Author Topic: i need a lil feedback...  (Read 904 times)

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i need a lil feedback...
Alright, I am updaiting you all on the Freespace "Duel" (think yu-gi-oh! when i say duel game play), I have the standard stats ready, but i am indicisive on how to make the standard play go. im thinking much like a normal card game etc, but like being as how FS ships have a dozen or so weapons as primaries and secondaries and even beyond that for caps, how would i or could i balance it or limit the weaponry as to not overwhelm a player? also HP hits etc, any thoughts?

(EDIT: Decided to post some stats)
Note: The final version is gonna be in Excel format for easy nav.
Freespace 2 Duels (& Or Duel Fleets) Concept 1
(all ship data in this format for this page)

Accronym-Class Name-Hitpoints (Life)
Primaries: Gun Mount(s)/Max Hitpoints Each Mount (only when doubled up can double damage be inflicted)
Secondaries: Launcher(s)/ Max Hitpoints Each Launcher (only when doubled up can max damage be inflicted)
Beams (If Any): Amount of Beams/ Amount of Damage per use all (depends, this a variable-> undecided)

Ship Types - Non-Capitol - Individual Ships (Think 1vs1)

SF-Stealth Fighter (200)
Primaries: 1/200
Secondaries: 1/150

SB-Stealth Bomber (400)
P: 1/200
S: 2/200 (each)

HAF-Heavy Assault Fighter (450)
P: 2/700
S: 2/900 (each)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2002, 10:35:59 pm by 382 »


Offline Knight Templar

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Have you ever played old skool Star Wars CCG? (By Decipher)
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never did, i am sorta still learning how to play yu-gi-oh... but i am possibly thinking about remaking and or either this, create my own battle system, but i would like some help in doing so.


Offline Knight Templar

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hmmm i thought SW:CCG had a semi good batlte system worked out... could be messed aroudn with though. If you need ideas that bad, i'm on AIM.
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Re: i need a lil feedback...
Originally posted by deep_eyes
...being as how FS ships have a dozen or so weapons as primaries and secondaries and even beyond that for caps, how would i or could i balance it or limit the weaponry as to not overwhelm a player? also HP hits etc, any thoughts?

Keep your modelling simple. Don't try to track too much, and don't try to duplicate the computer combat too closely.

Don't try to model individual weapons on the ships. At most, I'd say to boil stats down to:

primary power
secondary power
secondary locktime

determining primary damage would be attacker agility vs defender agility (ties go to defender), with damage being attack power minus armor, applied to defender "hitpoints".

Secondary damage would be about the same, but use the secondary locktime as a penalty for the attacker. naturally secondary power would be higher to compensate. Damage is applied in the same way. Secondaries would be a group of counters that are depleted.

You could, of course, have primary and secondary cards, that the player might play WITH a fighter, that would basically say "this fighter has swarm missiles" and "this fighter is packing Maxims"

Throw in "manuever" and "obstacle" cards to affect agilty (good and bad). Also, '"support ship" cards could reload fighters.

Consider not having individual fighters. Instead, try fighter wings (this would really add something to personality style cards, like "alpha-one"). Capship cards could launch fighter wings or support ships, as well as having defenses of their own.

Capship cards could be things like beam malfunctions, or engine core breaches, or "rapid reinforcement cards" that make fresh capships show up in the middle of battle (maybe a search your deck for a capship kinda thing).

This is just a bunch of crazy ideas that popped off the top of my head. If i think of anything else, I'll let you know.
[I am not really here. This post is entirely a figment of your imagination.]


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I was thinking... make capship weapons cards that can be deployed on capships to increase their attack power. Laser turrets are standard, beams have a bonus against capships, AAA beams have a bonus against fighters, flak has a defensive bonus. BFGreens can only be mounted on the Colossus or Hades but have really high damage; BFReds can be mounted on the Sath, Lucifer, or Hades. The Iceni and Hades can mount Shivan as well as Terran weaponry. Fighter/bomber weapons like the Disruptor and Stiletto can be used to 'capture' enemy ships or disable their weapons.

//end ramble
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