Author Topic: [FA] Campaign 3 Mission 2  (Read 2658 times)

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Offline NGTM-1R

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[FA] Campaign 3 Mission 2
Tested over again, rebalanced, added some complexity to the debriefing (it now tracks how many of the cargo containers were recovered), two RTB directives/messages with one based on mission failure and one on success (and accompanying AWOL debriefings for both circumstances).

Can't quite vouch for everything working correctly yet, though, still testing.

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Offline Black Wolf

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[FA] Campaign 3 Mission 2
I captured all three cargo containers and got all three cargo container debriefings. This was the most obvious true bug, though there are a few things I reccomend you change. So, in no particular order other than when I think of them:

You need a background, but I assume that'll be added in later.

Very few spelling mistakes (I couldn't spot any, and Word agrees when I ran the mission through it), though I think Alexus should be Alexis, and you have one instance of Eryines rather than Erinyes.

The end was a little boring - several minutes with no enemies might be realistic, but it wasn't particularly exciting.

Try transferring the Boading Party cargo from the transport to the cruiser and back again at the relevant times. Tiny detail, but those are what make good missions.

Why did the GTVA simply destroy the Alexis? It was a Leviathan in relatively good working order (I had it disarmed and disabled well over 90% hull strength). You'd be better off leaving one of the fighter wings behind to guard it while command "Organizes a recovery op."

Finally, the mission was a little easy. Pulling the Kayser and maybe the Erinyes would make it a little tougher, as would a few more hostile fighters going for the cargo. If I can complete a mission to its maximum specs on my first go, it's not hard enough (I'm far from the worlds best FS2 player).
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Offline NGTM-1R

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[FA] Campaign 3 Mission 2
Originally posted by Black Wolf

Why did the GTVA simply destroy the Alexis? It was a Leviathan in relatively good working order (I had it disarmed and disabled well over 90% hull strength). You'd be better off leaving one of the fighter wings behind to guard it while command "Organizes a recovery op."

They didn't. The Alexus self-destructs, apparently as the last act of its commander. As for the name, that's from the script, soooo...

The Kayser and Eryines are in because...well, because according to the script this is an SOC squadron, so they would have the nifty toys to play with.

As for the rest...working on it right now. With the exception of the background...I'm not sure if we're supposed to have a standardized background or not for the campaign.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2005, 12:16:01 am by 2191 »
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

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Offline karajorma

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[FA] Campaign 3 Mission 2
We'll be standardising the backgrounds later but don't let that stop you. If someone does a particularly good job their background will get used :D
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Offline NGTM-1R

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[FA] Campaign 3 Mission 2
No word on the backgrounds yet, I'm still not used to doing them...

In the meantime, though, here's a rebalanced version with reworked debriefing (hopefully the tracking of the TAC1s works correctly now, though I'm not fully sure) and the cargo transfers suggestion implemented.

It ought to be difficult enough for you now. (It killed me the first time I tested it, trying again right now.)
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"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story