Author Topic: Imperial Raider  (Read 10555 times)

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Offline Deathsnake

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There is a new ship for X-Wing Miniature game and its looking interessting.

A Counterpart for the Corellian Corvette:

The Imperial Raider Corvette

Kuat Drive Yards began manufacturing the Raider-class corvette in 6BBY as a dedicated anti-fighter vessel after it was successfully pitched by Lira Wessex, the designer of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer. She recognized that the Imperial Navy lacked a small, modern craft to reinforce the TIE fighter squadrons deployed by Star Destroyers, and she designed the Raider-class corvette as a durable, 150m vessel that featured multiple hardpoints and would excel at suppressing Rebel fighter attacks.

I say : YES FOR A NEW SHIP!!! :D

« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 12:26:15 am by CountBuggula »
Star Citizen No. 250


Offline CountBuggula

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Huh.  I have a hard time getting a sense of scale from that model.  I don't see a real need for such a ship in game, as we already have the Carrack Cruiser that fills that role for the Empire.  That said, our policy always is that if someone wants to make an EU ship, they're welcome to try.  If it meets our quality standards and fits the look and feel of OT ships (which is usually a judgement call by Chief1983) then there's a high chance we'll include it.  That doesn't mean it would show up in the campaign missions we're creating, but it'd be available for custom missions.


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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I don't see a real need for such a ship in game, as we already have the Carrack Cruiser that fills that role for the Empire.
It sounds more like a Lancer than a Carrack.
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<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
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<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

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I don't see a real need for such a ship in game, as we already have the Carrack Cruiser that fills that role for the Empire.
It sounds more like a Lancer than a Carrack.

Wasnt the Lancer a less common and larger ship that the Carrack making it more akin to the Nebulon B  for the rebels?
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Offline CountBuggula

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They're honestly all fairly close in size.  Wookiepedia has the Corvette at 150m, the Lancer at 250m, Nebulon-B at 300m, and Carrack at 350m.  Besides, the Empire also used the Nebulon-B - if I remember right all of the Rebellion's were stolen.

Again, though - our resources are limited, so since it's not something we need for the campaign and it's not an OT ship, nobody currently on the team will likely take the time to do it.  That doesn't stop you or anyone else from taking a stab at it, and if you come up with a great model, great.


Offline Droid803

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This thing (150m) is supposedly smaller than Lancers (250m) which are in turn smaller than Carracks (350m).
Carracks are apparently larger than Nebulon-B's (300m) which feels kind of silly given those ridiculous giant windows which makes it look really small.

Of course, how the things feel visually, it should be the reverse.

Guys making these designs have no sense of scale, just shove a number on it and that's how big it is amirite. It's why I absolutely detest the Carrack. It's a penisbrick with derpy windows that looks like it should be some 50-100m long freighter at the largest. A more agreeable look for something carrack-like would be the tartan from EaW.

This thing at least looks...better.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 03:28:49 pm by Droid803 »


Offline Mongoose

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Honestly that thing mainly looks like someone slapped really huge TIE panels onto a Star Destroyer.


Offline Deathsnake

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The Imperial Raider is almost as big as a Corellian Corvette:

FIGHT! My bet is on the Imperial Raider. More guns. Mini Star Destroyer :D

Or both a lost against my Star Citizen 890 Jump :D

5 turrets + 2 missileturrets+ 2 Fighters :D 20m shorter but the rest are in the size of the 2 Star Wars Corvettes.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 04:12:49 pm by Deathsnake »
Star Citizen No. 250


Offline CountBuggula

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This thing (150m) is supposedly smaller than Lancers (250m) which are in turn smaller than Carracks (350m).
Carracks are apparently larger than Nebulon-B's (300m) which feels kind of silly given those ridiculous giant windows which makes it look really small.

Of course, how the things feel visually, it should be the reverse.

Guys making these designs have no sense of scale, just shove a number on it and that's how big it is amirite. It's why I absolutely detest the Carrack. It's a penisbrick with derpy windows that looks like it should be some 50-100m long freighter at the largest. A more agreeable look for something carrack-like would be the tartan from EaW.

This thing at least looks...better.

A agree about the Carrack - which is why we've tried hard to minimize that in our version.  The window is still huge, but isn't the ridiculous implausible behemoth it was before.  Here's an in-game screenshot:


Offline wookieejedi

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Looks fantastic!


Offline Deathsnake

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Very good. Hope somebody have the time to make the Raider for a Imperial Mod or a Mission in your Standards. It fit perfect in the role of defending imperial convoys from rebel raiders. After see some ships from Episode VII, even in the new movie the ship is perfect.

