Author Topic: job opportunities  (Read 26770 times)

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Offline KARMA

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about the site, i made some preliminar studies of a layout, that you can see here

but i don't have time to complete it: stealth if you want to give me an hand with it you welcome

spicious, i didn't add you to the staff list one month ago for the simple reason you never replyed to my message (or i missed your reply, that is the same), so i thought you were not interested anymore, now that i see you i'll add you to the staff list

for all the others in the staff list, i sent the list for the census, i messaged again styxx, i posted in the request thread in the main forum, if you still don't have private forum access nor avatar, it's not my fault, you simply have to wait until the admins evade all the requests. Personally i don't have time to get in touch with all the members individually with mail or private message, if you really want specific things to do while you wait for access to the forum you have just to piss me with mails or pvm :) (or we may use the open forum too)


Offline Stealth

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Originally posted by Black Wolf
There're already some very professional looking templates posted on internal, just need some content.

let us see!  let us see1

What ships need to be done? BTW I fixed that size problem. Now the Imperial Gunboat and Dragons Heart are equal enough to teh existing X-wing... Working on the Imperial Missile Cruiser now...

[Edit] I think ImpMsCru is now close enough to right size... At least it's 1000 times smaller ;)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2002, 08:09:58 pm by 622 »
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

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Offline Galemp

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Just about every ship needs to be done. Pick one.
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline Killfrenzy

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*Opens his mouth to say 'Victory class Star Destroyer' before getting chased away by a swarm of Eyeballs*

Seriously, has an MC-80 been done yet? I hope that it's done BETTER than the feeble attempts in XWA.......
Death has more impact than life, for everyone dies, but not everyone lives. [/b]
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Offline KARMA

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Originally posted by Stealth

let us see!  let us see1

just look the reply before your;)


Offline Galemp

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Originally posted by Killfrenzy
Seriously, has an MC-80 been done yet? I hope that it's done BETTER than the feeble attempts in XWA.......

Actually, if you can do Mon Cals there's plenty of work ahead of you. Internal has a good model (too detailed, and we don't have permission to use it) that you can use for reference, if you like. There's also the MC80a, MC80b, MC90, MC40, Home One... lots of Mon Cal stuff.
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline Deepblue

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Originally posted by KARMA
table editors
more than table editing this part of the job is related on balacing the game,so:
knowledge of the starwarsverse
knowledge and use of the other sw games to import and adapt parameters
(i have a lot of stuff about this, i'll post it when possible but i can't follow at full time this side of the project)

pof editors
i'm almost a newbie in this nor i have so much time to do it so i usually do a minimal pof editing, galactic emperor so did most of the pof editing but if we find someone to help him in this it wouldn't be so bad i think:)
required: ability to pofediting using pcs, modelview32 and any other tool required accordingly to the swverse

thats all i think...for the moment:) [/B]

Nuf said :D


Offline Killfrenzy

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Originally posted by GalacticEmperor

Actually, if you can do Mon Cals there's plenty of work ahead of you. Internal has a good model (too detailed, and we don't have permission to use it) that you can use for reference, if you like. There's also the MC80a, MC80b, MC90, MC40, Home One... lots of Mon Cal stuff.

I can certainly *attempt* to do a Mon Cal, but I don't have much experience with 'bubbly' models. Just take a look at my Serenity class Battleship. Also, I can't LOD....:(

I will see what I can do, but it will probably have to wait until after christmas. I'm getting both Lightwave 7 and 3DS Max 4 so I'm sure to cook up something!

BTW, when I do the MC90, I'm going to put beams on it just for a laugh!! (Actually, it's partly to do with my fanfic and the 'Beamsaber' turret):lol:

And I'll need someone to texture them. I can't.
Death has more impact than life, for everyone dies, but not everyone lives. [/b]
-Tomoe Hotaru (Sailor Saturn
Founder of Shadows of Lylat


Offline KARMA

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if you want a more blocky model there is the corellian corvette for example...or maybe a bulk freighter...or an assault transport....or...well its a long a list :p


Offline WMCoolmon

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Killfrenzy: There's always the Darksaber :D
Just make a cylinder and resize :p


Offline Killfrenzy

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Originally posted by WMCoolmon
Killfrenzy: There's always the Darksaber :D


Seriously, I'll have a go at the Mon Cals. They're important (in my opinion) and someone's already doing the VictStar, so I'll settle for the Cals.

