Author Topic: Inferno FAQ Thread  (Read 224682 times)

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Offline Woomeister

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Well we've had to revert to September builds so it won't be fixed for us.


Offline starbug

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The OTT tables are FS2 retail and probably have lots of bugs in them, you should copy an existing entry and change the data to match the Gaia.

i got it working, i just re-extracted the ship tbl and add the entry the same entry nothing is changed (a copied Solaris with afew extra turrets add), and it works. weird :confused:

Edit, ok it worked once now am getting the same error, i'll PM you the entry Wanderer.

PS Top notch work you guys are soing on Inferno :D
« Last Edit: January 04, 2006, 03:41:43 pm by starbug »

if there is any consistancy with the Shivans, it's their lack of consistancy - -Norbert-

Thanks for the feedback Woomeister, even so I managed to learn by myself the messages.tbl, and now everything is Shivan, it's incredible how FS2 or SCP really adapt to the new messages.tbl. What I mean, it's Fixed:

Full Shivan Support (DONE). I make Dockpoints, paths, Shivan Support Ship (I take part of this, but the model need a lot of diting to fill the missing data). Messages fixed, there are no Anim.: . Maked and added the 3 SBank Nephilim, fixed FS2 Retail Dockpoints and paths (Shaitan and Nephilim), added Countermeasurements, ups....probabily more things I don't remember


Ancients Shield's (icon) (and it's proper entry in hud.tbl)
$Anim: for messages.tbl (if someone could make an *.ani of some tree-eyed shivan, like we see in the FS1 FMV)


I think I now understand the bug, that's is caused by the add $anim: for Ships and Weapons, that was making some ship textures invisible. It seems an FREE SLOT Problem, that would mean, max quantity reach in $anim:, pretty bad, I am starting to hate those limitations (specially when a a Static $anim: only have a size of a few KBs). It's the limit, I can't prevent model loading for Shivan ships, no, it does look good, but it can waste RAM, the same for the Ancients Ships.

Ancient/Shivan Missiles won't have the $anim:, the Models are not loaded for weapons, still you can't see what it really looks like in-game.

Even so the Artworks are still inside the Update (SCP Inferno Build won't help with this $anim problem, right ?)


Ups...I know I shouldn't be posting Images here, but I can't really resist

NOTE: Yes, I taken the Ancient Support Ship, though I wanted something more like a cockroach, something with spikes and a exoskeleton (black texture) above and a glowing red texture below. Something more like a smaller version of the Gordia
« Last Edit: January 04, 2006, 10:16:42 pm by Shadow0000 »


Offline Woomeister

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I don't think the INF Builds bump up any ani limits. We use the model loading instead of anis and provide only generic anis to prevent crashes.

Even if the $Anim Limit is higher in the INF Build, I won't do it, I won't really sacrifice LAN or Internet support for a few $Anims, or to prevent about 10 models load, even if not much people uses the udate in LAN or Internet.


Offline Qwer

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What's the driffence beetwen pulse cannon, plasma cannon and photon cannon?
If in your opinion there's no difference beetwen "Master Game" and "Game Master", I can only feel for you.


Offline Murderous Species

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In many movies, pulse cannon is a rapid-fire weapon (like a machine-gun).
Plasma cannons are either beams or "fireballs".
Photon cannons are more beams than "fireballs".

NOTE: These weapons appear like that in movies like Star Trek. I don't know how they are in INF.
"Expecting a good plot from a certain genre of games, is expecting intelligence from the caracters it presents"- Myself
"Pain is an illusion of the body; fear, an illusion of the mind"- Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War
"What is it, Alpha 1... CHICKEN?"
"Prepare ship for LUDICROUS SPEED"
"One fairy contains A LOT of vitamins and minerals; to the point we eat them on-sight; they also offer A LOT of resistance when you don't cook them!"

I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to play Armored Core, so I'll try to explain somethings not really releated, to kind:

In many movies, pulse cannon is a rapid-fire weapon (like a machine-gun).

Exactly, that's a Pulse Cannon, some weapon types are self explanatories, for example a tractor weapon, is a weapon that can move or pull you, there are no Tractor Beams implemented (maybe it can be done), at least if your ship either small or capital have Shield, more than pierced it should cause a Tractor effect that depends on Beam Size and power.....

Q: However, then why it's not a Machine-Gun ??

A: There are two Kind of weapons:

1- Ammunition (consumption)
2- Energy (consumption)

1- They have a quantity and are not infinity, physical bullets, not generated, but stored and launched (like FS2 Secondaries [Missiles]), normally stronger than an Energy kind, but it has an Higher Physical Weight than an Energy Shoot, lower quantity than Energy Shoots. Multi-Warhead Feature, thing that an Energy shoot can't really do...

