Author Topic: Cruise Duration for GTVA ships  (Read 15911 times)

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Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
I think he may be referring to the vaporization of the slug when it embeds itself which then forces apart whatever the slug is in.


Offline Nuke

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Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
u-238 auto detonates on impact because it is such an unstable material. this causes a molten metal jet effect which can eath through armor (see an a-10 straif on a tank). this is why i dont like the maxim, it doesnt go boomb on impact like it should.
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Offline FireCrack

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^the DU shells dont detonate, it's just that DU is ultradense so it casues better penetration. You are probably thinking of HEAT warheads.
actualy, mabye not.
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Offline Nuke

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one who watches the history chanel as much as me cannot be wrong. ive seen multiple documentries that concure on what ive said. auto-detonation is not the same as detonation, auto detonate means that kinetic energy is converted directly into intense heat, thus melting the u-238. when you conver solid metal into vapor that fast the explosive results are huge. its not nuclear but it does go boomb. put simply u-238 shells explode on impact. api rounds work on the same principle but encase the uranium in a metal with a higher melting point, the result is a shape charge that has better penetration characteristics than the standard u-238 he shells. its a more fucused hit and is alot better for shooting up fuel tanks.
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

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Offline Fergus

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(looks confusedly around at the devastated thread, different people are demonstrating thier choice of WMD)

u-238 auto detonates on impact because it is such an unstable material. this causes a molten metal jet effect which can eath through armor (see an a-10 straif on a tank). this is why i dont like the maxim, it doesnt go boomb on impact like it should

(then glances at thread title)

Cruise Duration for GTVA ships

(shakes head and walks away)
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Offline Knight Templar

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Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
Originally posted by Carl
and you can take raw organic materials, such as poo, and convert them to edible foodstuffs. all you need is the right technology.

speaking of which, all this "a ship couldn't withstand a nuclear bomb" stuff is assuming that the ships are made of 21st century materials.

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Offline Carl

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Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
what's funny?
"Gunnery control, fry that ****er!" - nuclear1

Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
If i knew the food on my plate was once poo, i wouldn´t eat it no matter how much sugar you add to it, that´s for sure!
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline Nuke

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its been throu a poo->food converter, its totally safe :D
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Nuke's Scripting SVN

Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
poo->dirt converter == bacteria and bugs

dirt->food converter == plants

plant->meat converter == herbivores

Never eat again.


Offline karajorma

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Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
Originally posted by Swamp_Thing
If i knew the food on my plate was once poo, i wouldn´t eat it no matter how much sugar you add to it, that´s for sure!

Hate to break this to you but all your food has been poo at some point in the last few hundred million years :D
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Flipside

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Actually, if the axiom of matter not being creatable and destroyable is true, then you have no idea where you 'food' may have been ;)

As for cruise times, I would reckon ships are designed to go for around 6 months without supplies. Chances are that basic repair facilities would be on destroyers, but I suspect anything beyond hull-damage would require a Dry-dock at some point.

I didn't pick 6 months for any real reason other than it's a nice human value, and sounds about right :)


Offline pecenipicek

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Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
Originally posted by karajorma
Even a pegasus can survive the explosion of a Helios at relatively close range.

it will survive an direct hit from ingame...
one of the more bizzare things that happened to me:
i actually managed to lock with cyclopses on an basilisk and fired...
it actually hit it :ha: !
then i realize it didnt even scratch it :mad2: !!!
cyclops should be able to knock it out!
whats even worse they didnt even scratch the shields...:sigh:
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Offline Carl

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I just thought of something. We know it has to be at least as long as the trinity was in the nebula.
"Gunnery control, fry that ****er!" - nuclear1


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Skype: vrganjko
Ho, ho, ho, to the bottle I go
to heal my heart and drown my woe!
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
and many miles be still to go,
but under a tall tree I will lie!

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Offline karajorma

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Originally posted by Carl
I just thought of something. We know it has to be at least as long as the trinity was in the nebula.

That doesn't help much. The Trinity defected to the NTF only 10 days before it was found in the nebula. We don't know how much of that 10 days was spent in the nebula.

Unless it mentions somewhere how long was spent between the attack on that Aeolus in Gamma Draconis and the Aquitane going through the node itself.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Carl

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i believe they said they had been in the nebula for a few weeks.
"Gunnery control, fry that ****er!" - nuclear1


Offline NGTM-1R

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"Your designation is incorrect, Roemig. Your ship defected to the NTF ten days ago. Surrender the Trinity, or be destroyed."
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

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Offline Sesquipedalian

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Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
Originally posted by Nuke
one who watches the history chanel as much as me cannot be wrong...

Odd.  I would have expected epistemological infallibility to be accompanied by a better mastery of linguistic skills such as spelling and grammar. ;)

Are you familar with the concepts of hubris and nemesis, Nuke? ;)
Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.

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Cruise Duration for GTVA ships
Originally posted by karajorma

Hate to break this to you but all your food has been poo at some point in the last few hundred million years :D

Yeah, but that´s not what i meant. You and me we were poo too, once. As every one else in this god forsaken planet...
What i meant is this:
*pictorial image*
A crewman passes some gas in his quarters, the guy next to him complains and tells him to go take a crap. So the crewman goes to the bathroom, and dumps 2 kilos of poo down the shute.
Meanwhile, in a level below the bathroom, there´s a guy with a plastic bag and a gas mask, waiting with the bag open to catch the falling lump of poo. Then he takes it, places it in a machine called poo converter.
Two hours later, the crewman´s friend feels hungry and heads to the messhall to lunch. He gets the french fries and hamburgers. He is also given a little package that says on the bottom in a little label "fresh poo converted ketchup: place it on top of your french fries".
Bon apetit!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2004, 05:33:56 am by 2050 »
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...