*Grabs all of the Mon Cal cruisers*

They're MINE I tell you! MINE! MWAHAHAAA!!!!

But as I said, I can't LOD. If there is someone who can LOD and put debris on my main meshes, I can do COB, LWO and......:eek2: 3DS. Anything else, I'll have to see if I can do! :D

Yes, I have trueSpace 5.1, 3DS Max 5 and LightWave 7.0.:ha:

:nervous: I'll.....slither away now......

I would do a blank UV map for the ships, but I don't think LithUnwrap likes me......

What I would like is a confirmation: Am I responsible for the Mon Cals now? *Prepares to beg*
Death has more impact than life, for everyone dies, but not everyone lives. [/b]
-Tomoe Hotaru (Sailor Saturn
Founder of Shadows of Lylat


Offline KARMA

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Originally posted by Killfrenzy

Yes, I have trueSpace 5.1, 3DS Max 5 and LightWave 7.0.:ha:

what's the problem with lods???:confused:

btw if you want the mc80...its yours...take all the time you need but obviously....excellence required;) (i'm telling that just because you said you have no experience with blubby models)


Offline Killfrenzy

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Problem with LODS = I don't know how to do them. At least, not in TS5.1. I've only just got 3DSM5 and LW7 (literally, yesterday!) so I've yet to install them both!

Yeah, I'll take the Cals. It will be some time, but I will do my best. I think at the end of the day I'll be gluing bubbles together! ;7 :D

BTW, I've just taken a look at the original model for Home One.......and felt very ill! Does anyone have any decent drawings of her? Needless to say we've got to have the ship of the best character in the saga: ACKBAR!!!!!


EDIT: I don't suppose I can have the little Star Wars avvie now?:nervous:
« Last Edit: December 11, 2002, 06:54:44 am by 343 »
Death has more impact than life, for everyone dies, but not everyone lives. [/b]
-Tomoe Hotaru (Sailor Saturn
Founder of Shadows of Lylat


Offline Deepblue

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Originally posted by Deepblue

Originally posted by KARMA
table editors
more than table editing this part of the job is related on balacing the game,so:
knowledge of the starwarsverse
knowledge and use of the other sw games to import and adapt parameters
(i have a lot of stuff about this, i'll post it when possible but i can't follow at full time this side of the project)

pof editors
i'm almost a newbie in this nor i have so much time to do it so i usually do a minimal pof editing, galactic emperor so did most of the pof editing but if we find someone to help him in this it wouldn't be so bad i think
required: ability to pofediting using pcs, modelview32 and any other tool required accordingly to the swverse

thats all i think...for the moment


Nuf said [/B]


Offline Galemp

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Originally posted by Killfrenzy
BTW, I've just taken a look at the original model for Home One.......and felt very ill! Does anyone have any decent drawings of her? Needless to say we've got to have the ship of the best character in the saga: ACKBAR!!!!!

EDIT: I don't suppose I can have the little Star Wars avvie now?:nervous:

Karma, put in a request for KF's internal access and an avatar. KF, PM me your email and I'll send you a huge hi-poly Home One to play with.
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline Deepblue

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I am too. No one notices my posts half the time. :(


Offline KARMA

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Originally posted by Killfrenzy
Problem with LODS = I don't know how to do them.

if you are talking about hierachy, check last pcs tutorial from bobbau (but also ipandrews' one explain that)

if you are talking about modelling there are two ways:
1- you build a whole new model (with about half the polycount of the higher one)
2- you just select and weld some vertices to reduce the detail and the polycount

use also as reference xwaup's and xwa's calamari cruiser

about the avatar thing, i ALREADY requested avatar and private forum access for killfrenzy, codedog, knight templar and all the others with the census staff list + i sent a second private message+ i post a request in the hlp request thread...I CAN'T send a private message for all the members individually or i'll go crazy

oh, and i cleaned a little my pm box some days ago;), but you have to resend the messages that have been rejected because box was full


Offline Black Wolf

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Um, do we need POF editors KARMA? Deepblue keeps posting, without response.
Rarely Updated P3D.
Burn the heretic who killed F2S! Burn him, burn him!!- GalEmp


Offline KARMA

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yes, sorry you are right, i intended reply him in the precedent post but i forgot to:shame:
actually i think that we are well covered in pof/table editing (since we are very slow in developing ships), but i'll contact you whenever we will need help (expecially in pofediting, that is very possible)