Author Topic: Post retail or gameplay bugs here!  (Read 58441 times)

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Offline Stealth

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Post retail or gameplay bugs here!
This thread is for any problems you may have while running any of the FSPORT files.  Please post problems/errors/bugs/suggestsions here, as that makes it easier for us to locate your problems without having to look through dozens of threads.

Also, if at ALL possible, please try to post a picture/screenshot of the problem.  If this is not possible, please take a screenshot and mail it to either Galemp or Goober and we will fix the problem as soon as possible.  Remember to include all or as much of the following information as possible when you report the problem:

  • What mission/file is giving the problem/error/bug?
  • What are your general computer specs.?
  • If possible, please post a screenshot of the error/bug, or send it to the email address above
  • Anything else we should know (this includes explaining the problem in as much detail as possible)

If you follow the guidelines, this will ensure that all problems will be dealth with as swiftly and effectively as possible.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2005, 03:14:56 pm by Galemp »


Offline Galemp

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Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Uhh, Stealth... didn't we already have one of these? What did you do with it? :wtf:
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

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Offline Stealth

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i didn't touch it.  i thought we had one, bu then today i looked, and i couldn't see it... so i made a new one

Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Originally posted by Stealth
i didn't touch it.  i thought we had one, bu then today i looked, and i couldn't see it... so i made a new one

still wont work! I'm trying to covert the rest of the FS Demo and the Campgian file I can't seem to get em to work. I have the voice files and was wondring if the mission titled Demo02b has it's own mission sound files because if so I can't find em in the demo V.P.
The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.


Offline Stealth

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you sure they're not in the Demo VP?  they should be!  check again.

Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Originally posted by Stealth
you sure they're not in the Demo VP?  they should be!  check again.

Yes I checked it two times the same thing not in even after I redownloaded it and pout it in agian.
The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.


Offline Stealth

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i'll download the FS demo and check

Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Originally posted by Stealth
i'll download the FS demo and check

Ok... PM me with what you find.
The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.


Offline HeX

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Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Have a bit of a crash problem. Run the port, load up mission one, try to enter the Weapons Selection room and the game crashes back to windows.
Alot's changed, but alot's still the same. Come on by and talk about anything!


Offline Galemp

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DIdja get the patch, HeX?
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline HeX

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I believe so, drop me a link to be sure.
Alot's changed, but alot's still the same. Come on by and talk about anything!


Offline Galemp

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"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...

Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Originally posted by HeX
I believe so, drop me a link to be sure.

Is it working now?
The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.


Offline neehoor

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I have no weapons when I'm in the "main freespace campaign". The weapons-loadout screen is empty, I can still fly but without guns/missiles. No problems in silent threat campaign.

How can I fix this?


Offline Stealth

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hmmmm... did you download hte patches?


Offline neehoor

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Patches.....? I dont think so. I've got the latest FS2 patch but something tells me thats not what u mean. What patches do I need and where do I get them?  Only thing I installed is the fsport 2.0 file.

EDIT: Problem solved, reinstalled the whole game and no problems anymore.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2002, 11:17:10 am by 989 »

Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Originally posted by neehoor
Patches.....? I dont think so. I've got the latest FS2 patch but something tells me thats not what u mean. What patches do I need and where do I get them?  Only thing I installed is the fsport 2.0 file.

EDIT: Problem solved, reinstalled the whole game and no problems anymore.

mission FS1a202 whont run!
The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.

Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Hi, newbie here.

Using the 2.0 port (which fixed the crash going into the Big Bang mission, btw), immediately following completion of The Big Bang, it dumps me out to this error:

I can close this out and go back to FS2, which is still running in the background, and load the next mission fine.

Keep up the good work on a great port! :D

It seems that mission two is making the same problems as in the last version. (I've written this to you before, Galatic Emperor)

When you play the mission on normal or less difficulty, the Vasudan Ace is not showing up. I think it is, because of a SEXPression operator, where you have to user or instead of and.

And there are not very much asteroids in the field. Some are in a distance of 60.000 units.


Offline Knight Templar

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Post errors/bugs/problems here!
Which mission is that Steve? (Number if you could please, I only know them by numbers)

The Vasudan Ace thing.. I beleive certain ships appear on certain dificulties and so perhaps one of the ships that is required isn't there. And.. Asteroid field? .. I don't even have an Asteroid field on mission two.. the one with the Einstien right?

I'll check up on Krishna tommarow. It may seem half assed, but i'd say just wait for ST Reborn, as at least 50% of the errors aren't ours :rolleyes:

the errors belonging to V....
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