Star Citizen No. 250


Offline Gank

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That Raiders a terrible model, dagger hull makes no sense on a ship that size and tie solar panels? Lazy designing. Lancers designed specifically for convoy escort, there doesnt need to be exact imperial equivalent of Corvette, fs2 isnt a board game.


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Or both a lost against my Star Citizen 890 Jump :D

5 turrets + 2 missileturrets+ 2 Fighters :D 20m shorter but the rest are in the size of the 2 Star Wars Corvettes.

I'm a little confused by this layout. 

Also - in talking about detail and how accurate a model is (reference to the comments about the cargo transport), I find it not very helpful to allow ourselves to be constrained by the details that may have been canon in the movies. 

Why?  Because those model makers, back in the 70s, were under pressure to come up with ideas no one had really thought of before, and drawing from pure creative spark and a little (but not too much) background knowledge and research of real ships, came up with something in time for a deadline to the film, where that particular detail would only see 3 seconds of screen time, and never be thought twice about for the reason as to why it was there. 

In creating an immersive, expansive universe, we have to give consideration to doing real, hard, extensive research into the things we are trying to create.  This layout of a "Luxury Liner" in Star Citizen is exactly why I don't think enough research is done.   For one, this is a luxury liner, yet the amount of open space in the crew dining area and quarters takes up a good chunk of the middle of the vessel, which is prime territory for a nice guest dining room (perhaps that was the intent...but the crew living quarters is in the wrong place then.) 

The guests you have aboard are your upmost priority in laying out a cruising vessel.   You want to place them as far away from the pumps and machine noises of the engineering spaces as possible.  As well, you want to give the guests maximum open space to roam in a confined area.  There seems to be a cramp on the communal guest accommodation in that regard.  The staterooms are nice, but where is the forward lounge and observatory?  Where is the dining room and bar next to that forward lounge for evening cocktails? 

Furthermore, where are the engineering spaces?  The should be berthed aft...not the guests,  because that would be closer to the uncomfortable heat and noise generated by those spaces.  As well, the bridge does not need to be as large and expansive as it is.  On a luxury liner, there is need for space on the bridge, to be sure.  Officer comfort is important to companies hoping to retain good personnel, and guests (if the bridge is "open" to them) need a place to observe from, usually some sort of couch or seating arrangement can be provided, however in that model, the bridge is huge, and has a lot of empty, useless space, that on a vessel with limited space, you'd never build it that way, because you need space to run cables, pipes, and other machinery, you need to have things open enough to convey welcome, but tetris enough to be utilitarian.  It's a delicate balance.

I've worked on ships for a long time.  I've got a master's license and several credentials.  I have worked engineering, on cruise vessels of all sizes, on old, traditional tallships, on tankers and tugs and been to all sorts of ports and haul outs. 

I can tell you, a lot of these game companies, if they really wanted to create something that FELT real, would consult with someone who's actually been aboard these things extensively, and could tell you that slapping a massive window, 10 stories tall, just doesn't make sense on the front.   They could tell you that a MASSIVE ENGINE meant to propel you across space needs a fuel tank somewhere, and having a master state-room RIGHT BEHIND IT just wouldn't work for all the supporting structure that would need to be in place for that engine to operate.   The Engineering spaces would take up a majority of the aft half of the vessel and be placed center to it.   That's because every room...every conduit, every single wire lead and pipe on that ship from every compartment, at some point needs to get routed back to the engineering space where the generators for power, pumps and other system's management devices reside.    If you have it all off to the side, or in some awkward place, it makes everything from electricity to human waste that much more likely to have problems getting where it needs to go. 

While yes, it is a fictional world with fictional ships, showing even just a little bit of basic sense of modern ship layout will go a looong way for immersion.  And there are people who notice this stuff.   

Just a thought. 


Offline Deathsnake

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Now the Raider is again Canon :D
Battlefront 2 Imperial Campaign. And see at the second Death Star ;)
Star Citizen No. 250


Offline CountBuggula

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Now the Raider is again Canon :D
Battlefront 2 Imperial Campaign. And see at the second Death Star ;)

...our policy always is that if someone wants to make an EU ship, they're welcome to try.  If it meets our quality standards and fits the look and feel of OT ships (which is usually a judgement call by Chief1983) then there's a high chance we'll include it.  That doesn't mean it would show up in the campaign missions we're creating, but it'd be available for custom missions.

Also, a reminder that Disney Canon does not equal FotG Canon.  For our purposes, the OT is the only reference that matters.  Anything outside of that is EU and may or may not be included at our discretion.