Just wondering after CT27s post - does the ModDB download include a mod.ini?
When I tried it the other day, it did not. It had a "mod.json", but no mod.ini.
Anyways, about the mod.ini template you gave me a couple posts ago (thank you by the way):
Is that literally the text I should put into the mod.ini file (in addition to adding an image 255X112 line with a bmp picture file I made)?
I ask because there are a couple points I'm wondering about:
-Should "secondrylist" be changed to "secondarylist"?
-Should I change the items in that line to their more specific versions? For example, since this uses 4.3.X files should I change "FreeSpacePortMVP" to what other mods use as "fsport-mediavps_43x"?