Author Topic: Worldcraft project.  (Read 922 times)

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Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
Yes, i'm pimping the WorldCraft project again, because I've just recruted a new staffer: Slanker MT! and if you lot don't show interest in the project before long, I will personally destroy the world.

Although I've done no work on it myself for over a month!


Offline NeoHunter

  • Primo Novus Venator
  • 28
What is this Worldcraft anyway?

nah, it´s more that I wanted to test my old WC skills again. Don´t put me on any list right now :p

Oh, and WC is the old editor for Q2-engine based games (aside from radiant)... specifically Quake 2 and Halflife.

you need some custom textures *cough*wadfather*cough* , and some more practise with hammer (worldcraft 3.4)

i would be able to give you some help with the project, but my computer is a piece of sh*t and i can't run hammer on it anymore without it crashing every thirty seconds (i'm serious!)


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

  • Koala-monkey
  • 211
I am trying to minimize the use of custom textures, as the file will be prohibitively large for downloading purposees.