Hard Light Productions Forums
Off-Topic Discussion => Arts & Talents => Topic started by: Anaz on June 02, 2002, 10:52:51 pm
and I am rather happy with it.
The logo in the lower-left corner is the New Denubian Order insignia from libra wars over at warpstorm (//www.warpstorm.com)
so without further ado:
Was that made in PS?
Needs AA....
I think it's pretty good for the first one.
Originally posted by Analazon
The logo in the lower-left corner is the New Denubian Order insignia from libra wars over at warpstorm (www.warpstorm.com)
That looks like it was based heavily on the Imperial insignia from Star Wars. :D
Originally posted by delta_7890
Was that made in PS?
render w/ all the glows and stuff in Truespace, postprocessing to add the 'Drone' stuff was added in Corel Photopaint
Originally posted by Thorn
Needs AA....
truespace also AAs the background, so it was background or aa, and I chose backgound
i would take AA makes the ships look allot better...
Originally posted by darkage
i would take AA makes the ships look allot better...
lemmy just show you real quick how the background looks aa'd
there, this version is a bit different, was messing around with nebula on a face w/ filter transparency:
I know that TS AA's also the background.
you made the Background in PSP or photoshop? if so then increase the noise...
And i thin it looks better whit AA...
I made bg in corel photopaint
I think it's better non-aa'ed. :)
Looks ugly not AAed.
Originally posted by darkage
Looks ugly not AAed.
Well, if you can have both, that's good. But I prefer background over AA, in most cases. :)