Author Topic: Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?  (Read 1227 times)

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Offline Dranon

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
Shrinks are probably the second most evil things on this planet.  I've been to one, and all he did was make me feel even worse ( several years ago when my family was having problems).  He made everything seem like it was my fault, regardless of whether it was or not.

They should be stuck in a room together for a few days, and see how many don't kill each other....
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Offline NGTM-1R

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
Originally posted by vyper
Or turn them over to a shrink who can analyze them, figure out what went wrong and find a way to stop it going wrong in other people?

There's a novel idea for you all. Actually find a prevention method that addresses why people do something, not what will happen to them once they have.

Assuming you can correctly identify warning signs or causes of some sort, what then? To apply such information to the general population would require surveilliance and invasion of privacy on a level that exceeds anything yet done by humanity. Or you can rely on the general population...which is exactly the system that we have now.

All efforts to date to treat pedophiles, indeed, sexual predators in general, have failed miserably. The recividism rate under such programs has never been any better then that of simply sending them to jail. Indeed, sending them to jail actually works better, because the sentences are longer and when they get out, if they get out at all, they're generally too old to do something like that again.
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Offline aldo_14

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
Originally posted by ngtm1r

Assuming you can correctly identify warning signs or causes of some sort, what then? To apply such information to the general population would require surveilliance and invasion of privacy on a level that exceeds anything yet done by humanity. Or you can rely on the general population...which is exactly the system that we have now.

All efforts to date to treat pedophiles, indeed, sexual predators in general, have failed miserably. The recividism rate under such programs has never been any better then that of simply sending them to jail. Indeed, sending them to jail actually works better, because the sentences are longer and when they get out, if they get out at all, they're generally too old to do something like that again.

It's always better to prevent as well as punish; it may not be possible to identify paedophiles at birth (if such a thing can be genetically determined), but it may be that you can gleam useful information to either detect it whilst developing (i.e. in abused kids), on within adults in sensitive positions (i.e. teachers, volunteers working with kids, etc).

My impression is that paedophilia is some form of mental defect or illness, so ever draconian punishments aren't going to be such an effective deterrent as for other 'conventional' crimes.  Not that I'm advocating light sentences for the bastards, of course, I'm just saying I see the point of trying to identify cause and cure at the same time.  At the very least, it allows the danger level of released offenders to be better gauged.


Offline WMCoolmon

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
Which is where the problem with "shooting the bastards" comes in. Then they'll try even harder to stay hidden. So it'll be even harder to tell if the babysitter you sent your kids to is a pedophile or not. And of course it'll make people even more reluctant to get any sort of psychological help or support.

Wasn't there some big scandal about Catholic priests being pedophiles? And weren't all sorts of people blaming suppressed feelings because of its doctrine of celibacy? Saying "you can't do this OR ELSE" hasn't worked in the past at correcting behavior too well, I doubt this will be any different.

It'd be less effective at correcting the world's problems and about as rational as rounding up everybody in Africa and all the homosexuals in the world and shooting them to take care of STDs, which is a really ****ed up idea I've heard people toss around before. :doubt:


Offline Nuke

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
a majority of pedophiles live in a self contained fantasy world, weather it be based on star trek or the bible it doesnt make much difference. theese are powerless feeling people who are missing something mentally and the only thing they can do about it is dwell in their imagination and abuse small children. what makes a pedophile is similar to what would make a cult leader or tyrant dictator. something screwed up theese people, find out what it is and destroy it.
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Offline Night Hammer

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
haha he said kiddie fiddlers:lol:
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Offline karajorma

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
Not to mention you'd have shot all the people who were accused due to false memory syndrome.
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Offline Kosh

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
Screw this planet. First chance I get I'm defecting to the Vasudans.  ;7
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Offline WMCoolmon

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
Originally posted by Nuke
a majority of pedophiles live in a self contained fantasy world, weather it be based on star trek or the bible it doesnt make much difference. theese are powerless feeling people who are missing something mentally and the only thing they can do about it is dwell in their imagination and abuse small children. what makes a pedophile is similar to what would make a cult leader or tyrant dictator. something screwed up theese people, find out what it is and destroy it.

But killing people for being a pedophile is just going to encourage people to remain silent and stay in their 'fantasy world'. I'm not saying that we should legalize pedophilia or child porn :shaking: but the "solution" isn't to round them up and shoot them like rabid dogs. Especially when they may not actually be doing anything wrong to anybody by simply existing.


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Offline Ford Prefect

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?
Pedophilia is very often the result of psychological trauma that causes irregular sexual development. A large percentage of pedophiles were the victims of similar abuse as children. Just something to consider.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2005, 09:35:04 pm by 2015 »
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Offline BlackDove

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Trekkies = Kiddie Fiddlers?


Though seriously, my opinion is, in the world of today, if you are an active pedophile, you deserve everything that's coming to you, because you put yourself in that position.