission playable again.

Excellent, thanks!