On the mission "Arachnophobia", you are given access to a support ship in case you need more EMPs or TAG missiles. However, when I played it recently, sometimes it would be summoned by another allied ship. The problem with this is that sometimes the support ship gets summoned right next to the Arachnas and it gets taken out by Shivan craft or the Arachnas' defenses. After that the player isn't allowed to summon another support ship (and that could lead to the player being stuck).
This isn't a huge problem (it doesn't always happen so it's not inherently gamebreaking...and if played somewhat carefully with taking one's time one shouldn't run out of ammo), but do you think one of these suggestions could be put in?
1-Only allow the player to initially summon the support ship (so he or she could summon it away from heavy combat)
2-If it gets destroyed, allow a second support ship to be requested