Author Topic: Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...  (Read 1696 times)

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Offline vyper

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...,,2-1467142,00.html

Kilroy Silk has launched a new political party in the UK. Essentially it's the opposite of everything the other parties stand for right now, and it's going to be interesting how it's recieved.

The press go out of their way to destroy Silk, and almost every Tv report is somehow slanted. So will Veritas even survive the night?
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Offline Flipside

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
The Press will follow public swing on this occasion I think. If nothing else, if it starts to gain popularity, it will at least prove how unpopular our current excuse for a government is.


Offline karajorma

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
We can only hope it fails quickly.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Liberator

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
He said of the concept of multi-culturalism: "We are going to put a stop to this nonsense", and added: "Our country is being stolen from us and we have never been asked for our permission." Conservatives and Labour promised to control immigration and asylum but had surrendered powers to Brussels, he said.

He seems to agree with you(and me coincidentally) at least on the surface.  The reason the media don't like him is because they are likely own right down to their souls by the idea of the EU and a possible World Government that could arise from it.
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

There are only 10 types of people in the world , those that understand binary and those that don't.


Offline Flipside

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Well, I'm not opposed to multi-culturism as such, but he is right in the fact that we weren't prepared, or even told it was going to happen, the protection put in place against illegal aliens dates back in places to the days when people used to sit on cliff-tops on a one-legged stool watching out for smugglers.

It's not just Blairs home, it's all of ours, and he quite happily left the door and all the windows open and shouted 'Come on in!' from the lawn.


Offline Kie99

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Kilroy for PM!
"You shot me in the bollocks, Tim"
"Like I said, no hard feelings"


Offline Ford Prefect

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Our country is being stolen from us and we have never been asked for our permission."

To me that sets off some alarms and flashing red lights.
"Mais est-ce qu'il ne vient jamais à l'idée de ces gens-là que je peux être 'artificiel' par nature?"  --Maurice Ravel


Offline Liberator

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
which part?  The part about the fact that there is uncontrolled immigration of people who have no desire to become real britons or the part about them not asking permission.

We've got the same problem in this country, we've got literally millions who come to this country for work or whatever and they have no desire to adapt to our culture.  I for one think that we need to lock down the borders and force them to come in legally(along with all the requirements that represents) or not at all.
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

There are only 10 types of people in the world , those that understand binary and those that don't.


Offline Flipside

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Yeah, Kilroy himself is a no-go as far as my own political tastes are concerned, but he raises points that will score with a fair percentage of Sun/Mirror readers out there. With any luck, it might shake up the other parties enough to get their act together.

About 10 years ago, Tower Hamlets voted in the BNP as a protest vote about the fact that immigrants were arriving and being put straight into housing when people had been living on the streets or in hostels, on the housing list, for years, and basically these people had been jumped clean over their heads. It wasn't the immigrants fault by a long shot, good luck to 'em, but that kind of ignorance on the part of authority is going to get noticed, and it wouldn't be the first time in the UK that a political cock-up has led to violence on the streets.


Offline aldo_14

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Oooh.... Kilroy.  A man (actually, a permatanned arrogant dickhead, but who's counting?) sacked from his job(s) for racism, campaigning primarily on a stand against multi-culturalism........


Offline Ford Prefect

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
I accept that uncontrolled immigration is a real problem; a country only has a certain capacity. But I don't believe that all the burden of cultural adaptation must be on the immigrants. We must make an effort as well, because one way or another, a large immigrant population is going to change the culture that surrounds it. We can either accept it gracefully by trying to adapt to them as much as they adapt to us, or we can make it painful by trying in vain to make our culture static.

But again, I do not believe in simply letting anyone and everyone through.
"Mais est-ce qu'il ne vient jamais à l'idée de ces gens-là que je peux être 'artificiel' par nature?"  --Maurice Ravel


Offline Flipside

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
This, alas is a brick wall on both sides. There are people who are incapable of accepting the differences between the cultures on either side, and stubbornly continue, blindly ignoring the world around them, to pretend that nothing has changed. I don't have a problem with Mosques etc, but when you get an Indian woman who has lived in England for 30 years and still can't refuses to learn English, I begin to get concerned.

It's not that dissimilar to British who retire to Spain or France and never bother learning the local customs/language, and we all know how annoying people find those.


Offline Fergus

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Of course what most people don't get is that without immigration, illegal or otherwise, you can say goodbye to our economy.  People complain about how they steal jobs, ruin our "culture" (and I hasten to add that the U.S. is a country of immigrants, the WASPs just got thier first) and other assorted acts of mini-terrorism, the fact of the matter is, is that there is large parts of the economy that depend on immigration.  There are jobs in this country that most of us just wont do and with the increasinly aged population we will be unable to support our economy.  To put it plainly without immigration our countries will be unable to survive.  The biggest problem with immigration is, of course, the welfare system, now admitedly this is less of a problem for the U.S. but here in the U.K. with the NHS we will have huge problems.  However, with the need to vastly restructure the whole U.K. welfare system, perhaps this is a good time to look at the situation.  You may not like the idea, but we NEED immigration, or it's goodbye to the Western system of government...and Mr. Silk would not like that.
Generic signature quote blabber


Offline Gank

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Bah, the brits **** up half the world and complain when it lands on their doorstep.


Offline Clave

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
All politicians, and wannabe politicians are blood-sucking vermin - don't vote for any of them!

Oh, and Kilroy = Satan in a smart suit...
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Offline Ford Prefect

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Bah, the brits **** up half the world and complain when it lands on their doorstep.

Haha, spoken like a true Irishman.
"Mais est-ce qu'il ne vient jamais à l'idée de ces gens-là que je peux être 'artificiel' par nature?"  --Maurice Ravel


Offline Flipside

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Meh, wasn't me that went raping half the continent :p

But yes, in a way, you are right, if we go traipsing round the world sticking up Union Jacks and telling people they're part of the British Empire, we shouldn't really be surprised when they decide to come home ;)

It's not really the fact of immigration that is a problem, as has been said, our finances need it, I think what angers people is that it was so completely poorly planned and instigated, for people who are supposed to be running a country, they couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. Things like the NHS and Welfare should have been taken care of first, I cannot believe for one moment that the government were unaware of what was going to happen.

It's almost as though they created a problem just so they'd have an excuse to spend millions in fixing it.


Offline Kie99

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Originally posted by aldo_14
Oooh.... Kilroy.  A man (actually, a permatanned arrogant dickhead, but who's counting?) sacked from his job(s) for racism, campaigning primarily on a stand against multi-culturalism........

You should know that the article he was sacked for was heavily editted, and he did NOT deserve to be sacked for it.  It was the multi-culturalists who made him lose his job.  If he is such a rascist then how did he get into a medium-sized political party
"You shot me in the bollocks, Tim"
"Like I said, no hard feelings"


Offline Gank

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
Meh they dont mind the Irish so much these days, the times you'd see signs say no blacks no dogs no irish are gone, its the Indians and pakistanis the're rearing up over. Never mind the fact that these places were full of British immigrants telling them what to do and getting rich off their natural resources and shooting them if they had a problem with that and are third world countrys now because of this.


Offline Flipside

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Veritas: Yet another box for me to contemplate ticking...
This has been far from an uncommon tactic throughout history, I don't look upon the influx of immigrants as 'revenge' or 'Karma' or anything like that, though, just simply the world changing. What annoys me is the fact that some people cannot accept that change, and some governments think that ignoring the change at the sufferance of everybody is a good idea.