Author Topic: MechWarrior  (Read 2555 times)

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Offline aldo_14

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I thought it was supposed to be impossible to add new mechs to MW4 (one reason why I didn't buy it, asamatteroffact).


Offline Singh

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Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.
That is some good information there. I'll look into it.

Mechwarrior 2... ah yes, I remember playing that when it hit with 3DFX! OOOH! UBER GRAPHICS! Well yeah, now it looks like crap of course, but it was fun! I loved it, and I played it very crudely at my age, but I still loved it. Have, and always will, love the Mad Cat. Mechwarrior 4 was enjoyable, but seemed to lack in some areas, like mission design. There was no stealth, nor any use for guns outside of lasers and missiles, (though some ballistics came in handy if you had slots to fill) and... it ended with a cliffhanger, so, yeah...

I loved MW2 as well. Would you believe I finished the entire game using only the Nova and tons of MLasers? lol, that was fun!

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Offline Drew

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MW2: Hard difficulty + Timber Wolf + 8 Machine guns + warhammer at 150m = :D
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My god.. He emptied the gasoline tank from the van onto your cat, lit him on fire, threw him in the house and dove for cover.  :wtf: Family indeed.  ~ KT

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Offline Setekh

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Man, I know this must make me wierd, but all I had was memories of Mechwarrior being ridiculously hard. I ran around frantically trying to fire off PPCs at this enemy who was running rings around me, and then I died. It was a sad day for the Woo household's gaming pride. :o
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Offline Singh

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Originally posted by Setekh
Man, I know this must make me wierd, but all I had was memories of Mechwarrior being ridiculously hard. I ran around frantically trying to fire off PPCs at this enemy who was running rings around me, and then I died. It was a sad day for the Woo household's gaming pride. :o

PPCs........close range......against fast mechs?
Doesnt add up dude :P
"Blessed be the FREDder that knows his sexps."
"Cursed be the FREDder that trusts FRED2_Open."
Dreamed of much, accomplished little. :(


Offline Zarax

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MW2 = 4/6 Large Lasers + Tons of heat sinks = ownage
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Offline Flaser

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+Terrain + my spiced up Thor (Ultra AC20 + ERPPC + LRM15) = not so sure ownage - for one combatant.

I prefer challenge and true need of skill instead clever but outsmartable setups.
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Offline Zarax

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I was talking of use against AI...
I had MW2 Matrox edition and so no multiplayer for me...
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Offline Mad Bomber

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Originally posted by mrfun
I HATED mw4 multiplayer.  The name of the game was nothing more than grab a Daishi, put a bunch of Gauss/PPCs on it, point and shoot.  I tried to find ton limit games, or stock mech games, then you got into some nice fights where skill and playstyle count more than tonange.  The mw4 demo multiplayer ruled all- only 3 chassis, and I had a Cougar that could rock all but the best made MadCat.  Unfortuantely all that went down the dump when everyone rides in 100 ton monsters with enough forepower to slag half an atlas in a single shot.  Manuever, swerve, use terrain, none of it works, and when they only need to hit once all the gaming goodness goes down the tolet.  Perhaps if I joined a clan, coordinated team battles would have been awesome, but i never had the patience to find one.

Not entirely true. Play on puretech FFP servers (NBT servers are superb for this), the assault fests are much more rare.

I myself pilot an Argus most of the time and usually get better than a 3-1 ratio when I do (9-0 was my best in one set). I do well in Hunchbacks or Warhammers too.

Daishis are almost unheard of now (the big-nose syndrome makes them easy targets). People are starting to learn that the game is not all about "OMFG!!MY HUEG ALHPA STKRIE KILLD U N00B!" In fact most people online now pilot heavies or mediums -- the Thor and Black Knight are both popular choices (despite the fact that the BK is so horridly easy to kill through its CT). The Ares is also a popular one since it absorbs damage so well and is so maneuverable.

The only upper-end assaults (90T+) that I really see with regularity anymore are the Highlander and Gladiator. Lots of weapons = slow = easy to hit = first person targeted by the enemy. And Gladdies are usually loaded out for an 800-meter battle. Outrange them with RAC2's, Light Gauss, PPCs (IS, clan, or CAP), LRMs, ATM-E's, or Arrow IV's.

