If the main goal was to provide a gaming experience that would, as much as possible, get the player to watch the Great War from the perspective of a Shivan pilot, Trimurti succeeded and did so admirably. The last mission in particular, mostly because of its final cutscene, really added something to this campaign. I noticed a handful of glitches here and there that may be fixed in a later release via quick FREDding, but this is a miniscule drawback compared to the amount of work devoted to creating this campaign. It may eventually be expanded with a bit more of a "storytelling depth" in future releases, but that is mostly a matter of opinion. Many fans would disagree.
I see that Trimurti as a word has its roots in Sanskrit, although I have to say that "tri murti" means
three dead men in my local dialect. At first, in fact, I was like...
what the hell? Has this been developed by a neighbor? Oh, and I got 0/5 spoons.
EDIT: I'm reading comments about fans having trouble trying to figure out what to do in certain missions. I have to admit, in fact, that the mission featuring both an Imhotep and a Faustus was a headscratcher. I downloaded this mod via Knossos so I didn't know that debriefing suggestion texts actually explained what to do. My mistake.