Hey all!
If you didn't know I'm out here in LA. I'm producing a fantasy/comedy series for the web called Element Isle. So far I've managed to get a couple of my LA friends in it, Jason Miller the lead singer for Godhead, and Kyle Hebert, an anime voice actor from Naruto, Bleach, and a bunch of other anime.
So, what I need is an opening graphic sequence in space! Very simple and short, just maybe 10 seconds at the most. The planet is earthlike, and has only ONE continent on it, maybe the size of South America. It has a binary star system (two suns) and a rose colored moon. So, I'd just like a shot of the solar system, maybe panning from the two suns, past the moon, and then a shot of the planet.
You would get a credit for it of course. I think you might even be able to do it and capture it in the FS2 engine, eh? As high res as you can make it, please.
I know you guys are the ones for the job, just let me know if you can please! Or if there's anything else I can do for you in return.