Even light mechs are beginning to see a resurgence. Little lag-bastards with Ullers run around LBX20'ing their foes often enough to keep you on your toes. (Tis very satisfying to smack em with a Heavy Gauss when they're on the enemy team, I'll tell ya that much.)

Online play really has improved a lot since the days of Vengeance/BK. Give it a chance. :)
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Offline Mad Bomber

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Originally posted by aldo_14
I thought it was supposed to be impossible to add new mechs to MW4 (one reason why I didn't buy it, asamatteroffact).

It took a LOT of time and effort on the part of the people doing it. (At first we all thought it was a hoax until someone filmed a couple of untextured Striders fighting.) Mektek is the only group with the knowledge and ability to add the mechs, without charging anything for it that is :)

It involves borrowing the MechID's of the existing 44 mechs, since the MechIDs are hard-coded into the game. This also reflects in the damage display thing on the HUD, also hard-coded, which shows the mech whose MechID is borrowed, rather than the Mekpak mech. (For instance in the Avatar and Warhammer, the damage display shows the Thanatos. I use the bar graph anyhow.) No mechs are "overwritten", nothing was subtracted, but there are limitations that can't be overcome without the MW4 source code.

As long as we keep borrowing mechIDs, tho, we could conceivably have an infinite number of mechs (assuming people were willing to keep making and texturing the damn things).

One of the limitations is Elementals. Believe me when I say it's been tried multiple times. There is trouble when scaling the animations to such small sizes -- the Elemental ends up falling through the ground and causing errors of all sorts. Until the animation-scaling issue can be addressed, Elementals are sadly not possible :(

I think I've talked enough. Flan.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2004, 10:41:49 am by 51 »
"What the hell!? I've got a Snuffleupagus on my scanners! The Snuffleupagus is active!"


Offline Grey Wolf

I haven't played MW4 Multiplayer in a while, but from what I remember, Daishis and Atlases were fairly rare, slow, and vulnerable. A Mad Cat in a city enviroment wasted them (those legs and back panel are very vulnerable in a street). The only battle I was ever in that had successful assaults was when I and a bunch of random other pilots went up against a clan. They set themselves up with long-range weaponry and a height advantage, and massacred anyone who got within ~800m. Let me tell you that twin Gauss and a Thunderbolt to a Mad Cat's center torso, even with max armor, is not very fun....
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Offline Cyker

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Don't think it was just you Sek ;)

MW2 and M2Mercs were REALLY BLOODY HARD in some levels.

Mech3 had a few hard levels, but was by and large pretty easy.
Pirate's Moon was INSANELY hard.

I found Mech4 and Mech4Mercs very easy most of the time, with the occasional tricky mission.

I agree Mech3 has the worst multiplayer. Mech4 isn't bad, but my funnes memories were Mech2 multiplayer (The time when I nibbled my friend's Tarantula to death using an Elemental will always be cherished :D)

BTW, what does everyone prefer: Clan or IS naming?
I've always preferred Clan names (Dire Wolf and Timber Wolf just sounded so much... *cooler* to me than Daishi and Mad Cat... :D)
« Last Edit: September 13, 2004, 05:23:25 pm by 1418 »


Offline ShadowWolf_IH

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Mech 3 Rocked...the IH after my name is for Iron Horde, started as a Btech merc outfit, moved into mech2 online, then mech3.  In 3 i ran a shadowcat with 6 er med's grouped 4 and 2, max armour, 5 ams, i also built it in campaign as soon as i could, and i ran it through the entire campaign, damn good mech.  Incidentally, the IH rocked.

sometimes i ran a madcat with 2 lrm 15's, 2 streak 6's, and 5 er meds.  two variants of this mech were the which i replaced the streaks with lrm 10's, and the SR in which i replaced the lrm's with two more streak 6's.  all three also held 5 ams.

i kind of miss the old days.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2004, 10:42:07 pm by 820 »
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