Author Topic: New ship concepts by Scorpius  (Read 4127 times)

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Offline Setekh

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    • Hard Light Productions
New ship concepts by Scorpius
Here are a couple of new ship concepts done by Scorpius. He has another couple of pics which you can find in Scorpius' art section.

I think someone should model these - they are very nice.  


Whatcha all think?  
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Darkage

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New ship concepts by Scorpius
i like the idea,cool ships
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Offline Fineus

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New ship concepts by Scorpius
I think.... I want someone to model them in FS!

  - ICQ: 57179504
Webmaster: Hard Light Productions
Staffer and P1mp: Ross128   Sounds of Thunder

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Offline Scorpius

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New ship concepts by Scorpius
Wow that would be such an honor! I would love to pilot my own creation! I have something coming along the way called the GTX Armageddon and If you think those ships look nice ur in for a real treat! Thank you soo much for your compliments!
Illustrator, inker, editor, letter of FREESPACE MARINES. A comic book based in the Freespace Universe
coming in late march.
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Offline Setekh

  • Jar of Clay
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    • Hard Light Productions
New ship concepts by Scorpius
I like the Recluse in particular. I can really imagine it flying FS.  
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Fineus

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    • Hard Light Productions
New ship concepts by Scorpius
Looks like something I saw in X-Beyond the Frontier once...

  - ICQ: 57179504
Webmaster: Hard Light Productions
Staffer and P1mp: Ross128   Sounds of Thunder

Fight the future!


Offline Sushi

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New ship concepts by Scorpius
Definitely the Recluse.  

...Although I'm not exactly a world-class artist, I've been working on a ship design of my own. If I can get my old copy of 3DS R3 working, I might even post it.   So far, the concept looks sort of like an A-wing with wings, engine intakes, and four slanted tails...Now, I just need a name for it.   I was going to name it the Aeolus(thought it up before FS2) but obviouly I'm going to need something else. Any ideas?

I almost like the Triton would work better IMO with smaller wing sections. They look sortof out of proportion.  

Sushi- the OTHER white meat!


Offline Setekh

  • Jar of Clay
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    • Hard Light Productions
New ship concepts by Scorpius
I think the Explorer could look good if it was less curvy - it looks like it belongs to the Ancients or Vasudans, more than the Terrans right now.  
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Scorpius

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New ship concepts by Scorpius
I designated the ship as terran because I wanted to evolve some of the ships and I thought this would make them more futuristic and more elegant. I know it would be a ton of polys but It would be kewl to see in FS 2.
Illustrator, inker, editor, letter of FREESPACE MARINES. A comic book based in the Freespace Universe
coming in late march.
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