Author Topic: News and Updates Thread  (Read 13905 times)

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Offline Grug

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News and Updates Thread
I'll be trying to make regular updates here concerning the mod as the website is still being developed. Plus who honestly reguarly checks the sites anyway?
We all know the action is in the forums. ;)

Feel free to post any questions etc in here. :)

*10 July 2005

In case you missed it, we dropped a few progress shots of some behind the scenes work in the public forums this week. There are some nice render's in there so jump into the forums and check it out!

As always we are still looking for talented modder's willing to help out. So if you've got some spare time and can work some Homeworld magic, contact us via the forums or email to show your interest.

We hope to update the website with some more content soon. Plans are to include all the past media we've posted before as well as release updates of particular items as we complete them.

Aside from media we also hope to provide some Homeworld 2 fiction to better prepare people for the mod's storyline. Feel free to contribute Homeworld 2 fiction in the forums if you think you've got something worth putting up. :)

Anyway, until next time,

~ Greg

*22 June 2005

You may notice some changes to the forum and site graphics over the next week. This is because one of our newest members 'Kurayami' is giving the TAP image an overhaul. We've also got a few more graphics under development for the site and TAP in general. Expect to see some exciting things filling the 'Media' section of the website in the coming weeks.

In other news, as well as the pretty new TAP graphics, expect to hear some original yet Homeworld'ish sound tracks pumping away as you hammer those Imperial and Vaygr scum back to the abyss. Already our new Head Musician '2FB' is working away at making some awsome new tunes for your playing pleasure. It is possible that we might put up some samples for download in the weeks to come, so keep your ears out for any updates.

With a few new members, and some renewed enthusiasm, TAP is starting to move along nicely. Expect to see some great things from TAP in the future as long as we have your continued support and interest. Also don't forget we are still recruiting, we are in need of some Hi-Poly modeller's especially, so if you've got the skills drop us a line in the forums.

Until next week,

~ Greg

*21 June 2005

With a big effort from Skippy and a little nagging from me, we managed to fix and tweak the website. Kudos to Ashrak for designing it, and Skippy for editing / tweaking it.

Along with the fixes, comes updates to the 'Staff' and 'About' pages. You might also notice the new Media section, which hints at things to come. More details and new 'media' are planned for release soon.

I endeavored to give a mention to everyone who's contributed to the project on the 'Staff' page. If I missed out on anyone, make sure to let me know.

The 'About' page should also be a little more helpful to people as it gives a better description and answers a few more questions than previously. Any suggestions for information to be added to the page should be posted in here.

So without further ado, check out the new(ish) website. :)

Hope you enjoy it!

~ Greg

*15 June 2005

Alot of effects will be updated to suit new Weapon Systems for balance. Some of the above effects will probably change before seeing the light of the public.

The reason why so few images of the ships or anything else have been released lately is because you can see the equivalent of what they'd look like on any Homeworld 2 site. To solve this problem and to better be up to date with the latest SCP quality, the ships and effects are undergoing an overhaul. Which invloves alot of work from a small team.

For example the textures from Homeworld2 for the fighters are only 256x256 in size, so bumping them up to 1024x1024 will make for some more SCP quality ships. While we're at it, why not make some high poly versions to go with. ;)

As with most projects these days, we are severely lacking in Hi-Poly Modeller's, Texture Wrappers and Artists, so if you can help definitly PM me or post in the Recruitment thread.

The story is also undergoing a massive revamp, and thanks to the fantastic writing skills of Jal-18 and combined efforts of the rest of the team you can expect that TAP will have a high quality story line to go with the high quality SCP graphics. :)

I've also been sniffing around for some good music composers, as TAP will need some awsome music to drive home the story. If you have the skills or know of somebody, let me know!

Finally, help has been scarce lately, but rest assured that TAP will be the last mod project to die. When it does finally come out you can expect the highest quality and best effort from everyone involved.

See you around,

~ Greg
« Last Edit: July 09, 2005, 11:00:41 am by 501 »


Offline pyro-manic

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News and Updates Thread
Good to hear - keep up the good work! :)
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Offline Setekh

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Front page. :nod:
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
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THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Col. Fishguts

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News and Updates Thread lives, it lives!

But still no screenshots ?
C'mon where's the fun if you don't post WIP pictures to which all us fanboiz can scream "YAY!" and "OH NOES, YOU MADE IT ALL WRONG!!!!111.... U SUXXX0RZ!!11" ;)
"I don't think that people accept the fact that life doesn't make sense. I think it makes people terribly uncomfortable. It seems like religion and myth were invented against that, trying to make sense out of it." - D. Lynch

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Offline Roanoke

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The guys have been putting alot of planning into the story etc. I've been trying to get my head around the whole conversion process but have been busy with college and what not.


Offline Grug

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News and Updates Thread
Thanks Setekh. :)

Any WIP shots would be showing old ingame models etc. Along with new features of the SCP the scope of TAP has both expanded yet become more focused on certain elements. Increasing the quality of the models & textures being one of the main concepts, so we desperatly need more modeller's and texture artists.

The story has become a central focus point for the entire mod. We hope to achieve a quality story comparable to the first Homeworld, but from a different perspective.

I'll post any WIP shots of new model's and textures etc as they come. :)


Offline Roanoke

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News and Updates Thread
Originally posted by Grug

Increasing the quality of the  textures

I've been puting alot of thought into this too. See the internal


Offline Grug

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News and Updates Thread
Indeed. :)

Hmmm, we might have some screenshots to show soonish after-all. :D


Offline 2FB

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News and Updates Thread
nice to hear the mos still arpung, I can help with some music, check for more information, I will upload sime music to the page soon, but I want to waint until Wing Commander Stand Off chatper 2 is release to release my music


Offline Grug

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News and Updates Thread
If you can bring the same kind of epic music quality of the Homeworld series to TAP, then thats great news indeed.

PM me if your seriously interested. You can send samples of music to me alone if you want, I won't share it if that is your wish.

I've actually been chatting about music for TAP with some other guys who were playing around, check the convo out if you like.
We can chat further via PM's if you'd like. :)


Offline Grug

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*Posted Update for 21 June 2005


Offline Grug

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*Posted Update for 22 June 2005


Offline NGTM-1R

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You will include the original battletracks as well, won't you...?
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

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Offline 2FB

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Well I will consider you proposal of having the original battletracks, and meybe some battletracks remixes to, I dummo if FSSC allow to have multiple tracks selection, but that can be fixable with diferente Music.VP files


Offline Grug

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Yeah ngtm1r, it's possible that we will have some tracks including cuts from the original Homeworld. But keep in mind that splicing them into FS2's dynamic music system can be tricky.

Plus you might not mind too much if we get some good remixes pumping. :)


Offline NGTM-1R

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The only thing that can possibly make dogfighting attack drones or attacking a Keeper worthwhile would be HW2's Progenitor battletrack...
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Grug

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We'll see what we can do. ;)

*Update: BTW, which track do you speak of in particular?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2005, 01:08:43 pm by 501 »


Offline NGTM-1R

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I don't know the name...I don't even know if it has a name. All I know is it's the one that plays during combat in Progenitor missions.

Did they ever release an HW2 soundtrack?
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Grug

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You can use a big file and the winamp .aifr plugin to extract and play the fda files in HW2.

There are a few that are used, but its probably safe to say that the sound tracks should be pretty cool. :)


Offline NGTM-1R

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I could never find a working copy of the plugin and proper instructions for it...
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story