2- Almost Inifinite (mostly Beam) / High Quantity Energy (another, fireballs mostly), like FS2 Primaries, however every shoot drains energy from the Engine, Custom Engines, have Custom PowerOut / Power Capacity and Power Re-Generation, no physical bullets, but Energy Bullets, can be as powerful as ammunition and even more, but require a really more advanced technology (as we see in real world), specially Laser Beam, Laser Cannon (launches a Ball a concentrated, which can make a massive explosion, depending on density), and Plasma shoot (the ball round one, I don't see this too used), Plasma Beam more powerful than Laser, but more Energy Comsuption than Laser, also most unestable, I am not sure if Plasma Beams is Affected by Gravity and pressure (it happens with Plasma TV, it's Plasma, but maybe different technology, so maybe not....). Without going to the exact term, Plasma is simply, Ionized Gas (principally conposed of Electrons, were the particles are partially charged) it occurs naturally on earth (good luck finding it), also the Sun and many Stars are composed of Plasma (get the Idea ?). If the Energy Output is not enough for the Energy consumption of all the Weapons, then the Ship can't shoot continously (this doesn't happen with Ammunition kind), considering the Gigas, it should need a whole day to re-charge all of it's SBF and URed, anyways, one shoot from every beams is enough to kill a full fleet.

So a Capital using Ammunition should also need to call a Support Ship, depending on the weapons, In Armored Core, the Engine produces both Power Output for Weapons and Afterburner, that means choosing and energy Weapon, would make you lost your Afterburner ability if you abuse too much, you can't do both things at the same time too long....

Seems that in some places Cannon, defines a Fireball (otherwise it says "xxxx Beam Cannon"), where Beam defines a.....well a Beam, that's it

I like also "Neutron Beam Cannon" (guess for what's it used...among other things), and my fauvorite, really strange and really powerful, "Anti-Matter Beam Cannon" (SuperNova Signature).....It seems to have the same power, not only the most advanced and complex, but also it's the kind of weapon with most Energy consumption, truly massive to be specific, only a ultra big ship would be able to carrie such a destructive weapon........

No one is probabily going to find those 2 energy types in US series, I'll suggest starting seeing some series or games from another countries, you know, the world is big..............(and so the universe seems to be....)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2006, 12:17:42 am by Shadow0000 »


Offline Qwer

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I mean driffence in-game (like damage, fire rate, or something like that).
If in your opinion there's no difference beetwen "Master Game" and "Game Master", I can only feel for you.


Offline Woomeister

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The only thing I'll say is about plasma weapons, the rest you'll have to wait for.
Most plasma weapons used by the GTVA are anti-cap weapons. Commonly used on the Oberon and Odin. The other type of Plasma weapons are the bomber PAC system. These are what is usually in a bombers second primary slot as our bombers don't really use the primary linking since the PAC is useless against fighters. Most bombers always carry a PAC gun and it can't be changed via loadout. These guns allow a bomber to continue damaging a capship when they have run dry of bombs. It eats a lot of energy and has a slow fire time, though it's great against subsystems while you wait for that support ship to dock. It's a slow moving weapon so it can't hit a fast target like a fighter. Those weapons are for bombers only and can't be mounted on any class of fighter.


Offline T-Man

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These guns allow a bomber to continue damaging a capship when they have run dry of bombs


But, does this mean the bomber can only have one anti-fighter slot?
Also goes by 'Murasaki-Tatsu' outside of Hard-Light

UEF fanboy. Rabid Imagination.


Offline Woomeister

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Yup. Escorts need to do their job now :D


Offline Qwer

  • 28
  • If it bleeds, I can mod it
Are plasma shots green balls?
If in your opinion there's no difference beetwen "Master Game" and "Game Master", I can only feel for you.


Offline Murderous Species

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I don't know if "green" is the appropiate color for something superheated, like plasma.
Look red, orange or white

And about the thruster effect (the trail) I've seen massive ones playing Homeworld.
"Expecting a good plot from a certain genre of games, is expecting intelligence from the caracters it presents"- Myself
"Pain is an illusion of the body; fear, an illusion of the mind"- Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War
"What is it, Alpha 1... CHICKEN?"
"Prepare ship for LUDICROUS SPEED"
"One fairy contains A LOT of vitamins and minerals; to the point we eat them on-sight; they also offer A LOT of resistance when you don't cook them!"


Offline Woomeister

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The capship and PAC cannons are completely different from each other, but I believe the PAC guns are green blobs if I remember right. The capship guns are being worked on right now.

For those wondering if any of the others get specific bomber weapons, the Vasudans use the Alkair beam system, the EA have the Ripper cannon, and the Shivans have the Baalor.


Offline Murderous Species

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Shivans have the what?
"Expecting a good plot from a certain genre of games, is expecting intelligence from the caracters it presents"- Myself
"Pain is an illusion of the body; fear, an illusion of the mind"- Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War
"What is it, Alpha 1... CHICKEN?"
"Prepare ship for LUDICROUS SPEED"
"One fairy contains A LOT of vitamins and minerals; to the point we eat them on-sight; they also offer A LOT of resistance when you don't cook them!"


Offline Woomeister

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No Baalor, not Balor :p :D


Offline Qwer

  • 28
  • If it bleeds, I can mod it
Will there be SOC fleet as separate download (like Ancients fleet)?
If in your opinion there's no difference beetwen "Master Game" and "Game Master", I can only feel for you.


Offline Woomeister

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No, but some of the SOC capships maybe ported over.