Author Topic: The Mother of All Star Wars Threads  (Read 18228 times)

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Offline WMCoolmon

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Originally posted by Jetmech Jr.
You were supposed to have watched the Clone Wars for a first impression of Grievous. That's kinda why Lucas & Co. asked the Makers of the miniseries to include him in the last episode :/ So, who's fault is this again? :p

Lucas'. I was lucky enough to see the Clone Wars episode where Grievous got pwned by Mace, but that was just sloppy storytelling IMHO. (I actually thought that when Grievous came on and started hacking away) If that was supposed to be because of damage sustained from Mace Windu, and not the common cold, it should've been referenced in the movie.


He didn't use the force. Palpatine was a naturally Charismatic, and seemingly sympathetic politician. In a time of war, he was chosen to serve as a leader, and was given some serious executive power. THATS how he gained control. Through politics and deception.

I never saw the kind of charisma needed to make thousands of senators completely forget their own interests and wildly support this new and completely unknown galactic empire. These are people who have probably spent a good deal of the past years building up power within the current system; they are not going to abandon that so readily.

The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Originally posted by WMCoolmon
Lucas'. I was lucky enough to see the Clone Wars episode where Grievous got pwned by Mace, but that was just sloppy storytelling IMHO. (I actually thought that when Grievous came on and started hacking away) If that was supposed to be because of damage sustained from Mace Windu, and not the common cold, it should've been referenced in the movie.

So you want to pick and choose what official material you use, then blame/fault the movie for not explaining everything? :/


I never saw the kind of charisma needed to make thousands of senators completely forget their own interests and wildly support this new and completely unknown galactic empire. These are people who have probably spent a good deal of the past years building up power within the current system; they are not going to abandon that so readily.

If they believed the formation of an Empire under Palpatine was in their own interests, however...and even if they didn't want to give up whatever power they supposedly had, what would they do? Sidious had total control of Coruscant and the Clone army.
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Offline WMCoolmon

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Originally posted by Jetmech Jr.

So you want to pick and choose what official material you use, then blame/fault the movie for not explaining everything? :/

No, I'm going by Lucas' official stance here; the movies are apart from the EU. So it shouldn't be necessary to watch an EU series to understand the movie series.
I suppose there's a bit of a parallel between DV and GG. The difference is, Grievous' cough wasn't used to the same effect as Vader's breathing, and only made him less fearsome instead of more. (But here's a question - if Grievous coughs, why the hell didn't he suffocate in space?)

If they believed the formation of an Empire under Palpatine was in their own interests, however...and even if they didn't want to give up whatever power they supposedly had, what would they do? Sidious had total control of Coruscant and the Clone army.

"Say it, don't spray it." I saw no evidence that anybody was afraid; in fact the movie seemed to suggest otherwise. Padme/Organa and co. seemed concerned and bitter, everyone else seemed happy. Neither did I see any sign that they would think it was in their best interests.


Offline DragonClaw

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Originally posted by WMCoolmon
I never saw the kind of charisma needed to make thousands of senators completely forget their own interests and wildly support this new and completely unknown galactic empire. These are people who have probably spent a good deal of the past years building up power within the current system; they are not going to abandon that so readily.

I don't think they thought they would lose all their power changing from a democracy. Remember, at the beginning of Ep IV, the senate was finally dissolved. It took Palpatine 20-something years to achieve that after changing to an Empire.

Also, I must say that the humor at the begining of the movie was much, much better than in Ep1 and 2. Though it kind of gave an impression of a comedy. Special FX were great, though the scene where Obi-wan gets thrown against the wall by Dooku looked completely fake to me. Also, the scene where Vader breaks out of his restraints after his 'surgery', reminded me quite strongly of a Frankenstein remake :p

Other than that, I was quite pleased. Definately better than Ep1 and 2 regardless of the lack of depth in the storyline. I still prefer the OT though.


