Author Topic: Question for you all...  (Read 1024 times)

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Offline karajorma

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    • Karajorma's Freespace FAQ
Originally posted by Liberator
Alcohol is one thing,  Amphetimines and Narcotics are a whole differnet horse entirely.  If you're an alkie, your life sucks but you can function when you're sober and I don't know of a case where an alkie killed someone for a drink.  Junkies on the other hand are a public menace when their sober.  The will do anything for another hit, even kill.  That's why drugs are illegal where alcohol is not.

That's a rather poor arguement Lib. Junkies kill for a hit cause the drugs are expensive due to the fact that they are illegal. Make them available as cheaply as alcohol and the problem wouldn't be much worse than with alcohol.

Biggest mistake the government ever made was to start this stupid "War on drugs" In the 50s opiates were semi-legal and they weren't anywhere near the problem they are now. Criminalising drugs is the cause of the problems we have now. Not the drugs themselves.

Legalise heroin and let the morons who take it breed themselves out of the human race.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Rictor

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Yeah, its just a question of who would you rather see money going to: druglords or the government (or am I repeating myself ;) ;) ).

People who use drugs aren't going to stop because you ask them politely, or even due to the fear of punishment, so you might as well sell the stuff, at least that way the purity, dosage and chemical makeup can be controlled, unlike most of the crap you find on the streets. It would not only eliminate the violence involved in drug deals, but aslo be a huge source of revenue for the government, which could then go to education, healthcare or whatever.


Offline ionia23

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please oh please oh please don't let this turn into another anti-smoking-nazi argument.  That always happens.
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Offline redmenace

  • 211
Originally posted by icespeed
what exactly would be the point of banning alcohol? people would just find something else to get pissed on.

lol icespeed is back. tiara is no longer the only girl. haha
Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
              -Frederic Bastiat