Author Topic: multipart turrets on angled surfaces  (Read 19689 times)

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Re: multipart turrets on angled surfaces
Usually, you use the detail0 turret subobject not the detail1 subobject.  Not sure if that alone could break it.  They're also set to no movement.  Is the ball supposed to move and shoot or remain stationary?  I'm also not sure what the purpose of the turretholder object is.  It's not visible as far as I can tell, nor part of the turret.  Why not just make it part of the main mesh?  Seems a waste of a subobject to me.
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Re: multipart turrets on angled surfaces
Wow, that's just a few dumb mistakes... :nervous: It moves and fires alright now, thanks.
The ball is supposed to move and shoot, yeah. As for the turretholder thing, I split that off for convenient unwrapping. Made it an untargetable subsystem now.


Offline Talon 1024

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Re: multipart turrets on angled surfaces
If you are using Blender and you want to use Scooby Doo's utility for calculating the uvec and fvec:
- Copy the angle of the turret (or an empty with it's "z" as the uvec and it's "y" as the fvec) into the converter
- Click "Adjust for 3dmax"
- Press Calculate
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 08:52:57 pm by Talon 1024 »
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Re: multipart turrets on angled surfaces
Important notes...

  • When viewing model in PCS2 and setting uvec and fvec values using PCS2 vectors it is important to notice that first vector element ('X') needs to be reversed.
  • Turret uvec and turret normal need to match (while remembering the above rule) or otherwise turret rotation matrix will not work as it should.
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Offline Talon 1024

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Re: multipart turrets on angled surfaces
You may also need to reverse the "z" element on the uvec and the "y" element on the fvec in some cases, particularly if you've got a multipart rotated on the x-axis only.

The "x" element almost always needs to be reversed.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 11:05:56 am by Talon 1024 »
To understand religion, you need to understand morality first. | WCSaga website | WCSaga Forum | 158th website | 158th forum | Project Leader: WC: Hostile Frontier | WCHF Thread at CIC | Wing Blender | Twist of Fate | Multipart turrets on angled surfaces, tutorial included. | My Google Drive stuff | To convert speeds from WC to WCS, multiply both the cruise speed and the Afterburner speed by 0.15625 (5/32)

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Re: multipart turrets on angled surfaces
As this thread was revived i could add a note that it is no longer necessary to match turret uvec and turret normal. Assuming you have a valic turret fvec and uvec the uvec will override (and overwrite) the turret normal.
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Re: multipart turrets on angled surfaces
As this thread was revived i could add a note that it is no longer necessary to match turret uvec and turret normal. Assuming you have a valic turret fvec and uvec the uvec will override (and overwrite) the turret normal.

This also means that the firing points will look very messed up in PCS2, but as long as you rigged them just fine in your 3d program they'll work in game.
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