Author Topic: Hippies.  (Read 4138 times)

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Offline an0n

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Originally posted by Stealth[cro]
Slightly worse my ass. Global warming won't chance a common cold virus into an instant killer. "Localized" radioactivity may, can and probably will. I say "localized", because it never is, I'll restate again - Chernobyl and it's death cloud that covered Europe. Consider yourself lucky if you weren't there. Then again, the USA had just as many nuclear screw-ups...
Firstly: You read too many comics.

Secondly: It will not create a super-virus. It will, however, melt the ice-caps, drown your sorry ass and burn the Earth to an arrid, charred cinder of a desert and globally destroy all but the hardiest of lifeforms.
So, they're either promiscuous or on weed...
Tssk... You should really get your FOV increased one of these days...
If they're so goddamn great, where are they now?

Oh, that's right, they either realised being a hippy sucked, died from AIDS or are living in a trailer-park and working 12 hours a day at the local Quick-E-Mart to feed their cough-syrup addiction.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline J3Vr6

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Actually, I have to argue the dopeyness... I used to do it everyday for 2 or 3 years when I got home from work pulling hard on that bong and to be honest I found it hard to remember things I did in the past.  Just like watching movies when toked up.  They'd be great movies, but don't ask me what they were about a couple of months later.  Used to happen when I was at work, too (never did it before or during, though).

I didn't do the reg's (too weak), though, but crippie and afghan, ak-47, etc.

I stopped doing it a few months ago because I may be in the job market again, but I have to admit my memory is slowly coming back.  Does that mean I'd never do it again?  Hell no,  I know I will.  I don't see anything personally wrong with doing things as long as it's not in excess.  What I used to do was over the top, but I can't see why it can't be enjoyed during the weekend.

The only thing that's really said is that long term use causes manic depression by the age of 30.  And that only happens in certain cases, and wouldn't stop me.
"I wanna drink til I'm drunk, and smoke til I'm senseless..."

"Hey barkeep, who's leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?"
-Brian, Family Guy


Offline an0n

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That's the one I forgot: Depression.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :

long term alcohol abuse isn't good either.

long time eating waay to much sugar will **** you up bad too.

just eating a lot of sugar at once ****s you up for the rest of the day, it makes you go hyper like 4 year old on alcohol.
just another newbie without any modding, FREDding or real programming experience

you haven't learned masochism until you've tried to read a Microsoft help file.  -- Goober5000
I've got 2 drug-addict syblings and one alcoholic whore. And I'm a ****ing sociopath --an0n
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Offline an0n

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It's actually possible to overdose on sugar. It sends you into a coma and ****.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :

yeah, i know. i'm quite hypersensitive, that's why i can't have any.
just another newbie without any modding, FREDding or real programming experience

you haven't learned masochism until you've tried to read a Microsoft help file.  -- Goober5000
I've got 2 drug-addict syblings and one alcoholic whore. And I'm a ****ing sociopath --an0n
You cannot defeat Windows through strength alone. Only patience, a lot of good luck, and a sledgehammer will do the job. --StratComm


Offline an0n

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The term you're looking for is 'hypocondriac'.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline 01010

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Originally posted by an0n
Paranoia increases with use.

You got insomnia because you smoke weed. You now have a fully-fledged dependency. Kudos.

So what if it only triggers Schizophrenia? It could only trigger a hammer to your face, it's still a negative effect of smoking weed.

The point is: You do have to smoke it. It's addictive :tard:.

Dopeyness: Glad you agree. Weed = Stupidity.

No, I had chronic insomnia for years before I ever tried weed, I don't like sleeping tablets so I started smoking on the proviso that it would help me sleep and it did and continues to do so. I don't have a dependency because I can easily go long periods without weed, they just happen to be long periods with poor sleep too.

Let me be a little clearer, it can trigger mental illness where it's already established in the family line and is hereditary. If there's no family history then it's reasonable to assume you'll be one of the millions of people that don't go crazy.

It's mentally addictive not physically, a mental addiciton is easy to break if you're not mentally weak.
What frequency are you getting? Is it noise or sweet sweet music? - Refused - Liberation Frequency.

Originally posted by an0n
Firstly: You read too many comics.

Secondly: It will not create a super-virus. It will, however, melt the ice-caps, drown your sorry ass and burn the Earth to an arrid, charred cinder of a desert and globally destroy all but the hardiest of lifeforms.If they're so goddamn great, where are they now?

