Author Topic: anyone whose fs2 disks are broken  (Read 18343 times)

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Offline sh0dan

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
Thanks stealth; yes indeed, it starts off looking fairly convincing and then crashes out with a "099786400" error.

Ahh yes, 099786400, of course... ;)

Thanks anyway. Perhaps some md5sums would be a good idea?
Command: you ..ds  ye.. d .?


Offline Stealth

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
well it's worked for the one guy that tried downloading it... (see the first page).

karajorma made some suggestions, and they worked for someone having a similar problem to you.  also, check the first page.


Offline sh0dan

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
i could open installshield .cabs with Zipscan, but couldn't extract files from, so i supposed it was corrupt. Redownloaded it, extracted the iso's under linux, and installed the lot from a directory. Worked a treat... thanks very much for hosting those files!

One odd thing was that iso3 (only) stored the files in 8.3 format, so that tango2_fs2.vp came out as tango2~1.vp, which the installer then didn't recognise. Easily fixed, but strange that it did that - you re-imaged the third iso didnt you? did you do it differently from the others?

Now i'm just finding out how many of the SCP additions I can run with my voodoo3 cel600 system without grinding to a halt...

[quite a lot, it seems :)]

Is Silent threat an add-on, or standalone extra?
Command: you ..ds  ye.. d .?

anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
add-on to FS1. A very, very crappy one at that.
just another newbie without any modding, FREDding or real programming experience

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Offline Stealth

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
Originally posted by sh0dan

One odd thing was that iso3 (only) stored the files in 8.3 format, so that tango2_fs2.vp came out as tango2~1.vp, which the installer then didn't recognise. Easily fixed, but strange that it did that - you re-imaged the third iso didnt you? did you do it differently from the others?

no, i didn't.  i realized my one CD was corrupt, so i took another copy of FS2 that i own, and made an ISO copy using the same program, method, etc.  anyone else had a problem with that?

And yes, as kasperl said, Silent Threat is for FS1.  i just uploaded it because a few people showed interest in it.

anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
Can anyone explain what "tangoA.vp" and "tangoB.vp" are for?? When opened with VPView, i get a data text file, wich can´t be opened (due to size, maybe?).
Had to reinstall FS2, and now my CD3 is acting up. Says i can´t read one of the .vp´s!! Had to install without the briefing anims to work...   :hopping:

I guess i better make a new set of copies for backup. :rolleyes:
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline karajorma

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
They are on the ISOs?


If you're using the HotU version you'll also have two files called tangoA_fs2.vp and tangoB_fs2.vp

AFAIK both are from the HotU build and are dummy files
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
Yes, they are. I d/l the .iso´s and burned them onto CDs. Too bad i deleted the images after...
Well, then i suppose i was wrong about what version i have of FS2. I always thought he Hotu version came only with the low-res graphics, and since i have them i thought i had the retail version.
I always play in 1024x 768, wich i thought the Hotu version couldn´t do...
Anyway, the problem is in the tango2_fs.vp, and i got the exact same error message posted in the first page of the thread. Strange thing is, it always worked until now! The only thing i have diferent since the last time i had it working, was that i enabled S-ATA support in my Bios settings, to allow me to run the S-ATA HDD i just bought. But i can´t see how that would screw up the install... unless it has something to do with my DVD drives, that have been acting up ever since. They fail to get detected by the system if i keep an image mounted on Daemon Tools.
Oh well...
« Last Edit: September 07, 2004, 11:54:40 am by 2050 »
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline Stealth

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
i don't know what to tell you man.  the ISOs worked for other people that downloaded them.  tell me if you find a problem for sure, and i'll upload a correct(ed) ISO i guess.  i too always thought tangoA and tangoB were HOTU's issues... i guarantee you i have no idea how they found their way onto the ISOs because i never have used HOTU, and probably  never will use it for anything Freespace related.  

did anyone try downloading all three ISOs and have NO problems with them?  anyone download them and have partial problems, but get it to work anyway?  and if so, could you post what you did to fix these problems.

anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
My iso.s are diferent. I got them from eDonkey, about a year ago. It´s not the one´s you posted.
 I think i got it wrong when Karajorma asked me if they were in the iso´s. He probably was asking if it was in the iso´s posted here, and i answered yes, when i should have pointred out wich iso´s i have and where i got them from. Sorry.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2004, 06:52:23 pm by 2050 »
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline Stealth

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
oooh ok.  no problem, no need to apologize :)

you just had me worried for a second :p

anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
Thank you very very very much, my CD1 has been broken for about 2 years now and I can finally play FS2 again!!!  Thank you Thank you!!!


Offline Hippo

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
Wait... they're still up?
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Offline Kosh

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
Yes, they are still up. :)
"The reason for this is that the original Fortran got so convoluted and extensive (10's of millions of lines of code) that no-one can actually figure out how it works, there's a massive project going on to decode the original Fortran and write a more modern system, but until then, the UK communication network is actually relying heavily on 35 year old Fortran that nobody understands." - Flipside

Brain I/O error
Replace and press any key


Offline Hippo

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
oh... I'll have to grab them friday night then...
VBB Survivor -- 387 Posts -- July 3 2001 - April 12 2002
VWBB Survivor -- 100 Posts -- July 10 2002 - July 10 2004




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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
Ok , i downloaded all three iso`s , and installed fs2 using deamon tools, but game doesn`t start . Game folder size is 1.289 MB , and there are no *.mve files. I pushed fs2.exe or freespace2.exe and nothing happend.Where is the problem ?

P.S Sorry for my english , but i`m from Poland , And thanks to Stealth for Iso`s


Offline Kosh

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
I have been trying to dl iso3 for a couple of days now. Everytime it always just stops somewhere at the beginning and just sits there.
"The reason for this is that the original Fortran got so convoluted and extensive (10's of millions of lines of code) that no-one can actually figure out how it works, there's a massive project going on to decode the original Fortran and write a more modern system, but until then, the UK communication network is actually relying heavily on 35 year old Fortran that nobody understands." - Flipside

Brain I/O error
Replace and press any key

anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
I'm having trouble downloading the ISO's... but once I do so I'll seed a torrent and post the link in this thread since there seemed to be some interest in distributing this with bittorrent from a while back...


Offline pavello

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anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
If anyone is interested, I found FS2 on a bittorent at The Pirate Bay site. Just search for freespace.

Torrent file list:

Freespace 2 Readme.txt 0.16 KB
Freespace2_1 - prototype24.bin 697.90 MB
Freespace2_1 - prototype24.cue 0.32 KB
Freespace2_2 - prototype24.bin 782.45 MB
Freespace2_2 - prototype24.cue 0.32 KB
Freespace2_3 - prototype24.bin 772.16 MB
Freespace2_3 - prototype24.cue 0.32 KB
fs21x-12.exe 1.05 MB
fs2cd120.EXE 195.01 KB 98.93 KB

Does anyone know if these disks are good working copies?

I started downloading but I'm only on dialup so going very slow!
« Last Edit: November 08, 2004, 01:49:15 pm by 2288 »

anyone whose fs2 disks are broken
I wouldn´t post that here, if i were you...
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...