Offline adwight

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Some of you guys are nitpicking this too much.  I went in to the movie to have a good time, and I sure as hell did.  This movie was awesome, there's really no other way to put it.  On par with ROTJ/ESTB IMO.
Neo-Terra Victorious

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Offline Unknown Target

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
I just saw the movie, and I loved the action. The only problem is that the characters have to actually talk. I went to see this with three friends, and at the end when Vader went "NOOOO" we actually cracked up laughing, it was so horrible. The entire movie was stunted by this horrific acting and overuse of special effects (for God's sake - the BABIES, when you first see them, are DIGITAL!).

Adwight: It's not really on par with those in my opinion. Those movies were very well rounded: action/acting, etc, these movies were just special effects bonanzas.

It was a nice action-packed sci-fi movie, but I wouldn't look any deeper than that.


Offline Sandwich

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Originally posted by Unknown Target
The entire movie was stunted by this horrific acting and overuse of special effects (for God's sake - the BABIES, when you first see them, are DIGITAL!).

You think that's bad? Look at the credits: Peter Mayhew appears there. He is the actor who played Chewie in the original trilogy; for him to be credited means that he played Chewie in this movie, too. But did anyone for a microsecond think that Chewie - or any Wookie, for that matter - was anything but CG? Even Lucas's real live stuff looks CG! Ridiculous! :rolleyes:
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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Originally posted by DragonClaw
Also, the scene where Vader breaks out of his restraints after his 'surgery', reminded me quite strongly of a Frankenstein remake :p

I think that was a tribute to Frankenstein. Lucas must've been a big fan. It was still cheesy though. That's the only way I can justify it.

Originally posted by adwight
On par with ROTJ/ESTB IMO.

I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion. I will have to watch this multiple times before I come to my final conclusion, so I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD.

Originally posted by Unknown Target
I went to see this with three friends, and at the end when Vader went "NOOOO" we actually cracked up laughing, it was so horrible.

I certainly agree it was, but I think it has to do with it being the death of Anakin. He wasn't Vader to me. He was Anakin in the black suit on the brink. After that, gone he was, completely consumed by Darth Vader. All this for the love he tried to save, but killed her by doing so. Well, most of it. There's the power and stuff too.

It probably would've been more believable before he was put into the walking iron lung, but I guess he did the best he could with that scene. It must've been really hard to write, so I give the writers credit for what they did.

I can't even figure out how I would do it. Maybe a voiceover as thoughts between him and Sidious before he's put into the suit or Sidious reading his thoughts/feelings and then responding, kind of like how Vader did with Luke in ROTJ. Yeah, I think that's how I'd do it. Of course, then you have the people that would say, "Wouldn't he be in too much pain to focus on anything?" Screw them, the effect is better. :) This was just Lucas's way of telling the story, everyone has their own, not necessarily better, not necessarily worse.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2005, 06:06:36 pm by 2743 »


Offline vyper

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Originally posted by Sandwich

You think that's bad? Look at the credits: Peter Mayhew appears there. He is the actor who played Chewie in the original trilogy; for him to be credited means that he played Chewie in this movie, too. But did anyone for a microsecond think that Chewie - or any Wookie, for that matter - was anything but CG? Even Lucas's real live stuff looks CG! Ridiculous! :rolleyes:

:wtf: Okay, not for a minute did I think the wookies were CGI.

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Offline Unknown Target

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
I thought most of them were CG.
And about Vader: I could've written that scene better myself. At the very least I wouldn't have had the audience laughing over it.


Offline adwight

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
They should have just had him yelling, not saying nooooooooo!
Neo-Terra Victorious

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Offline Unknown Target

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
They should have had him struggling against the restraints, yelling "'s not true! I didn't hurt her! I love her! You're lying!"
And have Palpatine get shot backwards, things swirl, etc.


Offline Corsair

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
I finally saw it!! I thought it was pretty good over all. At least there's closure now. And I liked it! I think the original trilogy is still better but it was much better than the first two pieces of crap.