Another bug in your calculations. One, I barely if ever touch comics. Two, you obviously didn't do much research into the effect of half-life decay on human tissue (I have, and only out of pure curiosity). I live some 50 miles away from a nuke powerplant, and I think I know what can happen pretty well. From radiation leaks to a nuclear steam explosion (Chernobyl case) to total meltdowns and chain reactions. Don't tell me it's all comic BS because it will eventually happen. Besides, don't even think about smacking the USSR about the Chernobyl explosion - the first nuclear disaster was in the USA.

Oh, that's right, they either realised being a hippy sucked, died from AIDS or are living in a trailer-park and working 12 hours a day at the local Quick-E-Mart to feed their cough-syrup addiction. [/B]

If that's true, how come a lot of them are still alive and kickin', not on any kind of drugs (and rarely on any medication) and not acting like an old grup who'll get a heart-attack just because something happened to someone they should've done major business with?
A Seth is a terrible thing to waste. The reverse applies for Shivans.

"Look at you, Hacker... a pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a PERFECT, IMMORTAL MACHINE?"
        -- Shodan, the Devil of Citadel Station, 2072 AD

-= Freshly hooked on LSD... er, DSL=-


Offline an0n

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I bet you're one of those people who think Russian Roulette is a nice, quick way to make a few bucks.

No, it's physically addictive. Your body tends to not like being deprived of increased levels of endorphins.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline an0n

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Originally posted by Stealth[cro]
Another bug in your calculations. One, I barely if ever touch comics. Two, you obviously didn't do much research into the effect of half-life decay on human tissue (I have, and only out of pure curiosity). I live some 50 miles away from a nuke powerplant, and I think I know what can happen pretty well. From radiation leaks to a nuclear steam explosion (Chernobyl case) to total meltdowns and chain reactions. Don't tell me it's all comic BS because it will eventually happen. Besides, don't even think about smacking the USSR about the Chernobyl explosion - the first nuclear disaster was in the USA.
Did you even bother to read up on Chernobyl?

They sent men in on clean-up with the orders: Get one shovel-full of waste, tip it in that big skip then you can go home. And IIRC 90% of the men died within a week or two from radiation poisoning from the 10 minutes of exposure.

Radiation, believe it or not, kills things.

It's been decades since Chernobyl and the only affects they've seen so far on the nearby life is that it's all deformed. No man-eating trees, no 6ft killer bees, no blue monkeys. Everything either died or became horribly disfigured.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline karajorma

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Originally posted by Kazan
chernobyl happened because of brain dead governmental administrators overworking engineers IIRC

That might be the indirect cause but the explaination I read was far more tragic (in the if it wasn't tragic it would be funny mold).

The problem with russian RBMK reactors is that should the electricity supply from the reactor fail the cooling pumps stop working.

The backup generators which are supposed to supply them are diesel powered and take 50 seconds to power up, during which time the pumps have no power. This is far too long for the reactor to go without heating.

On the 26th April 1986 the plants managers decided to conduct a test to see if the inertia in the turbines would keep the cooling going for long enough for the backups to kick in. During the course of the test they accidently set the reactor to low power output (which made it difficult to control). They withdrew most of the control rods from the core (against operating instructions) and they then switched off any automatic safety devices that would interfere with the experiment or their attempts to get it back on track (ones which would switch off the reactor if the turbines stopped or if the steam pressure rose).

What they failed to consider is that You don't **** around like that with a live nuclear reactor! :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: February 04, 2004, 02:25:23 pm by 340 »
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Offline Stunaep

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Originally posted by an0n
It's actually possible to overdose on sugar. It sends you into a coma and ****.

Well, for that matter, it's possible to overdose on water. I've seen that actually happen (just don't ask where).

Karajorma, you pretty much nailed it with your explanation. But I guess that's the way the russians do things. Infact, an Aeroflot plane with 200 passengers onboard crashed in the 80's because the pilot and the co-pilot were having a coffee, the plane was on auto-pilot, and the pilots son and daughter were on the pilot's seats. Apparently the pilot's son accidentally switched off the auto-pilot and crashed the plane.

Moreso on Chernobyl, the effects of the blast were detected even in a Swedish nuclear reactor, where the daily dosage control read several times above the nominal. The increased radiation was cause by the Chernobyl blast

Now going somewhat on-topic, indeed, weed is physically addictive. The amount of addiction, as well as it's effects are comparable to that of alchohol, only weed tends to lead up to stronger drugs. And because some 01010 doesn't want to admit that he's hooked doesn't mean that it's okay to do weed.
"Post-counts are like digital penises. That's why I don't like Shrike playing with mine." - an0n
Bah. You're an admin, you've had practice at this spanking business. - Odyssey


Offline aldo_14

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Originally posted by Stunaep

Well, for that matter, it's possible to overdose on water. I've seen that actually happen (just don't ask where).

