First of all, sorry for the long delay; school stuff had to be done and I cannot concentrate with the internet plugged into my computer
Now, I have been replaying for the 4th time the revised Carver V campaign. I think I will edit my review which I said it was a waste of time to include so many mechs which will not be used when the truth is I am having fun replaying the game over and over using different mechs. In my current game I am playing Liao-only mechs and my earlier game I was using no-clan tech medium mechs only. I think I will play a light mech + Valkyrie (I think the valk ingame is a medium type) Macross theme game. As for the other two campaigns, not so much luck (so hard
) ) especially Exodus; I usually just play the Exodus Campaign when I know I am thinking straight and when I feel I am fooling around I switch back to the Carver V and/or Mercs campaign depending on mood.
Not that I'm saying the revised Carver V is easy; Exodus is just harder
I like it that way. But my point is that by playing the same campaign over and over using different mechs, I realized so many things that I would like to bring attention to the developers, especially Magic, since most of my questions and insights are related to programming.
Here are my insights and questions.
1. Regarding Resource Points and Commander Retinue
I like it as it is; the RP per mission is very cool and realistic. However, I think it would be better if the scout chopper is removed and replaced by a heavier variant. Retaining the scout chopper is redundant because I do not think anyone plays the game without a dedicated scout mech (even more so when you acquire a Kit Fox/Uller). It would also be a nice addition to request more non-mech assets such as tanks (more to this later), hovercraft and controllable Aerospace Fighters. While I like powered armors/elementals as well, I do not think from a programming POV its a practical addition (more on this later).
2. Non Mech Assets
Now, with the revamped logistics system coming soon, I am pretty much excited in how you guys handled the shortcomings and created more improvements. But if it is possible for number one to happen, is it also possible then to include in the Mech Lab a small sub-section where you can customize your non-mech assets as well? Now I do not think it is easy, but if it is possible for number 1 to occur then would it make sense for the commanders to have control over the payloads their non-mech assets as well? But then it would impose more challenges in the system such as another tab for vehicle purchase. Not to mention if this possibility is possible, then it should be for powered armors/elementals as well to be a deployable asset, which I do not think it would be practical from a programming standpoint.
3. Stealth Mechs
Unless I am mistaken and somehow had blown up a light mech without reading the information tab, there are only a handful of mechs in the game with ECM (Phantom, Raven, MenShen). While this may sound demanding, but I think with the current roster of mechs ingame, I know for certain some mechs there do have stealth capabilities (shadowcat) but do not reflect ingame. I might be wrong on this, but I think it would be better if the new logistics system would allow the players to equip ECM's on their mechs provided that the mech has an ECM slot (which ties in with the lore as only some mechs are designed for stealth) which can be bought in the purchase tab but should be expensive.
It should be expensive because I would also ask if it is possible for Magic or anyone to have pilots receive reduced gunnery skills when attacking stealth mechs? It would make sense since it is also a rule from battletech PnP and also a nice bonus/penalty when attacking with or against House Liao Mechs and creating replay and user-created campaign value. It would also make the game more interesting especially once multiplayer is unlocked/possible.
So simply put, here is what I want to ask:
is it possible to have the following in the future
- more stealth mechs
- improved scout chopper/non-mech assets
- customizable assets
but what my wild imagination would like are
- powered armor/elemental armies
- increased air asset and power
- better commander options in combat and in office
- LAMs (lol!)
- increased importance of non-mech assets
- potential multiplayer dynamics present in-game
- ponies