Author Topic: Visual Rocketlaunch Request  (Read 3461 times)

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Offline DaBrain

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
I have an idea for a cooler Rocketlaunch Effect.
It´s nothing big, but it would sure look better...

The Rockets got the same Engine as all the fighters do, right ?

Why dont have them activated their Aferburners when they are launched ?
With the standart Engine Effects it´s propably sensless, but with the new ones...

Uh my english is quite bad :rolleyes:
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Offline Turnsky

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
hmm.. first off.. i'll let the others give the welcome blog


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in case of emergency, administer caffeine to the artist,
he will become docile after that,
and less likely to stab you in the eye with a mechanical pencil


Offline karajorma

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Using the afterburner effect rather than the standard one would make sense actually. Shouldn't be that hard to achieve either (unless FS2's horrible coding causes problems).
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline DaBrain

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
I think 2-3 Seconds after the lauch are enough.

I would even do it myself, but I´m kinda limited to Turbo Pascal :(
SoL is looking for a sound effect artist
Please PM me in case you want to apply
Shadows of Lylat - A Freespace 2 total conversion
(hosted by Game-Warden)


Offline Nuke

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
id like a flag that adds your ship's speed to the missile's speed, so you can divebomb
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Nuke's Scripting SVN


Offline Unknown Target

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
How can you divebomb in space? There's no up or down :p


Offline Nuke

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
why the f*** does everyone around here be so technical! i am refering to the down that is 90 of the plane that is prependicular to the vector of your ship as it moves twards the capship, you can call this down. increasing your downward velocity dtards this plane constitutes diveing, releasing a bomb during this procedure constitutes diveboming. so there!
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Nuke's Scripting SVN


Offline karajorma

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Originally posted by Unknown Target
How can you divebomb in space? There's no up or down :p


UT : There's no up or down in space. How can I dive.


Shivans get out the bug scrappers to remove UT's carcass from the front of their sathanas. :lol:
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Flaser

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
IIRC this already worked with the Helios.
"I was going to become a speed dealer. If one stupid fairytale turns out to be total nonsense, what does the young man do? If you answered, “Wake up and face reality,” you don’t remember what it was like being a young man. You just go to the next entry in the catalogue of lies you can use to destroy your life." - John Dolan


Offline aldo_14

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Originally posted by Nuke
why the f*** does everyone around here be so technical! i am refering to the down that is 90 of the plane that is prependicular to the vector of your ship as it moves twards the capship, you can call this down. increasing your downward velocity dtards this plane constitutes diveing, releasing a bomb during this procedure constitutes diveboming. so there!

If there's no down, you can't have a downward velocity



Offline Flipside

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Well, for me, down is what happens when you push 'up' on the joystick ;)


Offline Black Wolf

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
What happens if you push up and 7 at the same time? :shaking:
Rarely Updated P3D.
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Offline Lightspeed

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Originally posted by Nuke
id like a flag that adds your ship's speed to the missile's speed, so you can divebomb

you need to play more instead of making requests that were implemented even in FS_retail ;)

This happens already, for every weapon.
Modern man is the missing link between ape and human being.


Offline Nuke

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
so how come when you hit the burners on my ancients fighter and it hits about 500 m/s, why do all my shots and missiles lag behind. from my observations, what you discribe doesnt happen.
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Nuke's Scripting SVN


Offline Unknown Target

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Because you're missiles' top speeds are too slow. It boosts, then immediately slows down :p


Offline gevatter Lars

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
What about giving missiles a real afterburner?
Don't know how you do or if missiles can have an afterburner, but I had ones...a long long time idea of a drone/bomblike thing that has no engine, just a short, but powerfull afterburner combined with a kamikaze action.
Gives a quite funny looking flightpath.

Back to the topic...lets say we have a rocket, add an afterburner that starts itself one second after the lunch and then burns till the impact?
"Yes! That is my plan, and I see nothing wrong with it. I figure that if I stick to a stupid strategy long enough it might start to work."
 - comment to "Robotech: The Masters"


Offline Carl

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
because that would be the same as an engine only faster and yellow.
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Offline pyro-manic

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Would be good for long-range stuff like the Treb, I suppose - they launch really slowly (like 50m/s or something), and then the burner boosts them up to cruising speed. Means they're bloody awful up close, but deadly at extreme range.

Or something.
Any fool can pull a trigger...


Offline magatsu1

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Originally posted by karajorma
unless FS2's horrible coding causes problems.

now you're just being cynical.
Blitzerland: Knows what he's talkin' about


Offline mikhael

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Visual Rocketlaunch Request
Originally posted by aldo_14

If there's no down, you can't have a downward velocity


Its not that difficult to remember. What do they teach you kids in the Battle Room these days?
[I am not really here. This post is entirely a figment of your imagination.]