Author Topic: Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])  (Read 6613 times)

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Offline Taristin

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])

Yes. I prefer the spelling of Alpha Centuari this way. :nervous:
Yes. it is in 3d. Hence Vasuda appearing so large compared to the others.
Yes, as usual, clicking this obscenely large image will open an even larger image.

If your modem dies, tis not my fault. *notes disclaimer in title*
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline BlackDove

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Give everyone the file jackass.



Offline Taristin

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Comments like that make Raa sad. When Raa is sad, he doesn't like to give anything away.
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist

Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
haha, good :yes:


Offline BlackDove

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
When Raa doesn't give anything away, BlackDove is angry. When BlackDove is angry, he starts to [size=999]YELL[/size]. When BlackDove yells, he only does it when it's worth it.

Everyone needs to have this in 3d. Just imagine the campaign possibilities, streamlined as if taken from canon.

Also, you can't ****ing spell :p
« Last Edit: July 02, 2005, 09:54:17 pm by 461 »


Offline Taristin

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
*plugs his ears with his fingers*

Yelling makes Raa sad.
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline BlackDove

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Well why don't you just go [size=999]CRY IN THE CORNER THEN?[/size]

Vasudans today.....beh. All panzies.


Offline Taristin

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
When Raa is sad, aside from not sharing, he grabs smart allek pilots, throws them to the floor and steps on them, with his big Vasudan hoof.
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Martinus

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
[color=66ff00]Chill BD. Raa put a decent amount of work into this so it's only fair that he uses it in whatever way he pleases.


Offline Taristin

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
BD just wants to do something like this with it...

Now I have no excuse for not knowing what systems are linked to which...
« Last Edit: July 02, 2005, 10:56:30 pm by 273 »
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Goober5000

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Very, very nice. :)

The only complaint I have is that the 2D perspective of the 3D map, as seen in the cbanis, looks exactly like the familiar canon :v: map.  If you manage to rearrange the systems so that they're in the same positions :v: had them, it would be perfect.


Offline Taristin

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
I shant be doing that.

Too much work. (The dots are easy enough to move, but lining up the tubes between them... meh!)
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Goober5000

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Can't you link the tubes to the spheres somehow?

They should really be rearranged anyway.  :v:'s map had an approximately even distribution of systems, but your map kind of crowds together the systems between Deneb and Ross 128.


Offline Taristin

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
No they can't be linked. And I don't care.
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Unknown Target

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
You could just manually put polygons in. That's what I do when I need to link objects like that :p


Offline Ghost

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
how bout a POF of the nodemap? That'd be damn cool.
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Been there, done that. ;) Yours looks better, though. :p

EDIT: Man, I was a n00b then.
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"The very essence of tolerance rests on the fact that we have to be intolerant of intolerance. Stretching right back to Kant, through the Frankfurt School and up to today, liberalism means that we can do anything we like as long as we don't hurt others. This means that if we are tolerant of others' intolerance - especially when that intolerance is a call for genocide - then all we are doing is allowing that intolerance to flourish, and allowing the violence that will spring from that intolerance to continue unabated." - Bren Carlill


Offline Ghost

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Uh, Raa... I can't find Gamma Draconis on your map anywhere. Did ye forget?
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



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Offline Nico

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Originally posted by Raa
I shant be doing that.

Too much work. (The dots are easy enough to move, but lining up the tubes between them... meh!)

You're a 3dsmax guy, right?
You suck :p
Delete all those stupid tubes, draw splines instead, and turn "renderable" on. Set thickness, etc, then you just have two independant vertex to move to deplace/rescale/whatever the lines (edit spline -> edit vertex).
Pfff, what would you do if I weren't there? :P


Offline Setekh

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Ze Lahge Note Mopp! (56k - die. In a fire. [probably caused by your modem exploding])
Looks awesome. Tell Styxx.

And now it just needs a bit of glow. :yes:
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