Well the only thing I wonder is whether those complications are neccesary or not. Some of my missions have more complication that FS2-retail campaign missions, or some other player-released missions such as a few I looked at in Homesick. Which isn't a knock against either work, but if someone can do the same with less wouldn't the less be preferable?
In the end, I'll probably continue to make overly-complicated missions. In some cases, the player may appreciate it. For instance in the first half of one mission, the player has to scan a convoy but their flight isn't on scanning duty. They've been launched just for that convoy. Meanwhile, another wing is scanning and there's a bunch of ships arriving and departing (along with messages to and fro) which have no bearing whatsoever on the player's mission. So in the end, I suppose the complication in this mission is good as it adds to the realism of the "busy port of call" atmosphere. But some players might be "meh, just get to the next part already".
OR, in the second part of the mission there's a station which a bunch of cargo and ships lying around and unless the player sticks around he won't get close to any of them. So some players might think, "cool, look at all that stuff. It's more than just a station". While others will be thinking "damn, what is all this junk? I can't cycle through all this to find my targets!!!

Good sides and bad sides to complication. The main bad side being "will take too long to ever get done; resulting in total waste", but that's probably more a part of the campaign length than the complication of each individual mission.