I remeber a story a few years back where a girl died after drinking 20 gallons of water after taking an ecstasy tablet at a club.  I think what haooebs is that the excess water thins the blood (i.e blood cells), so not enough oxygen gets carried around the body.


Offline Martinus

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[color=66ff00]You know I heard once that drinking a 500ml bottle of HP sauce (british, one of their best inventions IMHO) it will kill you.

Supposedly this was as the result of university research, one question: if it's in any way real how did they prove this?

BTW this thread is currently giving off so much heat I'm powering my tea maker from it. ;)


Offline Odyssey

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[color=cc9900]I would like to add a little to the discussion, in saying that AFAIK Chernobyll was a main result of the use of charcoal as a moderator. If something goes wrong when you've got super-heated charcoal around, it burns. It seriously burns. Which is why it is rarely used any more as a moderator in nuclear power stations. I believe that something similar happened to a US reactor at some later point, and the moderator - water - didn't catch fire and burn the house down, meaning that everything could be safely restored to health.

The risk these days is greatly reduced.[/color]


Offline J3Vr6

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Originally posted by aldo_14

I remeber a story a few years back where a girl died after drinking 20 gallons of water after taking an ecstasy tablet at a club.  I think what haooebs is that the excess water thins the blood (i.e blood cells), so not enough oxygen gets carried around the body.

Wow, I never heard of that.  How did they prove she drank that much water, anyway?  It's always that the victim never drank enough water.  What XTC does is basically cooks you inside.  You have to drink water or you'll fry from the inside.  Baked brain, anyone?  When I did it I can certainly say I felt like my body was in an incubator.  Even the huge amount of water I drank didn't seem like it was enough to cool my body down.  And that's the problem with kids using it today, they don't learn enough about it before using and don't realize the amount of water they have to consume so they won't cook.

The XTC produced and sold today is nothing compared to 10-15 years ago.  Now it's mixed with heroin and coke, speed.  People weren't dying at the rate they are now to X.
"I wanna drink til I'm drunk, and smoke til I'm senseless..."

"Hey barkeep, who's leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?"
-Brian, Family Guy


Offline aldo_14

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Originally posted by J3Vr6

Wow, I never heard of that.  How did they prove she drank that much water, anyway?  It's always that the victim never drank enough water.  What XTC does is basically cooks you inside.  You have to drink water or you'll fry from the inside.  Baked brain, anyone?  When I did it I can certainly say I felt like my body was in an incubator.  Even the huge amount of water I drank didn't seem like it was enough to cool my body down.  

Well, that is you're reason right there........... I guess the diagnosis came from examining red blood cell counts or something, combined with eyewitness evidence.  This was a fairly long time ago, though, that i remeber this from.  At least 5 years ago, albeit I wouldn't be surprised if there were other cases.


Offline 01010

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Originally posted by Stunaep

Now going somewhat on-topic, indeed, weed is physically addictive. The amount of addiction, as well as it's effects are comparable to that of alchohol, only weed tends to lead up to stronger drugs. And because some 01010 doesn't want to admit that he's hooked doesn't mean that it's okay to do weed.

Do you even know the difference between physical and mental addiction?

Heroin is a physical addiction, weed is not. I can smoke weed and go without, sure I want some, but it's not life or death and generally it's a nagging thought at the back of my mind occasionally. My body doesn't need the drug to function.

With heroin however, you get shakes, you can't sleep, you can't eat, you constantly vomit, you get muscle cramps and all you can think about is your next hit. You cannot live your life, you lie cheat and steal to get money for the next hit and life is unbearable for the people around that person. Your body needs the drug because it is dependent on it, it is a physical addiction.

Also, ecstasy is a complete head**** and I know one guy that hasn't been the same since he started doing it. Never touch that ****, it's a waste of time.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2004, 03:51:07 pm by 784 »
What frequency are you getting? Is it noise or sweet sweet music? - Refused - Liberation Frequency.


Offline Martinus

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[color=66ff00]Problem with E's is that they're laced with bleach, ratpoison, brickdust, talc to make up their weight, half of them don't even have MDMA in them. (over here anyways)

Would never touch the things regardless. I have a hard enough time comprehending reality straight without compounding the problem.