Author Topic: [FA]-Retail Mission 4  (Read 14502 times)

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Offline karajorma

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That's okay. I just tried to get it to work but the zip was corrupt. I changed the extention to HTML and found as I suspected that it was a tripod file not found page. Strangely enough I can't test those in FS2 :D

Post up a fixed link and I'll test this tomorrow.

BTW I don't regard it as a nuisance. I frequently forget about things I'm meant to be doing. If a couple of days go by without me having tested something just prod me guys. I've almost certainly forgotten I was supposed to be doing it :D
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Offline karajorma

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Moved FreespaceGundam's Post to the correct Thread :D
« Last Edit: February 26, 2005, 06:53:23 pm by 340 »
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Whoah, what did I post it in, the mission 5 thread?  What is wrong with me?
GTI Rebellion FREDer

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Offline karajorma

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They are both by Fergus so it's an easy mistake to make :)
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Offline TopAce

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Jumping into testing.... please stand by.
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Offline karajorma

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I noticed a couple of problems.

1) The AWOL debriefing is fine but the you could not stop the Perilous part still appears.

2) Those Ace Loki's are complete bastards. I spent over 5 minutes with 6 wingmen just trying to kill one of them. Then again I am crap these days. I need to play more ofen. :)  I'll see what TopAce thinks of it.

3) I never managed to save the Adur. Just too much going on.

4) Why are support ships disabled? By the time the Aeolus appears I've got no missiles left. I'm certainly not taking one of those on with 5 stillettos and nothing else.
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Offline Fergus

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1) Sorted
2) Although the Uber Lokis may be better than the average fighter, the  Loki wings need the extra edge that those fighters give, I also have to balance this with freespacegundam's comment that it is too easy.
3) I've only lost it once in my testing, but again it may be a balancing issue that I need to sort, I'll wait for Aces response
4)That was a mistake I made when I started the mission, to try to stop it from being too easy, but if Command can deploy Beta, Iota and the Pomotep I'm sure they can deploy a support ship.  Though you're not actually meant to engage the Aolous, meant to let the SS Nick-of-time (Pomotep) save Alpha...a bit BoE I know.
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Offline TopAce

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I have no much good to say.
It took me two attempts to complete the mission. This is not bad in its own. The problem is that I HAD to switch on invulnerablity. I was holding back the fighters with only one wingmen and 8% hull for long minutes but the fighters only kept jumping in without any break. I did not find them hard to kill, there are simply far too many of them. Additionally, I lost the entire Delta wing in the first twelve seconds. Beta jumped in and survived for... ten seconds? It's good that you try to make the casualty rate believable, but keep the player reinforced. Never show your missions to anyone until the difficulty is bearable. The mission, with this level of difficulty is not release-worthy. Bear this in mind. What difficulty did you test this mission on? Piece of advice: Always balance for Medium. If it's bearable on Medium, but way too hard on Hard, it's the player fault for choosing that difficulty level. But if the mission is unbearably hard even on Medium, it's the FREDer's fault. Try to make more wingmen survive. Do they have orders at all? They often die so quickly when they have no orders. If I have had let's say, seven wingmen alive(plus me), the last part would be acceptable.
I didn't pay much attention to bugs, I only wanted to see how difficult the mission is. I still spotted some faults:
- Spelling: Already mentioned
- You can give orders to all ships. Set Player Orders to none for all ships but your wingmen.
- I don't think the containers are named well: Name them TC 643b-Z, or whatever, but not Munition.
- I had the message asking what would become of the Aeolus before it jumped it.
Just to say something positive, the debriefing seems to work properly.
As soon as the mission becomes easier, I will look into the bugs deeper.
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Offline karajorma

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That reminds me. I got the multiple contacts message before anything jumped in.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Fergus

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Hmm, well I never thought the mission was that hard, well except for the Lokis.  So I've removed the Uber Lokis, upped the A.I. on Delta (You lost them all in ten seconds?  Even on hard they lasted till the big attack) and added a fighter to Beta.  The fighters did already have orders, forgot about the player ordering on the other vessels and the two 'early' messages are deliberate warnings (You got messages from command about imminant attacks in the FS2 campaign..if wrong can remove).  I've edited them slightly to make this clear, touched up spelling.  However, if difficulty seems to be the major problem, I never noticed that the mission was difficult, I have only lost it once on Hard, so it may just be me.  Regardless, I'll get the updated version up in the hour.

EDIT:Click for c1m4
« Last Edit: March 01, 2005, 01:23:50 pm by 2175 »
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Offline TopAce

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Changes sound good.
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Offline Fergus

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After a bit more testing, I feel that after removing the uber Lokis the mission is just a wee bit too easy, so I'm thinking of adding an extra fighter wing or adding to the existing wings, but I'll wait till I get feedback.
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Offline TopAce

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Wait until feedback is received.
Unfortunately, I can't do this by Sunday night. But as soon as I will be able to, I will test it immediately.
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Offline Fergus

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Has anyone else given the mission a go, even if it's just a played once?  It would be good if we could get all the FRED Academy FREDers testing each others missions, then we could also all pick up on one anothers flaws so we can build on our own, also not very fair getting the same people to test all the time.
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Offline TopAce

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It could also end up as a 'Ha! I can do this but you can't!' competition.
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Offline karajorma

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I doubt it. I certainly would be less likely to help someone who playtested other peoples missions with that sort of attitude.

The fact that the FREDders don't play each others missions is one of the main reasons that things are going so slowly with the FA. It can take me an hour or more to playtest a mission several times, try different possibilities, look through the mission in FRED and then post up all the flaws I can see in it. If other people pointed out the flaws (even if they didn't know how to correct them) it would mean that I don't have to write them up.

I've always said that I'll give preferencial treatment to FREDders I see testing other peoples missions and giving the best constructive advice they can. Basically the more I see you testing other peoples missions the more effort I'll put into testing yours. :D
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Fergus

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I don't mean to be annoying, but can some of the other FA students play test the mission please.  I'd rather not have people like karajorma test it simply because they are already very busy and I'm going to be having a patch of spare time ahead which I'll be using to finish this ones balancing and mission 5.
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Offline karajorma

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Actually this was next thing on my list (I was about to go looking for the thread so that I could find it and play it as soon as I'd finished typing up the report on Luigi's mission :D )

I do agree that we need other opinions other than mine. I can't catch every mistake single-handed. Nor can I be objective about how hard the mission is unless it's ludicrously hard or easy.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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I'll give it a whirl

Oooops, I tried it but didn't have the Acheron. Let's try it again :)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2005, 02:37:01 pm by 1332 »