Author Topic: GTSc Galileo- final cut  (Read 8342 times)

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Offline ShadowWolf_IH

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If i am not mistaken the Name galileo was the name of the science vessel in Silent Threat.  It was the name of a ship, but not a class, and this is after that ship got destroyed, so unless my memory is faulty (i am getting up there in years), the name should be fine.  Of course i would think that, i picked the name.
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Offline TopAce

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Originally posted by Thorn

Uh.. where? :wtf:

If the pics were brighter and I could see more of the model(it would be better zoomed in or anything), I would be able to tell you exactly. The two textures sorrounding the nameplate from both sides on the first picture are probably from JK2 or JKA. I do not know if I recognise them correctly.
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Offline Goober5000

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Originally posted by ShadowWolf_IH
If i am not mistaken the Name galileo was the name of the science vessel in Silent Threat.  It was the name of a ship, but not a class, and this is after that ship got destroyed, so unless my memory is faulty (i am getting up there in years), the name should be fine.  Of course i would think that, i picked the name.
That was Einstein.

AFAIK Galileo was never used for a ship class.  However Ulysses is used in FS1 and FS2, and Odysseus is used in TVWP.  Odyssey isn't used that I know of.


Offline TopAce

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Odyssey is a class of fighter, if you that is what you are thinking about.
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I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline ShadowWolf_IH

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You're right Goober.  I remember now.  I could almost swear that therte was a vessel in one of the games called galileo, not as a class, but as a ship name.
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Offline aldo_14

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Odysseus is the Roman form of Ulysses IIRC.

Just a stupid little titbit, that.....


Offline TrashMan

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Gallileo? Yeah, I did a science vessel with that name:

But it's only a name. Use any name you like and if someone tries to bug you over it, kick that troll in the butt...

B.t.w. - great textures. Can I have them?
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Originally posted by Solatar
No man!! It needs a bunch of uber-huge beam cannons to protect it's awesomeness from the SHiVans!!!

joking of's excellent, but on a slightly related note: is it armed at all? Big weapons are a no-no, but even the Faustus had weapons capable of destroying..asteroids.

Ok, ok, i´ll arm it with a slingshot and a couple of squirt guns!!

Honestly, i might consider give it a couple of lasers, but that´s all. No FLAKs, no beams, no missiles, nothing else. It´s a science
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline Trivial Psychic

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I would give it primarily defensive weaponry, basically to shoot down bombs or light fighters... low dammage but rapid fire.  Great model BTW!
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Offline Turnsky

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Originally posted by Trivial Psychic
I would give it primarily defensive weaponry, basically to shoot down bombs or light fighters... low dammage but rapid fire.  Great model BTW!

a few subach turrets, and some minor flak would suffice in this case.
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Offline Liberator

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It's still a GTVA naval vessel though, so it's at least got to have adequate defensive armament, maybe 8 low-medium flak cannons arranged to give a full sphere of coverage and maybe 2 AAA beam cannons(1 top, 1 bottom) and maybe a couple of pulse lasers.

and please tell me the panels rotate(maybe counter-rotate)...

All in all, awesomeness.
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

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Offline Trivial Psychic

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Originally posted by Liberator
and please tell me the panels rotate(maybe counter-rotate)...

I think he already said that the pannels are stationary, but there is a rotating section at the mid-point.  Those "arm" things on the top and bottom that connect on at the mid-point, rotate.
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Offline Ace

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Flails and subachs would work well for defense. (subachs for torpedoes, flails to rip through shields and disorient) Then maybe a top and bottom AAA beam.
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Offline ShadowWolf_IH

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Who says it is GTVA?
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I´ve got a teaser for you!! :D

She looks soooooooo so fine, with that rotating gravity drive, and radar dish...
 There´s just one thing, when i see it in the tech database, she appears waaaay far away, small as an ant. How do i set the camera closer?
No Freespace 3 ?!? Oh, bugger...


Offline Lynx

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Too much smoothing hurts Lynx's eyes.:blah:

This ship should be largely facetted.
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Offline phreak

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Theres a $Closeup Pos: field in the table entry, located between the flags and subsystem info (so its near the end).  Set the 3rd number to about 1.5 times its radius.
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Offline ShadowWolf_IH

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Thank you phreak i have wondered about that.  so longest of the dimensions times 1.5 does the trick.  awesome.
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Offline phreak

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as a general guideline.  tweaking may be necessary :)
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