Author Topic: And the fun starts again  (Read 3385 times)

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Offline Rictor

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how about this you tard, don't start a war?
lets see: Pearl Harbour was an attack on a military base not even on the mainland. Soldiers died. Thats not what I was reffering to.
9/11 was miniscule by normal standards.

In the past 150 years, has the US:
-been occupied?
-had a war waged on its soil?
-had its cities bombed?
-had foreign soldiers acting offensively on American soil?
-had its civilian population suffer the ravages of war?

no? Then you don't know what war is. Until you have had you CIVILIAN population suffer, and not something as small (forgive my harshness, but by world standards it was small as 9/11, you will be more than ready to inflict that same suffering on a foreign population. Soldiers are armed, soldiers can defend themselves and soldiers choose to be o the battlefield. Cry me a river, until the US people have suffered at the hands of a foreign aggressor, you have no right to casually dismiss the death and suffering of innocent milllions.

To put it another way, the US has always, or as close to always as is meaningful, been the agressor, never the victim, thats why you can't even begin to imagine what the victims of US agression are feeling, you simply have no conception. If the US went through for 1 month what the Iraqis have been going through for over a year and a half, you would know anger like you didn't even know existed.


Offline aldo_14

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Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.

Not under attack in the past 200 years? America hasnt even EXISTED for the full 200 years. Our primary attack that started us was back in WWII when the Japs invaded Pear Harbor. Thats an attack. It may not be in the mainland, but its an attack nonetheless. Second, we have 9/11. We are talking extemely populated cities having planes flown into the World[/I] Trade Center. Thats an attack. Its a terrorist attack, but its still an attack.

So, we decided we've had enough. We go out, and make a checklist of things to be done. Lets see, kill Al Quida in Afghanistan, check. Eliminate terrorists in Iraq? In progress. They dont necessarily have to be Al Quida to be targets. Hint the name, "war on terror" and not "War on Al Quida" or "War on Weapons of Mass Destruction". No, its "War on Terror" (terror being short for Terrorist, in case the children forgot)

But we have seen real war. We have seen the year-long Gulf War (Im speaking of when I was alive) and the headlines it brought to news:

"Sadaam invades Kuwait"

We went it, took them out, and forced them back to their country in March 3, 1991. After that we got Clinton chucking missles at Iraq. (not really a war, but an attack)

So, when I say get over it, I mean people are GOING to die. There isnt a way to stop that, especially since its war. If you expect no one to get hurt during war time, you are ignorant. **** happens, and there is nothing we can do to stop the bullets from flying by sitting at our computer debating about it. The end.

The US has not endured an invasion of its territory in, ever (did Mexico invade in the 19th C?).  Or a continued threat from a hostile force - the Japanese knew that an attack on Pearl Harbour could only buy them a years grace at most, they never threatened the US mainland.  There has never been a prolonged beseiging of a US population centre, ala Stalingrad, the Blitz, Sarajevo, Fallujah, etc.  So you've not seen real war, you've seen the semi-skimmed, diluted TV version.  Very few of use here will have, if any.  

We've not cowered in bunkers listening to bullets whiz overhead.  We've not been scared to cross the street lest we be shot.  We've not been shelled, or been bombed, or been run over by a tank.  We've not seen streets and battlefields strewn with decomposing bodies, torn literally to pieces by high-calibre bullets.  We've not seen our best friend, or children, or colleague, have their limbs blown off by an errant RPG or bomb.

You - we - have seen nothing of war. Queda in Afghanistan.  Sod all found.  No hidden bunkers, no Osama bin Ladin, very few actual identified Al-Queda fighters captured (many were foreign fighters fighting for the Islamic revolution, not international terrorism; and some were basically scooped up and passed over by the Northern Alliance in exchange for US cash rewards without any real evidence).  Bomber Tora Bora (in particular) on NA intel, found nothing but old arms dumps and a few 'alleged' terrorists (handed over by the NA - again they got a nice payoff for this)

Iraq... no terrorists.  Well-offhand- one group that was fighing Saddam (who were, IIRC, attacked), and another who were fighting Iran .  the US signed a non-aggression treaty with the latter, so they basiclaly gave terrorists a safe haven in Iraq.

And, of course, the US attracted them to it.  Firstly, they might as well have painted a bullseye on the army sent in.  And they removed the government and replaced it with an unpopular but weaker one (security wise) - perfect conditions if you wanted to have an Islamic revolution.  So the war on / with Iraq has actually brought the terrorists, not removed them.

So we end up with Fallujah, and the al-Sadr uprisings.  Attacks on mosques, during Ramadan.  The breeding of martyrs.  The upholding of the terrorist call to end the "American crusade against Islam".  And the Us, the coalition, just hands the terrorists a great big piece of propaganda for their cause.

Anyone with an iota of sense can realise you can't fight a 'war on terror'.  Terrorists don't fight wars - they hide in our cities, amongst us, and target military targets.  Think about it - it's terrorism.  It isn't exactly terrifying to see a man with an AK47 stand up to a M1A1, is it?  Assuming this horrible great Al-Queda network even exists in the quasi-military way we're told, that it's anything less than a loose affiliation of independent groups with shared aims and financiers.

Because, after all, the first time 'Al-queda''s operational structure was defined was when it was required to convict Bin Ladin (of the Nairobi bombings, in a March 2001 trial) under anti-mob laws - and where a criminal 'organisation' was required.

And, yeah, people die in war.  That's exactly why it is the very, very, very last resort; and the worst option.  But, hey, this isn't a war, anyways.  It's an occupation.


Offline Rictor

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Originally posted by Ford Prefect
But you're missing the point. War only happens because someone wants it to happen. And the only way that people can be so casually accepting of the most horrific, nightmarish, self-shattering phenomenon of human existence is if they themselves have not experienced it. Thus, it is a vicious cycle.

**** didn't just "happen;" America wanted this bloodshed. Nobody brought Iraq to us.

No Ford, you're forgetting, everything that America does, it does with reluctance and a heavy heart. It didn't want to wipe out the natives, that sort of just happened. It wasn't trying to dominate Latin America, the duty was thrust upon it. It didn't want to establish and empire, it needed to be done and no one else would do it.

They didn't choose to invade Iraq, the call of duty beckoned and a reluctant yet brave nation answered.

The story of America: its a tough job, and there are tons of perks, but by God somene has to do it. Its just destiny, manifesting itself, none of it is intentional and therefore no one is accountable.

I hate sarcasm.


Offline karajorma

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Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.
Not under attack in the past 200 years? America hasnt even EXISTED for the full 200 years.  

*Feels the need to point and laugh at this statement*

Originally posted by aldo_14
The US has not endured an invasion of its territory in, ever (did Mexico invade in the 19th C?).

Actually the Canadians (and Brits) invaded them in 1812 and burnt the White House down but they don't like to talk about that :lol:
« Last Edit: November 11, 2004, 03:28:30 pm by 340 »
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Then why am I fully aware that the White House was burned during the war of 1812? (The reinvasion fo the Brits. They made a game out of it, actually. ;7 )

As for the 200 years bit, ah crap ya got me. Declaration signed in July 4, 1776. I keep thinking back to the 1800's.... ;)


Offline karajorma

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Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.
Then why am I fully aware that the White House was burned during the war of 1812?

Just cause you're aware doesn't mean that your entire population is. I hear americans boast about how they won the war of independance against Britain all the time as if it was the last time the two nations clashed. I don't hear any of them mention the fact that the last war between both nations was actually a draw.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

I'm glad we have other countries around to remind us of our history. ;)

Probably because a majority of the population of America has some disregard for history. I myself love history, as it is a time to look back on ourselves and what we were generations ago. Im sure you guys can back me up when I say World War II is my all-time favorite history subject. I've read books at will on the subject, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, and now am on "KGB: The Inside Story" where halfway in we learn of Stalin's alliance with Germany and how it was broken and what Stalin was so paranoid about. (He didnt open fire on the germans until they were 50 miles into Russia. 12 hours after the Red Army had to retreat, they decided "fine, start shooting")

I know a lot of the population is ignortant, and I cant help that fact, but there are some of us who arent so missinformed.