Author Topic: Need some help (Linux Install)  (Read 3854 times)

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Offline Omega_Shadow

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Need some help (Linux Install)
Currently Running PCLinuxOS

I have used Turey's installer to download and install everything. However, now I am stuck. I got a bunch of .exe files and such for the windows version of the game with no idea how to get going in linux.

Is freespace open supposed to run in wine? or am I missing something here?


Offline Wanderer

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Re: Need some help (Linux Install)
Hmmm... If you have downloaded 'beyond the red line' you could probably use its exes for running the game

On the other hand... It might be best if you could perhaps try compiling the files on your own
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Offline oaul

  • 23
Re: Need some help (Linux Install)
Linux install is a cinch:,44374.0.html
has the latest binaries you need.

So what the java installer you used does is download all the game data - not the binary to run it.  You could either compile the binary yourself (as was suggested in the previous reply) or use the link above to get it.  I would recommend the latter.  Ignore all the .exe's.  DO NOT USE WINE. 


Offline Omega_Shadow

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Re: Need some help (Linux Install)
Alright, that was easy enough.

However now when I try to run Freespace it stalls my computer before I get to see anything. any clues on that?


Offline jr2

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Re: Need some help (Linux Install)
Try running ([jealous]or compiling or whatever you ubergeeks do with Linux [/jealous]) the debug build, then posting the error log fs2_open.log found in your /data dir.


Offline Omega_Shadow

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Re: Need some help (Linux Install)
Don't be jealous. Modern Linux Systems take the need to compile programs yourself to a bare minimum. Most programs are already pre-compiled and are one-click installs. Actually, I would much rather be doing this on a Win2kpro system as I would have less problems with the game architecture and my Flight Controller (witch Linux has labeled a Universal Power Supply :hopping: )

Well, I tried it for the 10th time and it worked, though it did freeze my computer on exit. I think this is the log you where asking for. It was the only log file I could find in .fs2_open folders

DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning
categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved.
Opened /home/omega_shadow/.fs2_open/data/fs2_open.log OK
Passed cmdline options:
Building file index...
Searching root '/home/omega_shadow/.fs2_open/'
Searching root '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/multi-mission-pack.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/multi-voice-pack.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/root_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/smarty_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/sparky_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/sparky_hi_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/stu_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/tango1_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/tango2_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/tango3_fs2.vp'
Searching root pack '/home/omega_shadow/fs2_open/warble_fs2.vp'
Found 14 roots and 7425 files.
AutoLang: Language auto-detection successful...
Setting language to English
Initializing OpenAL...
  OpenAL Vendor     : OpenAL Community
  OpenAL Renderer   : Software
  OpenAL Version    : 1.1

  Using extension "AL_LOKI_play_position".
... OpenAL successfully initialized!
Failed to init speech
GR_CPU: Family 0, MMX=Yes
Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 640x480 with 16-bit color...
  Initializing SDL...
  Requested SDL Video values = R: 5, G: 6, B: 5, depth: 16, double-buffer: 1


Offline oaul

  • 23
Re: Need some help (Linux Install)
I would try changing your resolution to your native. ie mine is:

 $cat $HOME/.fs2_open/fs2_open.ini
VideocardFs2open=OGL -(1280x1024)x32 bit

Also, make sure you have glx rendering support
$glxinfo | grep -i render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 852GM/855GM 20050225

(For the above I had to enable DRI for my integrated video, else it would flash black screen and exit)

Also, what is your video card?


Offline S-99

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Re: Need some help (Linux Install)
You could always run fs2 open in wine. I got that working, it just required two dll files that the linux console told me was needed to run fs2 open and put those in the wine fake windows drive. And it works.
Every pilot's goal is to rise up in the ranks and go beyond their purpose to a place of command on a very big ship. Like the colossus; to baseball bat everyone.


I won't use google for you.

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