Forget my other posts
{remember i'm the owner of McBob's)
Meanwhile at McBob's aboard the
Computer: Captain
Unidan: What?
Computer: Incoming jump signitures, unidentifiable!
Unidan: Bring it onscreen
Out in space Borg cubes jump in and attack McBob's
Unidan: What the hell? Computer, order McBobs station to bring all guns online!
Computer: Incoming transmission
Borg: We are the Borg you will be assimilated resi-
Unidan: Yaddha yaddha yaddha, up yours! Fire at will!
A hundred BFReds shoot out and totally obliterate the cubes
Everyone: Yay
Unidan: What do sensors read?
Computer: Nothing in system, but we're picking up a distress signal from captain snipes, it seems the Bastion is there too.
Unidan: This might get interesting, engage sub-slick drive.