Author Topic: Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias  (Read 4331 times)

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Offline JoeLo

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
If you believe in the rapture (which I sort of do) then think about all the diasters. Hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes. Listen to this on June sixth the date will be 06\06\06 this is to signfy the coming of the anti-christ. If the rapture is real it will happen next year.


Offline Scuddie

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Dun dun dun...
Bunny stole my signature :(.

Sorry boobies.


Offline StratComm

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Because our current system of dates obviously predates the writing of Revelations.  Oh, wait...
who needs a signature? ;)
It's not much of an excuse for a website, but my stuff can be found here

"Holding the last thread on a page comes with an inherent danger, especially when you are edit-happy with your posts.  For you can easily continue editing in points without ever noticing that someone else could have refuted them." ~Me, on my posting behavior

Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM


Offline JoeLo

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Understood, but it could be symbolic. This wasn't a joke perse more a wandering thought.


Offline Ford Prefect

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
"Mais est-ce qu'il ne vient jamais à l'idée de ces gens-là que je peux être 'artificiel' par nature?"  --Maurice Ravel


Offline Scuddie

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
No we don't.
Bunny stole my signature :(.

Sorry boobies.


Offline BlackDove

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Re: Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Originally posted by JoeLo
If you believe in the rapture (which I sort of do) then think about all the diasters. Hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes. Listen to this on June sixth the date will be 06\06\06 this is to signfy the coming of the anti-christ. If the rapture is real it will happen next year.

God willing.


Offline Grey Wolf

Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
I doubt that St. John the Divine could have predicted both the Julian calendar and then the adjustment to that known as the Gregorian calendar.  Also, I'm honestly leaning toward the camp that states that Revelations is a veiled political treatise.
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Ford Prefect

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Originally posted by Scuddie
No we don't.

Just wait.
Originally posted by BlackDove
God willing.

"Mais est-ce qu'il ne vient jamais à l'idée de ces gens-là que je peux être 'artificiel' par nature?"  --Maurice Ravel


Offline StratComm

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
I'm tempted to make an ID comment, but since Ford Prefect cannot, on principle, be right now that he's gone and posted an eBaumsworld (or whatever) caption I'm going to hold it back.
who needs a signature? ;)
It's not much of an excuse for a website, but my stuff can be found here

"Holding the last thread on a page comes with an inherent danger, especially when you are edit-happy with your posts.  For you can easily continue editing in points without ever noticing that someone else could have refuted them." ~Me, on my posting behavior

Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM


Offline Kamikaze

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Science alone of all the subjects contains within itself the lesson of the danger of belief in the infallibility of the greatest teachers in the preceding generation . . .Learn from science that you must doubt the experts. As a matter of fact, I can also define science another way: Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. - Richard Feynman


Offline Grey Wolf

Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
You're not supposed to talk about ramen. That is entirely within the domain of undergraduate students, graduate students, and those just entering the workforce.
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Goober5000

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
I'm of the tentative opinion that the prophetic calendar is actually centered around Christ's death, not his birth.  Thus we're actually in the mid-to-late 1970s.

At the same time, "no man knows the hour..." so date-setting is not only speculative, it's counterproductive.

Nevertheless, signs in the Earth and in the heavens are good things to keep track of. :)


Offline Ace

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Prophetic calendar? What the bleep is wrong with the normal Gregorian calendar?

Pfeh! Kids these days and their silly JRPG style prophecies and augury like attempts to find 'patterns of prophecy.'

But hey, let's not let things like reason stand in the way of a good conspiracy theory.

*Pulls out the popcorn*
« Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 09:21:00 pm by 72 »
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline FireCrack

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Mabye we could convince all those ID whackos that if you made it to that date without denying christ then they get a free ticket to heaven and dont have to spew all their gospel anymore?
actualy, mabye not.
"When ink and pen in hands of men Inscribe your form, bipedal P They draw an altar on which God has slaughtered all stability, no eyes could ever soak in all the places you anoint, and yet to see you all at once we only need the point. Flirting with infinity, your geometric progeny that fit inside you oh so tight with triangles that feel so right."
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944 59230781640628620899862803482534211706...
"Your ever-constant homily says flaw is discipline, the patron saint of imperfection frees us from our sin. And if our transcendental lift shall find a final floor, then Man will know the death of God where wonder was before."


Offline Goober5000

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Jokes and relevant discussion are okay, but no flaming or this thread gets locked.

Ace: The "prophetic calendar" refers to God's timeline for prophesized events, which is independent of any calendar used by man.

My tentative opinion is that the 2000 year mark on that calendar may have something to do with Hosea 6:2 "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight" if you use the 1 day = 1000 years formula.  But it's only a thought experiment, so I'm not going to rely on it for any predictions. :)


Offline mikhael

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
06/06/06? Please

That's not the number of the Beast. It was a mistranslation. Like half the stuff in the dusty old tome.
[I am not really here. This post is entirely a figment of your imagination.]

Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Yea, the calender is off at least 3 years. All the dudes that met to create it screwed up a little bit. Doesnt mean much now but nevertheless it happened.


Offline Grey Wolf

Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
The number of the Beast was 616, and is easily translated to Nero. Hence the veiled political treatise theory.
You see things; and you say "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?" -George Bernard Shaw


Offline Ace

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Serious (if farfetchd) explaination for geographical dias
Originally posted by Goober5000
Jokes and relevant discussion are okay, but no flaming or this thread gets locked.

Ace: The "prophetic calendar" refers to God's timeline for prophesized events, which is independent of any calendar used by man.

My tentative opinion is that the 2000 year mark on that calendar may have something to do with Hosea 6:2 "After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight" if you use the 1 day = 1000 years formula.  But it's only a thought experiment, so I'm not going to rely on it for any predictions. :)

Well if you're going to persist in being a shrub: 1 "day" equals 1.95714286 billion years. (since this universe is 13.7 billion years old) As obviously pointed out in the creation myth.

So you'll be revived in 3.91428572 billion years.

...and you'll be 'raised up' in 5.87142858 billion years.

Not that it'd matter to the extra-terrestrial (by definition) you worship. Seems like an awful lot of waiting and prostrating in the meantime. Glad I won't have to deal with it. ;)

An awful lot 'o waiting... and these numbers are at least as legit as any of the other conspiracies floatin' about. Probably moreso :)

But yeah, Revelations refers to Nero and pretty much comes down to the "kingdom of god being right around the corner." Guess they were right, too bad these days we consider that kingdom of god to be a little thing called the dark ages... *tsk tsk*
« Last Edit: October 11, 2005, 09:57:55 pm by 72 »
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock