Author Topic: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems  (Read 8064 times)

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Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
For context, I'm using that new Knossos launcher.

In Forced Hand, I am unable to target the subsystems or turrents on the Repulse. After tons of Disruptor fire and Stilettos, nothing seems to break on that thing, not even turrets.

Also when I tried to send a report from the Knossos launcher, it gave an error message.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
You're unable to target them?  Meaning you press the K and S keys but no turrets or subsystems are targeted?

Or can you target them but not damage them?

Here are some things to try:

1) Make sure the "target turret" and "target subsystem" actions are actually bound to keys (by default K and S)
2) Make sure you didn't cheat and make the Repulse invulnerable

It might help if you attached a screenshot.

Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
I can confirm I can target subsystems and turrets on every other ship BUT the Repulse. The repulse’s health goes down but no amount of stilettos aimed at any turret or the engine area or any radar dish seems to do anything. Not using cheats on the repulse.


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Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems

Please post your fs2_open.log file.  Instructions on how to do this can be found in this post.

Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
These apply to the Knossos launcher? I only ask since they are dated 2008.


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Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
The log is generated by FS Open, not Knossos.
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Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
I think he's talking about the instructions since they're only mentioning wxLauncher and 5.5g.

@kylekatarn77: On Knossos' Home tab, click the dropdown arrow for ST:R and select "Run Fast Debug". If the game opens a warning message, click Continue until you end up at the point where you encountered the problem. Quit FSO, open the dropdown menu from earlier and click "Upload Debug Log". Finally, paste the link Knossos gives you here.

The report probably failed because you weren't logged into Nebula. I need to add a better error message for that case...


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Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
I'm experiencing the exact same problem in Forced Hand. Subsystem targeting works for any ship in the mission, combat spacecraft included, except the Repulse. I haven't used any cheats.

I'm playing ST:R on 20200906.
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Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
I still can't reproduce that engine bug.  Unfortunately, if I can't reproduce it, I can't fix it.

Can you upload your log?


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Re: Forced Hand- Repulse Subsystems
I posted the log on Discord, I think.

Subsystem targeting was possible during my fourth playthrough of the mission. I failed the mission and restarted it soon afterwards - again, no trace of the bug.
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