Author Topic: Where is weapons?  (Read 3061 times)

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Offline Battou

  • 21
When I start game with your Port there is no weapons!!! And in mission enemies fly with no weapons!!! What is wrong?


Offline Galemp

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Make sure you don't have any other mods installed. This includes .vp files and .tbl files.
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Offline ZmaN

  • 28
hey, how come this weapon error happens?  and why only with port?
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Offline Galemp

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Probably because he has other mods installed that don't have the Port weapons in them.
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

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Offline Battou

  • 21
Which of "Open Freespace" .VP files can be a problem?


Offline Battou

  • 21
I deleted .tbl file, and weapons has appeared, but they are can not be placed on the fighter, rockets too! What is wrong now?


Offline Galemp

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Make sure you don't have a custom ships.tbl in there either.
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Offline Cobra

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if you have a ****load of stuff in your FS2 directory, and don't know which is which (:p), i recommend backing up everything you have in there and do a complete reinstall. then install the port.

or, just get FS2_Open, put all your mods in mod folder, and go from there. :)
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Offline StratComm

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Actually, move EVERYTHING in your FS2 folder other than root_fs2.vp, smarty_fs2.vp, sparky_fs2.vp, sparky_hi_fs2.vp, stu_fs2.vp, tango1_fs2.vp, tango2_fs2.vp, tango3_fs2.vp, warble_fs2.vp, and the fs2.exe, FRED2.exe, and Freespace2.exe, as well as any other executables if you've got FSO installed, into a folder named backup.  Then create a new data folder, and copy the backup/data/players folder to data/players.  That will effectively uninstall everything.  Then re-install the port into the root directory (if FS2 retail) or a port/ directory (if FSO, so you can use -mod port to play the port missions).  You need to clean extra crap out of your root directory pronto, because that's a sure-fire way to make a mess of things.

There's no point in replicating retail data though, as a base FS2 install is on the order of Gigabytes.  Keep it simple.
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Last edited by StratComm on 08-23-2027 at 08:34 PM

Funny...I had the same problem........ but with the Tech Superiority campaign, not the Port.
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