Author Topic: R1 SCP Patch  (Read 3502 times)

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Offline Greyv

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I've been searching all over and i cant find the patch except on fileplanet where you have to pay to download.  anyone know where i can find it?

It's available on Inferno's website. And, you don't have to pay to download from Fileplanet: you have to pay to download instantly. There are plenty of free Fileplanet servers, but you might have to wait in an online queue for them (the lines are never that long, the most I've had to wait was about 30 mins.)

Furthermore, the site shows many mirrors, such as Gamespot, if you don't like Fileplanet (I don't).
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Offline Snail

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Fileplanet must be shot by the deathstar superlaser :mad:.

God, I HATE fileplanet. I once made the Tips.tbl show "Fileplanet must die." And modifed all tech entries to say after everything "fileplanet must die." I was really stupid back then :blah:.


Offline Woomeister

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Furthermore, the site shows many mirrors, such as Gamespot, if you don't like Fileplanet (I don't).
The patch is only on fileplanet as far as I can remember.

Oops! I was looking at the main download!  :D

Yeah, Patch on Fileplanet only.
"You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become?" -DEATH, Discworld

"You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you'll never be better than Commander Shepard!"


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You don't have to pay on Fileplanet(I hate it!). I think paying with credit card was needed,then somene here helped me out. Search,log in,download every time a link directs you to Fileplanet.
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