My biggest problem plotwise was how Obi-Wan knew about Leia. I keep thinking of the scene in ESB when Luke leaved Degobah and Obi-Wan says "That boy is our last hope..." and Yoda responds "No... there is another." I can't imagine that Obi-Wan forgot about Leia, so what's the deal?
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Offline Ford Prefect

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
I think the implication was that Obi Wan didn't believe there was any chance of Leia becoming a Jedi.
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Offline Unknown Target

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Probably something like that.


Offline adwight

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
I just saw it for the second time, and I really thought it was better than the first time.  You go in the 2nd time looking for all of the faults and things that people talk about, but they really don't bug you, and the love scenes, which are usually gay, are actually bearable and not completely cheesy, except for the love competition.  Go out and watch it a 2nd time.
Neo-Terra Victorious

The Lightning Marshall

158th Banshee Squadron

Gay people are rejects who can't get girls. Period. -DragonClaw
Can I have sex with it yet? -KnightTemplar


Offline Nuclear1

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
and the saber kind of resembles a katana, never noticed that before.

Well, yeah. Ever notice how Anakin also had a little samurai-style pony-tail on his head in Episode II? The Jedi and fighting style were based primarily off of samurai duels and samurai movies.

Additionally, what's the deal with Obi-Wan being told to get in touch with Qui-Gon towards the end? Is this the first time the Jedi become aware that dead Jedi can communicate with the rest of the Jedi? It just seemed to me to be a very tacked-on bit, something Lucas just threw in there at the last moment because it hadn't been touched upon at all until that point. Bleh.

Remember Empire Strikes Back and Jedi? Obi-Wan contacted Luke from "beyond the grave" several times then. That must be want he meant by becoming "more powerful than you can possibly imagine".

I never saw the kind of charisma needed to make thousands of senators completely forget their own interests and wildly support this new and completely unknown galactic empire.

He didn't need charisma. He needed a war, and a war is what he got. It's a major historical reference here: a civilization in danger needs leadership; when Rome was attacked, they would give a man supreme power until the crisis was resolved (Cincinnatus, per se). As soon as the Clone Wars started, Palpatine used it as an excuse to gain supreme power over the Senate.

The entire movie was stunted by this horrific acting and overuse of special effects (for God's sake - the BABIES, when you first see them, are DIGITAL!).

The special effects were overdone in these movies, I'll agree. It didn't have the same beauty as pre-Special Edition IV-V-VI, where every ship/ATAT/gun was a model and every stormtrooper was an extra.

Special effects=ouch.
Spoon - I stand in awe by your flawless fredding. Truely, never before have I witnessed such magnificant display of beamz.
Axem -  I don't know what I'll do with my life now. Maybe I'll become a Nun, or take up Macrame. But where ever I go... I will remember you!
Axem - Sorry to post again when I said I was leaving for good, but something was nagging me. I don't want to say it in a way that shames the campaign but I think we can all agree it is actually.. incomplete. It is missing... Voice Acting.
Quanto - I for one would love to lend my beautiful singing voice into this wholesome project.
Nuclear1 - I want a duet.
AndrewofDoom - Make it a trio!

The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Originally posted by nuclear1
Well, yeah. Ever notice how Anakin also had a little samurai-style pony-tail on his head in Episode II? The Jedi and fighting style were based primarily off of samurai duels and samurai movies.

It looked like a braid to me. Obi-Wan had it as a padawan too. Yes, samurai had short pony tails or buns. I guess that's where George got that from.

I know Ray Park's (Darth Maul) moves were clearly martial arts. He's a martial artist. I saw him do some sick moves on TV when Phantom Menace came out.

The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Wow... I put on ANH after my 3rd viewing of EP3. I got whole new spin on a particular scene. When C3PO and R2 enter the cantina and the bartender said

"We don't serve their kind here!! Your DROIDS, we don't want them here!!!"

The bigotry against droids really stand out now and it makes sense.  Droids must have realy got a bad rap from the actions of the battle droids of the Clone Wars.

Very cool.


Offline WMCoolmon

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The Mother of All Star Wars Threads
Yeah, that's what I was thinking - explains why the rebels don't use fighting droids, either. (And why all the droids with guns are in seedy places - ie the deck of a Super Star Destroyer).